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Which Kindle should I get?

[Jun 3,2013 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
I like the idea of putting all my books on a single device, but staring at my iPad for hours seems terrible. Books synced on my iPad, phone, etc... seems awesome. But I think I would like e-ink better.

the original is only $70. wi-fi only, no back light.

the original with a keyboard and 3g. no back light.

paper white, $120. back lit and 8-week battery

paper white + 3G $180.

kindle fire $200 seems pointless cause I can just read on my iPad if I wanted to read like that.

[Jun 3,2013 11:00am - largefreakatzero ""]
2nd one down. Make sure you get the case with the extendable light, it's handy.
[Jun 3,2013 11:04am - ark  ""]
e-ink is the best. don't get 3g.
[Jun 3,2013 11:05am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
You're you, aaron. You know you're gonna get the best one.
[Jun 3,2013 11:23am - The_reverend ""]
I'm leaning towards wifi paper white. Though Andrews comment is stunningly astute
[Jun 3,2013 11:28am - ark  ""]
[Jun 3,2013 1:10pm - Yeti ""]
this is state-of-the-art.
[Jun 3,2013 1:13pm - xmikex ""]
[Jun 3,2013 1:55pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Go for the OG its al you need. Do you really need yet another gadget with net access? The answer is no. What you want is something to read your books on without having to schlep a stack around with you everywhere
[Jun 3,2013 1:56pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Not to mdntion the price discrepancy
[Jun 3,2013 2:02pm - ShadowSD ""]
I thought this thread would be about kindling as in wood, the rev's high tech threads are never about what I think they're about.
[Jun 3,2013 2:03pm - ShadowSD ""]
By the way, rev, did you ever decide on which android to get? I'm guessing you didn't go with my suggestion of Data.
[Jun 3,2013 2:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I got a galaxy note 2 in November. The paper white one for $120 seems to be the "best" deal since I will mostly be reading in bed with no lights and why get a case with yet another battery to charge when you can get it all in one. the OG is $70 + case + hassle = $120 for the paper white one.

I'm just curious for those with a kindle, do book marks and pages sync between devices? I want to be able to read on the kindle in bed, etc and then also read on my iPad/Phone when I don't want to bring the kindle along.
[Jun 3,2013 2:12pm - LongDeadGod_nli  ""]
I like the paperwhite, very easy on the eyes.

never tried to sync between devices so I'm no help there.
[Jun 3,2013 3:05pm - ark  ""]
rev, i have an OG kindle touch e-ink, i've never connected it to amazon, so i don't get ads or anything like that, dropped a thousand books on it from torrent sites in .MOBI format using this wonderful oss ebook library program called calibre:


i use it all the time, works OK in low light, i've never used a reading light with it, it's the best thing on the planet to get you to read more with no bullshit attached. i'm like you and hate reading backlit led screens all day.

i use the kindle for everything but textbooks or magazine format stuff, which i prefer hard copies or PDFs for.

[Jun 3,2013 3:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I want to read this on the kindle.

plus, I think I can check books out of the library in my town.
[Jun 3,2013 3:57pm - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:I got a galaxy note 2 in November. The paper white one for $120 seems to be the "best" deal since I will mostly be reading in bed with no lights and why get a case with yet another battery to charge when you can get it all in one. the OG is $70 + case + hassle = $120 for the paper white one.

I'm just curious for those with a kindle, do book marks and pages sync between devices? I want to be able to read on the kindle in bed, etc and then also read on my iPad/Phone when I don't want to bring the kindle along.

The case hooks right into your Kindle and charges at the same time. You just plug in your Kindle as you normally would.
[Jun 3,2013 4:46pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... that is interesting.
[Jun 3,2013 4:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to go to the store and play with them.
[Jun 4,2013 2:55pm - the_reverend ""]
kindle.. eink not nook.
[Jun 4,2013 7:58pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
fuck that. Just get an Android Tablet and get the Kindle app.

A Kindle is essentially an Android anyways.
[Jun 4,2013 8:01pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
If you have a Kindle it will sync between devices that have the app installed. Most of the time it's accurate
[Jun 4,2013 8:22pm - The_reverend ""]
You are thinking Kindle fire. I don't want that. I want the eink version.
[Jun 4,2013 8:25pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
ah. You already have an iPad, why not just use the kindle app?
I'd go with the paper-white, 120$ one. My wife got me the Wifi only Kindle, no back light, never use it. If it had a back light it would get used.
[Jun 4,2013 9:51pm - the_reverend ""]
that is how I'm leaning. I went to target to look at them, but they only have nooks. damn, I should have gone to best buy I guess.
[Jun 5,2013 12:20pm - The_reverend ""]
You are thinking Kindle fire. I don't want that. I want the eink version.
[Jun 5,2013 12:31pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Why would they even make it with no back light? That's foolish.
[Jun 5,2013 12:38pm - DYA is TRAINING HIS CHOCOBO  ""]

AndrewBastard%20NLI said:Why would they even make it with no back light? That's foolish.

Far superior for long-term reading vs. an LCD screen, much easier on the eyes.
[Jun 5,2013 12:47pm - ark  ""]
yeah. the og kindle touch has that soothing sepia tone like a musty old book. i'm not sure if i could do the paperwhite e-ink one cause of that.
[Jun 5,2013 12:54pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Hit the nail on the head with the battery thing...i can go weeks without plugging mine in. No backlight? GTFO USE A HEADLAMP POSER
[Jun 5,2013 12:55pm - AndrewBastard ""]
can you read it at night/low light?
[Jun 5,2013 1:05pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
You can read it at night, you can read in low light. You can read it on a plane, you can read it on a train.
[Jun 5,2013 1:08pm - ark  ""]
low light, meaning a dim bedroom lamp in indirect light, works OK for me. to the point i can relax my eyes and not strain. it doesn't give off any light on it's own. like an old gameboy.
[Jun 5,2013 1:09pm - AndrewBastard ""]
oh ok..i assumed no back light meant you could only read it in a well lit room. like the screen didnt illuminate at all.
[Jun 5,2013 1:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
I have a Kindle fire and it is a piece of junk.
[Jun 5,2013 1:26pm - ark  ""]
yeah they suck.
[Jun 5,2013 1:43pm - the_reverend ""]
if you root your kindle fire, it makes a nice android tab. I just hate that things like angry birds are free on android, but cost $2.99 on the fire.
[Jun 5,2013 2:24pm - largefreakatzero ""]

AndrewBastard said:oh ok..i assumed no back light meant you could only read it in a well lit room. like the screen didnt illuminate at all.

It doesn't illuminate at all, it's very similar to reading a book. You can get a case that has an integrated reading light.
[Jun 5,2013 8:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I went to the store to play with them... the OG seems so kludgey.
I tried to play with the paper white, but it was off.

plus this.
[Jun 10,2013 11:11am - the_reverend ""]

[Jun 17,2013 11:49am - the_reverend ""]
ok, I got the paper white one wifi and it was basically FREE! gift cards that I've been carrying for years. Loaded a bunch of books this morning and left it by my bed.
[Jun 17,2013 1:00pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Cool story about loading your kindle with cool stories bro
[Jun 20,2013 7:02am - the_reverend ""]
I read until like 3:30am last night... oops.
[Jun 20,2013 7:03am - the_reverend ""]
I actually might like reading on a kindle more than reading a book.
[Jun 20,2013 9:01am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, once you get used to them there's not much need to go back.
[Jun 20,2013 9:27am - the_reverend ""]
I'm loving it so far. I'm going to torrent all the books that have been beside my bed for years unread and then drop off my books to the poor kids.
[Jun 22,2013 9:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I wonder what kids books will look like on this thing...
[Jun 22,2013 9:48pm - King Thūndérstøòl  ""]

[Jun 22,2013 9:53pm - boblovesmusic ""]
that time Thunderstool was actually funny

inb4 wren sucks and all that jazz
[Jun 22,2013 10:21pm - death-metal ""]

the_reverend said:paper white, $120. back lit and 8-week battery

Don't know which one you should get, but this is what I'd get for myself.
[Jun 22,2013 10:44pm - King Thūndérstøòl  ""]

boblovesmusic said:that time Thunderstool was actually funny

inb4 wren sucks and all that jazz


[Jun 22,2013 11:02pm - King Thūndérstøòl  ""]

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