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How is crapzehrer representative of "Boston" metal. Also what scene?

[Aug 14,2013 12:51pm - woeisrttp  ""]
There are about 10 people (that's being generous) who exist in the sub-sub-sub-metal scene that makes up the fashion metal dickbag clique in Boston. I'm pretty sure that aside from some suburban nerds who've never met the band no one gives a shit about Nachzehrer. Who would anyone give a shit about a band that's imploding faster than Scott Weiland with a pound of heroin. They left their guitarist in Providence and their old man bass player (the one with the least inflated ego and the last modicum of sanity) is on his way out. I'm surprised no one is taking bets about how many days their tour is going to last before Alex has a heart attack or Mike's narcissistic ego gets his ass kicked and they have to come home early. Who's going to drive a few hundred miles to rescue Paul this time?

And what Boston metal scene? I see a bunch of useless cliques stopping people from supporting awesome bands because they belong to some other useless clique. Fucking self centered bastards.
[Aug 14,2013 1:03pm - shutup_fagget ""]
shutup fagget
[Aug 14,2013 1:07pm - KEVORD ""]
Damn useless cliques holding back these young hungry bands from hitting the big time.
[Aug 14,2013 1:07pm - shutup fagget  ""]

shutup_fagget said:shutup fagget

shutup fagget
[Aug 14,2013 1:07pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You care.
[Aug 14,2013 1:12pm - RichHorror ""]

[Aug 14,2013 1:13pm - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
Sure smells mad in here. I'd say OP is fagget, but OP is on tour. Curious.
[Aug 14,2013 1:16pm - KEVORD ""]
OP probably doesn't even live in Boston.
[Aug 14,2013 1:17pm - RichHorror ""]
OP signed a contract with WCW anyway.
[Aug 14,2013 1:18pm - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
OP got booted off a show at Jizzkastle Basement and nobody mentioned them to Robin Williams.
[Aug 14,2013 1:20pm - KEVORD ""]
Op has a neckbeard.
[Aug 14,2013 1:28pm - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
OP is, I'm sure, dying to tell us all about these awesome bands that we're being held back from supporting. I'm all ears.
[Aug 14,2013 1:54pm - Spencer Moony  ""]
OP is in Nachzehrer
[Aug 14,2013 1:57pm - Terry Silver  ""]
[laughing] Yeah. OP is perfect.[relaxes into bubble bath]
[Aug 14,2013 2:17pm - DUNKELHEIT  ""]

woeisrttp said:There are about 10 people (that's being generous) who exist in the sub-sub-sub-metal scene that makes up the fashion metal dickbag clique in Boston. I'm pretty sure that aside from some suburban nerds who've never met the band no one gives a shit about Nachzehrer. Who would anyone give a shit about a band that's imploding faster than Scott Weiland with a pound of heroin. They left their guitarist in Providence and their old man bass player (the one with the least inflated ego and the last modicum of sanity) is on his way out. I'm surprised no one is taking bets about how many days their tour is going to last before Alex has a heart attack or Mike's narcissistic ego gets his ass kicked and they have to come home early. Who's going to drive a few hundred miles to rescue Paul this time?

And what Boston metal scene? I see a bunch of useless cliques stopping people from supporting awesome bands because they belong to some other useless clique. Fucking self centered bastards.

Old man bass player.......that's a good one!!:satancross:
[Aug 14,2013 3:13pm - Yes Yes Yes  ""]

woeisrttp said:There are about 10 people (that's being generous) who exist in the sub-sub-sub-metal scene that makes up the fashion metal dickbag clique in Boston. I'm pretty sure that aside from some suburban nerds who've never met the band no one gives a shit about Nachzehrer. Who would anyone give a shit about a band that's imploding faster than Scott Weiland with a pound of heroin. They left their guitarist in Providence and their old man bass player (the one with the least inflated ego and the last modicum of sanity) is on his way out. I'm surprised no one is taking bets about how many days their tour is going to last before Alex has a heart attack or Mike's narcissistic ego gets his ass kicked and they have to come home early. Who's going to drive a few hundred miles to rescue Paul this time?

And what Boston metal scene? I see a bunch of useless cliques stopping people from supporting awesome bands because they belong to some other useless clique. Fucking self centered bastards.

[Aug 14,2013 3:22pm - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
Hey, OP is back
[Aug 14,2013 3:32pm - Slim Shady  ""]
Guess who's back? Back again.
[Aug 14,2013 3:50pm - Yes Yes Yes  ""]

DYAi6%20is%20an%20acronym%20for%20DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE said:Hey, OP is back

Hell-0 just got back for some more hatin on the bauston scene.
[Aug 14,2013 4:13pm - Terry Silver  ""]
Those two jerk offs are taking up all my time. But you just relax. For the boy he will compete. I'm telling you too, that he is going to be begging me to be his teacher. And what he's going to learn from me is pain in every part of his body. And fear in every part of his mind. But here's the kicker he's going to thank me for it later. Then I'm going to think he's invincible. But then when he steps out into the ring of the tournament, he's really going to find out what pain's all about.
[Aug 14,2013 4:31pm - Pastor_James_David_Manning ""]

woeisrttp said:There are about 10 people (that's being generous) who exist in the sub-sub-sub-metal scene that makes up the fashion metal dickbag clique in Boston. I'm pretty sure that aside from some suburban nerds who've never met the band no one gives a shit about Nachzehrer. Who would anyone give a shit about a band that's imploding faster than Scott Weiland with a pound of heroin. They left their guitarist in Providence and their old man bass player (the one with the least inflated ego and the last modicum of sanity) is on his way out. I'm surprised no one is taking bets about how many days their tour is going to last before Alex has a heart attack or Mike's narcissistic ego gets his ass kicked and they have to come home early. Who's going to drive a few hundred miles to rescue Paul this time?

And what Boston metal scene? I see a bunch of useless cliques stopping people from supporting awesome bands because they belong to some other useless clique. Fucking self centered bastards.

Pastor James David Manning didn't read the above text.
[Aug 14,2013 10:54pm - Snowden NLI  ""]

woeisrttp said:their old man bass player (the one with the least inflated ego and the last modicum of sanity) is on his way out.

Pfft, sucking up to Mark will get you nowhere.
[Aug 15,2013 9:18am - woeisrttp  ""]
Hahaha it ended before it even started. Good job boys.
[Aug 15,2013 9:32am - Czarnobog ""]
[Aug 15,2013 9:40am - nekronaut ""]

woeisrttp said:Hahaha it ended before it even started. Good job boys.

Was waiting for that.

[Aug 15,2013 10:09am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Its gott be someone in the group! That's obvious now
[Aug 15,2013 10:13am - Spencer Moony  ""]
No shit shorty
[Aug 15,2013 10:18am - Lex Razor  ""]
Can I have my old job back guys? Pleeeeaaaase?
[Aug 15,2013 10:33am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
I'm not your shorty
[Aug 15,2013 10:51am - the_reverend ""]

Lex%20Razor said:Can I have my old job back guys? Pleeeeaaaase?
[Aug 15,2013 2:10pm - Nottourer  ""]
[Aug 16,2013 4:54am - W3nli  ""]
Poor OP
[Aug 16,2013 7:36am - Kim Kelley  ""]
[Aug 16,2013 8:25am - AndrewFagtard  ""]
you spelled your name wrong, KK
[Aug 16,2013 8:27am - Chriskar nli  ""]
Thanks, Kim! Let's play footsie on the twitter some more later. Keep on writing about us like it's legitimate journalism and not paid PR shilling! If you ever get an ounce of integrity we're fucked.
[Aug 16,2013 10:34am - The V Necks  ""]
I hear you fags are talking trash about the V Necks, nobody talks trash about us. This is our territory now and we are ready to rumble with you bitches.
[Aug 19,2013 3:56pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I'm sure it depends on the type of shows you're going to.. the shows I've attended these past couple years have been awesome. Sure there's not always a sell-out crowd, but dosh-darnit, Boston-area metal sure is swell!

-Jimbo <3
[Aug 19,2013 4:39pm - JIBBERJABBERJAW ""]

ouchdrummer said:I'm sure it depends on the type of shows you're going to.. the shows I've attended these past couple years have been awesome. Sure there's not always a sell-out crowd, but dosh-darnit, Boston-area metal sure is swell!

-Jimbo <3

True. Also, the Providence scene is right up there with it, brotha!
Finally someone posting in a positive manner & not shitting on each other. DONT
ALIENATE OTHERS because of minor tweaks in shared similar subgenres. share some
herb, booze & smile a tiny bit, you aint dead yet...
[Aug 20,2013 9:35am - xmikex ""]
Oh... is THIS where I sign up to get my ass kicked by hipster nu-metal enforcers Tiger Flowers???
[Aug 20,2013 9:41am - the_reverend ""]
tom sly abides.
[Aug 20,2013 9:44am - largefreakatzero ""]

xmikex said:Oh... is THIS where I sign up to get my ass kicked by hipster nu-metal enforcers Tiger Flowers???

I dunno man, these guys look pretty terrifying.

[Aug 20,2013 10:06pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
what is the tiger flowers joke?
[Aug 20,2013 10:15pm - superfagalicious expeealadocious  ""]
OP isn't part of the cool kids club.
[Aug 21,2013 5:35pm - Cock Dealer  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:what is the tiger flowers joke?

Whose got a copy of the Mario Lopez/ system of a down porn? I want I want I want
[Aug 25,2013 4:20pm - dsoo  ""]
band is ok. not good. not bad. mediocre at best. why are we even talking about this? who cares about scenes anyway? man i fucking hate all of you metal heads.

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