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More Phil Anselmo

[Aug 22,2013 3:04am - Hoser ""]
Although he's likely fucked up on something, I kind of agree with the guy. I know that I won't earn any popularity points here by posting this....but I still love Pantera.

[Aug 22,2013 7:19am - phil anselmo's penis  ""]
hi, i'm phil anselmo's penis and i approve the following message. keep on rockin' in the free world.

[Aug 22,2013 8:17am - AndrewFagtard  ""]
dude sound like such an idiot in this interview (among many others)...

whats on his forehead?
[Aug 22,2013 8:47am - Yeti ""]
as far as I know he is completely clean and has been since Katrina. haters can hate but he is still the most badass dude in history.
[Aug 22,2013 9:42am - The rotting corpse of Peter Steele  ""]

Yeti said:he is still the most badass dude in history.

[Aug 22,2013 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
he always sounds like a fucking idiot.
[Aug 22,2013 10:06am - ancient master nli  ""]
if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck....
[Aug 22,2013 11:05am - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
Uneducated By Schools
[Aug 23,2013 2:47am - Hoser ""]
He always sounds like an idiot to me too, but he's an honest idiot. When he's not stoned off of his ass, he tells it like it is. I admire that, as it goes a long way these days.

The forehead....yeah, looks like he head butted a wall. Or, likely fell down drunk.
[Aug 23,2013 2:59am - Hoser ""]
I love the random burp in the middle of the interview, after which he throws his head back. Dude sounds a little fucked up to me....either that or he continues to be overly dramatic.
[Aug 23,2013 8:25am - the_reverend ""]
he's probably not stoned, just perma-baked. I always thought of him as a caricature anyhow.
[Aug 23,2013 9:16am - Yeti ""]
he got that mark on his head from beating himself with the microphone during a Philip H. Anselmo and The Illegals performance.
[Aug 23,2013 9:17am - Yeti ""]
I saw a review of the show.
[Aug 23,2013 8:13pm - MikeOv  ""]
No hate for the guy here. Best thing to ever come out of his mouth is when he encouraged a Pantera audience to smoke heroin. Sounds like an intelligent man to me.
[Aug 24,2013 2:38am - Hoser ""]

MikeOv said:No hate for the guy here. Best thing to ever come out of his mouth is when he encouraged a Pantera audience to smoke heroin. Sounds like an intelligent man to me.

Hahahahaha....I'm starting to agree with Rev on this. He's most likely perma-stoned. What ever happened to the guitar player from Anal Cunt, methinks that guy was perma-stoned too.

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