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ATTN: Dustwardprez

[Sep 15,2013 9:20pm - xgodzillax ""]
No one gives a shit about your sob story, shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
[Sep 15,2013 9:54pm - Dustwardprez ""]
LoL Fucking bum. If you dont pay rent fast im changing the locks
[Sep 16,2013 1:26am - xgodzillax ""]
changing the locks on what, your cardboard box?
[Sep 16,2013 1:35am - Dustwardprez ""]
This girl is amazing. Death metal hard core
[Sep 16,2013 10:23am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Sep 16,2013 2:21pm - Serious Upper Respiratory Infection  ""]
Stand back, Nick. I got this bitch.

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