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"old school zine" my ass

[Aug 21,2013 2:07pm - "old school zine" my ass  ""]
People have been talking about that "old school zine" codex obscurum but they make a fucking twitter account? Ha ha ha what a bunch of faggot tryhards. They also have a facebook page and you have to order online? Ha ha ha "old school" ha ha ha. They don't even remember the days before the but rely on it for their old school credentials. fuck this zine
[Aug 21,2013 2:16pm - Shutup fagget  ""]
[Aug 21,2013 2:17pm - AndrewFagtard  ""]
you dont have to order online? I've had 20+ snail mail orders...the majority of people prefer to order/pay online...

but everything else you said is true. Issue #3 is going to have nothing but pictures of dicks and Korn interviews.
[Aug 21,2013 2:29pm - Samefag detector  ""]
Samefag detection.
[Aug 21,2013 2:35pm - Codex Obscurum rules  ""]
Shut up you anonymous pussy
[Aug 21,2013 3:50pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
Step 1 - Make a zine. Do something useful. Contribute.
Step 2 - Get shit on by anonyfags.
Step 3 - ?
Step 4 - Profit
[Aug 21,2013 3:55pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

AndrewFagtard said: Issue #3 is going to have nothing but pictures of dicks and Korn interviews.

Are you taking pre-orders for that? Will it be available in portable PDF format?
[Aug 21,2013 4:06pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Pre orders for #3? No...buy it when it comes out...you have the first 2?
[Aug 21,2013 4:10pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
No Korn, no kare!
[Aug 21,2013 4:11pm - skeptarkal  ""]
Will there be an interview with Facetiousism in it?
[Aug 21,2013 4:14pm - aril's vacuum cleaner lint  ""]
Interview ZirKorn for teh LuLz
[Aug 21,2013 4:21pm - The V Necks  ""]
Will there be a Vattnet Viskar interview?
[Aug 21,2013 4:32pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
I guess there's a big writeup on issues 1 and 2 in the new issue of decibel...we s0ld out
[Aug 21,2013 5:55pm - Yo Dawg  ""]
I heard you like zines, so we put yo zine in our zine
[Aug 21,2013 7:29pm - KEVORD ""]
Troll Rttp and make fun of everyone's band and we're assholes. Get together and create something instead of posting on Rttp and we are assholes. I love you guys.
[Aug 21,2013 7:54pm - The V Necks  ""]

KEVORD said:Troll Rttp and make fun of everyone's band and we're assholes. Get together and create something instead of posting on Rttp and we are assholes. I love you guys.

In this new issue the VV talks about life without V Necks.
[Aug 22,2013 11:13am - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
If you like the twitter account, you'll love the new Codex Obscurum app! It just shows pics of dicks and abortions during WWE's commercial breaks.
[Aug 22,2013 11:13am - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
Also OP is just uncomfortable with strong fat dudes.
[Aug 22,2013 11:20am - Sir Kodak Von Obscurum  ""]
Penis De Milo pop out in issue #4
[Aug 23,2013 2:31pm - Boxxy ""]

AndrewFagtard said:you dont have to order online? I've had 20+ snail mail orders...the majority of people prefer to order/pay online...

but everything else you said is true. Issue #3 is going to have nothing but pictures of dicks and Korn interviews.

[Aug 23,2013 10:08pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 23,2013 10:08pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 23,2013 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 24,2013 1:15am - KEVORD ""]
What is your point Rev?
[Aug 24,2013 8:21pm - KEVORD ""]
No really Aaron. What is your point?
[Aug 24,2013 9:22pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 24,2013 9:38pm - KEVORD ""]
Make sure to pick up the new issue of Decibel with the Carcass cover to see our Costume Zine in there.
[Aug 24,2013 10:14pm - The Black Tome  ""]
It's ok Dwyer, you can sell our faggot zine above face value in Delaware. Delaware loves Venowl
[Aug 24,2013 11:17pm - the_reverend ""]
Oh, I was just posting back patches. Thought it was elite or whatever.
[Aug 24,2013 11:47pm - KEVORD ""]
Decibel and I are suing this entire website.
[Aug 25,2013 1:58am - Manly Faggot  ""]

KEVORD said:What is your point Rev?

The point is you look fucking silly, stop it you bozo bastard!!!
[Aug 25,2013 3:48am - rttp fashion critic  ""]
Battle vests are a necessity for any balding, beer-bellied metalhead pushing 40 and married with kids.
[Aug 25,2013 9:03am - KEVORD ""]
Damn, I don't fit most of that criteria.
[Aug 25,2013 9:32am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]

rttp%20fashion%20critic said:Battle vests are a necessity for any noob, poser retro thrasher trying to look like a lifer
[Aug 25,2013 8:39pm - The Black Tome  ""]
ITEM! Katey Ray finds good iPod, finally has inspiration to finish drawing the art for The Black Tome #1
[Aug 25,2013 10:03pm - death-metal ""]
This zine is fucking great. However, suggestions will be forthcoming. We can all always improve. When that ceases to be true, we're ready for death.

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