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New Murrum Track

[Jun 19,2013 4:58pm - Murrum ""]
New Murrum song for you guys to hate on. Please go ahead and tell us all how small your dick is by complaining how this isn't "tr00" or "kvlt" enough for you.


[Jun 19,2013 5:16pm - Yeti ""]
just by the stupid way this was presented, I'm going to say it's not tr00 or kvlt enough and that my dick is miniscule.
[Jun 19,2013 5:21pm - Yeti ""]
I would also like to express my annoyance with "TNEBM". NEBM is clearly the best choice, adding the "T" makes it retarded. ELEMENTARY PEOPLE!
[Jun 19,2013 5:24pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I do like Tanktop McNeckbeard flexing away in the photo.
[Jun 19,2013 5:38pm - Ålex "Abyss" Tellïer, Aerospace Enthusiast  ""]

largefreakatzero said:I do like Tanktop McNeckbeard flexing away in the photo.

The proper term is "neard". Thanks.

* Ålex "Abyss" Tellïer, Aerospace Enthusiast endorses Soultone Cymbals and Silverfox Percussion sticks exclusively.
[Jun 19,2013 5:44pm - Ålex "Abyss" Tellïer, Aerospace Enthusiast  ""]
And FUCK ANYONE who says my band isn't "kvlt" enough. Say it to our faces at a show if you dare! We are TRVE NEW ENGLAND BLACK METAL KVLT!!!

* Ålex "Abyss" Tellïer, Aerospace Enthusiast endorses Soultone Cymbals and Silverfox Percussion sticks exclusively.
[Jun 19,2013 9:52pm - THE HORSE MICHAEL VOLPI RIDES  ""]
mega LOLZ @ "soultone cymbals".
[Jun 19,2013 11:11pm - Mexican Michael Volpi is Mexican  ""]
White people have no souls.
[Jun 19,2013 11:15pm - FAIRWHEN  ""]
[Jun 20,2013 4:47am - Hoser ""]
This music is for neckbeards...no like.

Crappy production....check
female keyboard player....check
black wife beater....check
metal horns....check
[Jun 20,2013 6:51am - longdeadgod_nli  ""]
No talent shit...check
[Jun 20,2013 8:26am - Ancient Master nli  ""]
I accidentally subscribed to this mouth breathers youtube, now my phone wont let me unsubscribe
[Jun 20,2013 8:47am - census checklist  ""]

Hoser said:This music is for neckbeards...no like.

Crappy production....check
female keyboard player....check
black wife beater....check
metal horns....check

approved and...checked
[Jun 20,2013 9:10am - Yeti ""]
Alex Abbiss is in Murrum.

[Jun 20,2013 3:16pm - Murrum ""]

Yeti said:I would also like to express my annoyance with "TNEBM". NEBM is clearly the best choice, adding the "T" makes it retarded. ELEMENTARY PEOPLE!

The only retard here is you for picking apart something stupid and irrelevant and totally ignoring our music. People like you make it necessary to point out TRUE NEBM when it exists.
[Jun 20,2013 3:19pm - Murrum ""]

Hoser said:This music is for neckbeards...no like.

Crappy production....check
female keyboard player....check
black wife beater....check
metal horns....check

Thanks for your useless opinion. Crappy production? Yeah because Aske was recorded and mastered at fucking God City. It's black metal the production shouldn't matter. You dickheads are just jealous of real talent and passion for TNEBM. If we suck so bad then getting attention from Interscope right now? Thought so.
[Jun 20,2013 3:32pm - WarVomitGoliath  ""]

Murrum said:
Hoser said:This music is for neckbeards...no like.

Crappy production....check
female keyboard player....check
black wife beater....check
metal horns....check

Thanks for your useless opinion. Crappy production? Yeah because Aske was recorded and mastered at fucking God City. It's black metal the production shouldn't matter. You dickheads are just jealous of real talent and passion for TNEBM. If we suck so bad then getting attention from Interscope right now? Thought so.

Bullshit, there is no interest in your troll band other than making fun of it on this board.

shit band
shit sound
shit recording
shit vocals
shit music

Taco New England Bell Metal = TNEBM

Murrum has more passion eating taco bell.

Murrum, more like a Murstake
[Jun 20,2013 4:21pm - Yeti ""]

Murrum said:
Hoser said:This music is for neckbeards...no like.

Crappy production....check
female keyboard player....check
black wife beater....check
metal horns....check

Thanks for your useless opinion. Crappy production? Yeah because Aske was recorded and mastered at fucking God City. It's black metal the production shouldn't matter. You dickheads are just jealous of real talent and passion for TNEBM. If we suck so bad then getting attention from Interscope right now? Thought so.

see the big difference is that you do not make music that even remotely resembles Aske. what Varg did was unique to Burzum. and I did take the time to listen to your music actually, I didn't think it was bad at all. but you come off as a pompous ass spouting the same tired bullshit about "black metal" so you are deserving of ridicule. you should be less concerned with meeting criteria and more concerned with the most important aspect that most current wanna-be "black metal" groups seem to overlook:

[Jun 20,2013 4:23pm - Yeti ""]
New England has all of the right ingredients to fuel savage "black" metal. but groups like The Legion are a social club more concerned with having the appropriate attire than the quality of the music. the idea of a "black metal social club" pretty much pisses in the face of everything "black metal" ever stood for.
[Jun 20,2013 4:27pm - Mystic Aquarium Black Metal  ""]

WarVomitGoliath said:Murrum, more like a Murstake


[Jun 20,2013 4:28pm - Mystic Aquarium Black Metal  ""]
[Jun 20,2013 4:29pm - WHY!?  ""]
Yeti, why are you arguing with an account that was created to troll Murrum? Are you samefagging that hard?
[Jun 20,2013 4:33pm - Mark_R ""]
It is a pretty good troll. Someone is trying to take trolling to a more sophisticated level.
[Jun 20,2013 4:34pm - DYA is ROOM SIZE AT 10, DECAY AT 0  ""]
Murrum created their own Youtube channel to troll themselves? that's some next-level shit, respect.
[Jun 20,2013 4:35pm - Murrum ""]

Yeti said:
see the big difference is that you do not make music that even remotely resembles Aske.

I know dipshit. It's BETTER than Burzum. You're welcome for the future of TNEBM. I'll bet you're not even in a band and haven't contributed anything to the scene. You've got no right to come on here and trash a true warrior horde.
[Jun 20,2013 4:36pm - Tr00f  ""]
This is the gayest shit I've ever heard/read, and I once went to a spoken word reading of Peter Steele's Playgirl article.
[Jun 20,2013 4:39pm - WHY!?  ""]
No, that's probably really their channel, but I don't think a band would call a song from 2011 a "new" track.
[Jun 20,2013 4:42pm - Murrum ""]

WHY!? said:No, that's probably really their channel, but I don't think a band would call a song from 2011 a "new" track.

Nothing but marketing experts here on RTTP. You guys make me laugh. I've successfully managed the Murrum street team for 2 years now. What's your resume look like? I don't need any help from you thanks.
[Jun 20,2013 4:43pm - Yeti ""]

WHY!? said:Yeti, why are you arguing with an account that was created to troll Murrum? Are you samefagging that hard?

the troll possibility crossed my mind, however I figured I'd trash his/her/its bullshit regardless.
[Jun 20,2013 4:45pm - Yeti ""]
real or not, my rant towards "black metal" stays the same.
[Jun 20,2013 4:45pm - Murrum ""]

Yeti said:
WHY!? said:Yeti, why are you arguing with an account that was created to troll Murrum? Are you samefagging that hard?

the troll possibility crossed my mind, however I figured I'd trash his/her/its bullshit regardless.

Yeah you really trashed me. You admitted the song is awesome. If you can't handle the way the band carries itself then that's your problem.
[Jun 20,2013 4:48pm - Yeti ""]

Murrum said:
Yeti said:
see the big difference is that you do not make music that even remotely resembles Aske.

I know dipshit. It's BETTER than Burzum. You're welcome for the future of TNEBM. I'll bet you're not even in a band and haven't contributed anything to the scene. You've got no right to come on here and trash a true warrior horde.

definitely a troll.
[Jun 20,2013 4:49pm - Murrum ""]
ITT: Yeti finally has to use his brain and not Simpsons quotes to carry an intellectual discussion and taps out. Score one for the bad guys.
[Jun 20,2013 4:51pm - Yeti ""]
intellectual discussion? taps out? where were any of these things? the fact that you referred to "scene" and me not being in a band screams of nothing but TROLL.
[Jun 20,2013 4:54pm - DYA is ROOM SIZE AT 10, DECAY AT 0  ""]

[Jun 20,2013 4:56pm - Murrum ""]

Yeti said:intellectual discussion? taps out? where were any of these things? the fact that you referred to "scene" and me not being in a band screams of nothing but TROLL.

Are you in a band or not? Believe it or not the whole world doesn't revolve around you. There's a chance that I was too busy writing good music to read your autobiography.
[Jun 20,2013 4:58pm - Yeti ""]
you failed at maintaining your troll anonymity in a previous post.
[Jun 20,2013 5:03pm - NewHamshuhBrutality ""]
I was able to deduce that this was a troll account almost instantly. The Murrum guys are not that stupid... okay, maybe Alex is, but I avoid him anyways.
[Jun 20,2013 5:04pm - Yeti ""]
I guess I'm just retarded.
[Jun 20,2013 5:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
After seeing the pictures of the old Murrum lineup and all the Legion crap that has been going on, I'll never be able to take this band seriously even if their new music is "amazing" as some people have said. Also, I doubt if any of them are actual Satanists.
[Jun 20,2013 5:11pm - NewHamshuhBrutality ""]
I mean, the Legion has helped us out in NH a fair bit, and for that I am grateful, but their attitude is still fucking ridiculous.
[Jun 20,2013 5:16pm - King Thūndérstøòl  ""]


[Jun 20,2013 5:35pm - Dave Emerson  ""]
Just as an interjection......one, that is definitely a troll account, and two, Murrum is no longer associated with The Legion in any way. It was a decent idea when it started, and we put on a decent fest and some good shows, but there has been so much ridiculousness and drama that it's no longer an advantageous association, to the point where it was affecting show attendance and shit.

We supported The Legion because we wanted to make it easier for black metal bands in New England, many of whom are amazing and deserve a much wider audience than they currently enjoy, to find shows and places to play in CT, RI, and NH. Somewhere along the road over the past 10 months or so, that simple goal has been obscured by ever thickening layers of bullshit and pretense. We're done with it.
[Jun 20,2013 6:22pm - LEGION BUSTERS ELITE  ""]
[Jun 20,2013 7:21pm - shut the fuck up  ""]
im so sick of reading this stupid shit about murrum and the legion and all these jealous kids that hate on good music for no reason. people stopped coming to return to the pit because of all the jealous idiots who are pussies and hide behind trolls to deliver some kind of message. there is no reason for you idiots to perpetuate this behavior when bands like murrum and other black metal bands have a solid sound and fanbase that you can't have. i don't understand why you fucking idiots keep trying to push buttons. seeking attention much? whats wrong, nobody goes to your shows that your band plays? nothing will stop good bands from making good music and no matter how hard you try you are going to fail. everyone in murrum know their shit. stop trying to make it sound like they are a bunch of kids who know nothing and cant play music. this track is old and has nothing to do with the band today. stop trying to belittle good bands. karma will get you, you fucking idiots.
[Jun 20,2013 7:30pm - Drawfag 2 Drawfag  ""]
Hey Katey, please draw us a grim picture that expresses your feelings about all this negative behavior.
[Jun 20,2013 7:31pm - LEGION BUSTERS ELITE  ""]
[Jun 20,2013 7:41pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

shut%20the%20fuck%20up said:im so sick of reading this stupid shit about murrum and the legion and all these jealous kids that hate on good music for no reason. people stopped coming to return to the pit because of all the jealous idiots who are pussies and hide behind trolls to deliver some kind of message. there is no reason for you idiots to perpetuate this behavior when bands like murrum and other black metal bands have a solid sound and fanbase that you can't have. i don't understand why you fucking idiots keep trying to push buttons. seeking attention much? whats wrong, nobody goes to your shows that your band plays? nothing will stop good bands from making good music and no matter how hard you try you are going to fail. everyone in murrum know their shit. stop trying to make it sound like they are a bunch of kids who know nothing and cant play music. this track is old and has nothing to do with the band today. stop trying to belittle good bands. karma will get you, you fucking idiots.

ITT: Deathcore fagget from two years ago discovers norsecore and gets super serial.
[Jun 20,2013 8:16pm - DYA is ANALRAPISTING THIS THREAD  ""]

shut%20the%20fuck%20up said:im so sick of reading this stupid shit about murrum and the legion and all these jealous kids that hate on good music for no reason. people stopped coming to return to the pit because of all the jealous idiots who are pussies and hide behind trolls to deliver some kind of message. there is no reason for you idiots to perpetuate this behavior when bands like murrum and other black metal bands have a solid sound and fanbase that you can't have. i don't understand why you fucking idiots keep trying to push buttons. seeking attention much? whats wrong, nobody goes to your shows that your band plays? nothing will stop good bands from making good music and no matter how hard you try you are going to fail. everyone in murrum know their shit. stop trying to make it sound like they are a bunch of kids who know nothing and cant play music. this track is old and has nothing to do with the band today. stop trying to belittle good bands. karma will get you, you fucking idiots.

[Jun 20,2013 8:46pm - Dave_Emerson ""]
This thread is ridiculous, first of all the video is from two years ago, before Murrum became the band it is today and long before some of the members joined The Legion (which we've quit). There's no need for the goofing on us on this site, all we want to do is play black metal and part of being black metal is not giving a fuck about what sheep like you think about our band. We've cultivated a serious satanic image since I joined the band, in fact we've disowned most of the material from before I joined and took the creative helm. This is pure black art now, the Murrum of old is dead and the one in its place is stronger than ever.
[Jun 20,2013 9:01pm - Dave Emerson  ""]
Seriously……a troll account with my name on it now? This is ridiculous.
[Jun 20,2013 9:07pm - Battle Diaper  ""]
Two out of two Daves agree: This thread is ridiculous.
[Jun 20,2013 9:09pm - Dave_Emerson ""]

Dave%20Emerson said:Seriously……a troll account with my name on it now? This is ridiculous.

Nice try, this is the official Dave Emerson account. I will not be trolled off here.
[Jun 20,2013 9:10pm - Dave Emerson  ""]
I will say that the "Murrum" and "Dave Emerson" trolls are definitely a more creative, more subtle troll than I usually see on RTTP. In part, his post is correct…..Murrum has had almost a complete lineup change since 2011….the material we're playing now *doesn't* have anything to do with the old material. The "new" Murrum IS better than ever. I am definitely not the creative force behind the band, however, and I'm not going to come online and inflame the already anti-Murrum sentiment by spouting off how "I don't give a shit what you think".

In other words, well played, troll. But still a troll.
[Jun 20,2013 9:37pm - AtTh3Haunted  ""]

Dave%20Emerson said:I will say that the "Murrum" and "Dave Emerson" trolls are definitely a more creative, more subtle troll than I usually see on RTTP. In part, his post is correct…..Murrum has had almost a complete lineup change since 2011….the material we're playing now *doesn't* have anything to do with the old material. The "new" Murrum IS better than ever. I am definitely not the creative force behind the band, however, and I'm not going to come online and inflame the already anti-Murrum sentiment by spouting off how "I don't give a shit what you think".

In other words, well played, troll. But still a troll.

^Wow what a boring troll. Go home Thunderstool you're drunk.
[Jun 21,2013 6:30am - LOVERBOY  ""]

[Jun 21,2013 8:57am - Yeti ""]

shut%20the%20fuck%20up said:im so sick of reading this stupid shit about murrum and the legion and all these jealous kids that hate on good music for no reason. people stopped coming to return to the pit because of all the jealous idiots who are pussies and hide behind trolls to deliver some kind of message. there is no reason for you idiots to perpetuate this behavior when bands like murrum and other black metal bands have a solid sound and fanbase that you can't have. i don't understand why you fucking idiots keep trying to push buttons. seeking attention much? whats wrong, nobody goes to your shows that your band plays? nothing will stop good bands from making good music and no matter how hard you try you are going to fail. everyone in murrum know their shit. stop trying to make it sound like they are a bunch of kids who know nothing and cant play music. this track is old and has nothing to do with the band today. stop trying to belittle good bands. karma will get you, you fucking idiots.

but it's bad bands making bad music. HOW DO I RECONCILE THIS?
[Jun 21,2013 11:56am - Fuck  ""]
Anything is more "Subtle" than Thunderstool.
[Jun 21,2013 2:47pm - Curious Parties  ""]
So between the real Murrum the fake Murrum the Real Dave Emerson and the fake Dave Emerson would someone like to answer the following questions:

1. Did everyone in Murrum "quit" the Legion or just Dave?
2. Is The Legion still a thing? Early posts seemed like it was just Dave realizing how fucking stupid it made his band look and bailing. Later posts made it seem like the Legion had disbanded altogether.
3. What does this mean of the "Wolf Kvlt"? The Legion's hilarious offshoot organization.
4. When is Staind gonna come looking for the riffs you stole for that shitty song?
[Jun 21,2013 3:02pm - chrisREX ""]
hahaha this song is awful
[Jun 21,2013 3:27pm - Dave_Emerson ""]

chrisREX said:hahaha this song is awful

Even the old Murrum is still better than your shitty Century Media band.
[Jun 21,2013 3:49pm - Dave_Emerson ""]
For the true Murrum elite of CT, you can pick up a copy of our latest release at Strawberries in the Meriden Mall.
[Jun 21,2013 5:10pm - shut the fuck up  ""]
see what i mean? this fake dave emerson name is ridiculous. its so dumb its not even funny. trying to make it sound like you are really him. who cares what happened to the legion? how does any of this effect what you guys do? none of this stuff matters because it has nothing to do with you. why create fake accounts when all youre doing is advertising murrum to the masses. whats funny is that you guys think youre ruining the band but you are making their name known. what you want to do will end up biting you in the ass. i personally think murrum is going places because they have the best live show out of any local black metal band i have seen. have you guys even seen them? probably not... so shut the fuck up.. but i guys wont because you are like little kids in junior high who is trying to pick on someone who is better then you.
[Jun 21,2013 5:16pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
[Jun 21,2013 5:17pm - Curious Parties  ""]
None of the above answers any of my questions.
[Jun 21,2013 7:31pm - DYA is ANALRAPISTING THIS THREAD  ""]

shut%20the%20fuck%20up said:see what i mean? this fake dave emerson name is ridiculous. its so dumb its not even funny. trying to make it sound like you are really him. who cares what happened to the legion? how does any of this effect what you guys do? none of this stuff matters because it has nothing to do with you. why create fake accounts when all youre doing is advertising murrum to the masses. whats funny is that you guys think youre ruining the band but you are making their name known. what you want to do will end up biting you in the ass. i personally think murrum is going places because they have the best live show out of any local black metal band i have seen. have you guys even seen them? probably not... so shut the fuck up.. but i guys wont because you are like little kids in junior high who is trying to pick on someone who is better then you.

[Jun 21,2013 7:39pm - DYA is ANALRAPISTING THIS THREAD  ""]

[Jun 21,2013 7:44pm - xmikex ""]
Been following this Murrum situation off and on. It's hilarious. A couple of things and then I'll be on my way:


shut%20the%20fuck%20up said:but i guys wont because you are like little kids in junior high who is trying to pick on someone who is better then you.

LOL at someone who puts a sentence together like they're reverse translating from Mandarin calling someone else juvenile. But more importantly, how exactly is Murrum "better [than]" anyone? Even if they were writing good music (which they are not) in what capacity does that make them "better" than people who otherwise don't like it?

Granted, no one in the band has said that. But if I were a Murrum I'd tell my high school dropout friends to STFU and and stop making them look dumb.

I think this is maybe my first time listening to this band. It's really really bad. I've seen a lot of things come and go over the years. I haven't always been on the right side of everything, but one thing has always been constant: the people looking for the most attention usually have the least to offer. It appears to be the case here as well.

Just food for thought from a washed up nobody.
[Jun 21,2013 8:47pm - peesoup  ""]
[Jun 21,2013 8:48pm - peesoup  ""]
[Jun 23,2013 2:38am - Erich Gliebe  ""]
Seems promising. Keeping an eye on these guys.
[Jun 23,2013 9:48am - Burnsy ""]
I dunno what all the hate is about. This shit's pretty good.

[Jun 23,2013 9:49am - Burnsy ""]
Great stage banter.
[Jun 23,2013 10:08am - Burnsy ""]
I don't subscribe to the whole "he's a good dude" thing equating to a band being good, though I met Dave once, and he was a kewl kewl dude and everything else. That having been said, I haven't seen Murrum but watched a video of them at Dusk and I fail to see how anyone could even put them in contention for one of New England's best live acts. Hell, Dave was the only one in the video even moving. So what is the draw to the live show? The candles and other props? If I'm going to watch a band stand around on stage and play their songs, I'd much rather just get baked and listen to their record at home. Sarcomancy, Scaphism, Obsidian Tongue, and Composted are good examples of great live bands for me. They don't just stand around playing their songs while relying on gimmicks/stage props to keep the crowd paying attention and rocking out. Nothing inherently wrong with props/gimmicks/costumes etc, but they should only serve to enhance the music/performance, not distract from them.
[Jun 23,2013 11:31am - Chiodos Oliveira  ""]

shut%20the%20fuck%20up said:im so sick of reading this stupid shit about murrum and the legion and all these jealous kids that hate on good music for no reason. people stopped coming to return to the pit because of all the jealous idiots who are pussies and hide behind trolls to deliver some kind of message. there is no reason for you idiots to perpetuate this behavior when bands like murrum and other black metal bands have a solid sound and fanbase that you can't have. i don't understand why you fucking idiots keep trying to push buttons. seeking attention much? whats wrong, nobody goes to your shows that your band plays? nothing will stop good bands from making good music and no matter how hard you try you are going to fail. everyone in murrum know their shit. stop trying to make it sound like they are a bunch of kids who know nothing and cant play music. this track is old and has nothing to do with the band today. stop trying to belittle good bands. karma will get you, you fucking idiots.

Good job getting Murrum dropped from the NY date, Katey. Your band slut powers are immense.
[Jun 24,2013 5:23pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
[Jun 25,2013 5:00pm - RECORD EXECUTIVE  ""]
[Jun 27,2013 10:14am - Terry Silver  ""]
Hey, wake up and smell the coffee, Mr. Larusso. Last time you weren't fighting this. 

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