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New Shadar Logoth track

[Aug 1,2013 8:39pm - LongDeadGod ""]

take a listen.

be a fagget.
[Aug 3,2013 12:57pm - RTTP CLEANUP CREW JR  ""]
Up up
[Aug 14,2013 8:42pm - LongDeadGod ""]
As part of an unending quest of annoying self promotion, I shall bump this post.

Thank you for your time.
[Aug 15,2013 7:02am - arilliusbm ""]
I listened to it when you first posted. Good stuff!
[Aug 15,2013 10:10am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Shadar Logoth / Horn of Valere / Shayol Ghul 3 way split out soon on NGR
[Aug 15,2013 10:52am - the_reverend ""]


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