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Codex Obscurum

[Sep 2,2013 12:13am - conservationist ""]
The staff behind this magazine have clearly put a lot of effort into acquiring interesting interviews, stories and relevant record reviews. What other zine do you know would contact Burzum mastermind and known church-burning neo-Nazi Varg Vikernes, and only ask him about his new role-playing game? Or would create a Slayer tribute that’s this personal?

[Sep 2,2013 12:19am - Burnsy ""]
Ya didn't at least give the front page a passing glance haha?
[Sep 2,2013 1:48am - It's Late  ""]

Burnsy said:Ya didn't at least give the front page a passing glance haha?

Shutup Fagget, it's late.
[Sep 2,2013 2:00am - Burnsy ""]
Nice fagget excuse, fagget.
[Sep 2,2013 3:53am - Burnsy ""]
That's like people that use the "haven't had my coffee" excuse when they act retarded in the morning. Wake up, shitdick, it's not that hard.
[Sep 2,2013 10:55am - conservationist ""]

Burnsy said:Ya didn't at least give the front page a passing glance haha?

I don't speak hipster. What is it you want me to address?
[Sep 2,2013 10:57am - SERENITY NOW  ""]
Burnsy = FAGGOTIsMySignature
[Sep 2,2013 2:50pm - Burnsy ""]
Rough translation: deafheaven and vattnet viskar rule.
[Sep 2,2013 2:57pm - Dan Hammer  ""]
Can Sonic Pulse get on the cover of this?
[Sep 2,2013 3:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Called them try-hards.
[Sep 2,2013 3:26pm - Burnsy ""]

SERENITY%20NOW said:Burnsy = FAGGOTIsMySignature

Serenity now = hodor
[Sep 2,2013 3:52pm - conservationist ""]

Burnsy said:Rough translation: deafheaven and vattnet viskar rule.

Thank you for clarifying. Having heard neither, I'll take your word for it until they hit the review queue.
[Sep 2,2013 4:47pm - MikexMike on vacation  ""]
I've had my disagreements with Conservationist and various alter egos over the years but the criticisms are fair here and overall Im glad to see that someone with a brain gets it. Decibel reviewed the zine and it was pretty obvious that they didn't even read it and were dumbfounded when Steve asked Varg something other than the same story we've heard for the last 15 years.
[Sep 2,2013 4:57pm - KEVORD ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Called them try-hards.
That's actually not what he was saying. He was saying the layout was too difficult to read because we tried too hard to make it look cool and we should use a simpler layout. Good reading comprehension.
[Sep 2,2013 5:18pm - nekronaut ""]
Relax Kevin, Dwyer's reading comprehension is slipping due to his advanced age.
[Sep 2,2013 5:31pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Is this where I can resell my free copies of Codex Obscurum?
[Sep 2,2013 5:57pm - Snowden NLI  ""]
Roleplaying games are pretty much the only thing worth asking Varg about. What do they expect, when he hits the 666th interviewer earnestly asking him about killing Euronymous and white power politics he's suddenly going to start giving straight answers? Come on now.
[Sep 2,2013 6:00pm - Snowden NLI  ""]
I mean, that article was probably the first Varg thing I've ever read that didn't sound like a PR exercise. Good job.
[Sep 2,2013 6:59pm - Ecce Homo  ""]
Codex Obscurum for low information people.
[Sep 3,2013 1:01am - Ancient Master nli  ""]
[Sep 3,2013 8:21am - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]

Ecce%20Homo said:Codex Obscurum by low information people, for low information people.
[Sep 3,2013 8:32am - Charlton Heston  ""]
Soylent Obscurum is low information peop......oops wrong thread.

[Sep 3,2013 12:57pm - RTTP CLEANUP CREW SR.  ""]
[Sep 3,2013 1:37pm - MS. RTTP CLEANUP CREW  ""]

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