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Current venues in NH/VT?

[Aug 29,2013 1:34pm - fernando ""]
Maybe I just don't know who to ask/where to look, but is anything happening in NH and Vermont? I mean, there is 1 show listed at the Dover Brick House but beyond that it seems like our friends to the north are in a dead zone. I heard that VT is now overrun with jam bands.
Anyone have info that they are willing to share?
[Aug 29,2013 1:49pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
This is what a show in NH or VT looks like.
[Aug 29,2013 2:03pm - fernando ""]
That's a good turnout.
[Aug 29,2013 2:04pm - BeholdJudas  ""]
Jake from Vaporizer books a lot of shit up in Burlington.
[Aug 29,2013 3:14pm - fernando ""]
Awesome, thanks for the tip.
[Aug 29,2013 3:27pm - HookedOnMetal ""]
Nectar's in Burlington, VT has pretty good shows.

I don't know about NH now that Railroad Tavern just changed hands.
[Aug 29,2013 3:39pm - Thunderhawk  ""]
Scrimmy at the Shaskeen has hooked us up with shows every weekend since we started. No really...we play there a lot.

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