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this Sunday 7/21: CHEECH w/ Before I had Wings, Rat Trap & More In Hull, MA

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jul 19,2013 10:02am - CHEECH  ""]
This Sunday night
July 21st

Before I Had Wings
Rat Trap
Scars of Deceit
Forever a Vendetta

The C Note
159 Nantasket Ave.
Hull, MA
Doors @6
Show @7
[Jul 19,2013 10:27am - Dustwardprez ""]
Can't make it but this sounds like a fun show to dance at.
[Jul 23,2013 6:53am - corpus_  ""]
Hilarious, hilarious venue for this. Good luck doing shows in Hull. Lol.
[Jul 23,2013 9:29am - Fake Murphys Law  ""]
Uggggggggh Cheech sucks sooo baddddd
[Jul 23,2013 4:42pm - W3nli  ""]

corpus_ said:Hilarious, hilarious venue for this. Good luck doing shows in Hull. Lol.

Actually we've played there twice and both times it's brought in more than an OBs show, but over 60 people I guess is laughable
[Jul 24,2013 2:56am - corpus_  ""]
The amount of cops here this time of year is retahded...MDC, Muni, Staties. "The Note," any other weekend is full of 50+ year olds falling down on the dance floor listening to SRV rip offs and other fagonometry. It's where you go just before they roll you out to the bird feeder.

At least at OB's you can smoke out back, pub trans, etc., and they "do" metal shows.

I think there is fertile ground here but not at the Note.
[Jul 24,2013 4:41am - W3nli  ""]
Weird, cause that's what happened both times we played there.

18plus show and a promoter who gets people to come out. They must be fucking up.
[Jul 24,2013 4:49pm - corpus_  ""]
[Jul 24,2013 5:31pm - RichHorror ""]
I don't care what anyone says, this isn't a retarded argument.
[Jul 24,2013 5:45pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]

Fake%20Murphys%20Law said:Uggggggggh Cheech sucks sooo baddddd

Start a band named CHONG about it. Commence retarded argument.
[Jul 24,2013 8:13pm - HIVmaster  ""]
judging purely by the name, i bet Forever a Vendetta are fags and Before I Had Wings have tight pants and crappy beards

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