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Falling Skies season 3

[Jun 30,2013 12:07am - the_reverend ""]

very good so far. and saul tigh just made an appearance.
[Jun 30,2013 2:59am - Spence ""]
Don't know a thing about this show. What is it about?
[Jun 30,2013 3:03am - The_reverend ""]
Alien come to earth and we fight back similar to revolutionary war stuff. They harness our children to make slaves we start working with an enemy race of theirs... And all the while they are mutating our dna. You know, the usual
[Jun 30,2013 3:18am - Spence ""]
Sounds terrible, not going to lie.
[Jun 30,2013 8:29am - The_reverend ""]
Yet if a prog band wrote a song like that, you would be all about it. For tv, it is great.
[Jun 30,2013 11:30am - Spence ""]
Yeah because I don't give a flying fuck about lyrical content. hahaha
[Jun 30,2013 2:28pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Gonna catch up on this season when it's over. Decent show to have on in the background while doing other stuff, which explains why I couldn't tell you one character's name.
[Jun 30,2013 3:44pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
This^^ ... I don't love the show but its a good one to watch in bed on a school night while trying to fall asleep...

Started Under the Dome too
[Jun 30,2013 10:55pm - the_reverend ""]
lot's of twists...
[Jul 1,2013 7:07pm - thirdknuckle ""]
I wanted to like this show and have tried to but it's not well-written and the fx kinda suck. seasons one & two were decent but i'm not liking this president/Cochise/mole/baby stuff AT ALL
[Jul 1,2013 8:00pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought Cochise fx were great. he looks pretty good.
I watch it for Ben and that girl he is with.

Too much was skipped from the end of season 2 to now.

Also, the Hal thing annoys me like the Jessica/Niki thing from Heroes.
[Jul 2,2013 9:09am - thirdknuckle ""]
ya they mention the missing '7 months' so many times each episode it's annoying
[Jul 2,2013 10:08am - the_reverend ""]
yes... I hate when shows do that. Like the last office skipping 1 year.
[Jul 8,2013 2:05pm - the_reverend ""]
last night was decent enough. I hope that next week's is better.
[Jul 21,2013 10:59pm - the_reverend ""]
today's episode was on to the least happening episodes every and I loved it.
[Jul 21,2013 11:07pm - the_reverend ""]
watching it a second time.
[Jul 21,2013 11:19pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I'll watch this after catching up on My Cat From Hell, which just ended season 4.
[Jul 22,2013 9:56am - the_reverend ""]
the end of this episode is relevant to your interests.
[Jul 22,2013 4:23pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
i shall download post haste. I dig this show
[Dec 5,2013 11:05am - Alx_Casket ""]
This show is turning into the True Blood of alien takeover shows. I'll keep watching but I'm always doing something else while it's on.

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