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Maryland Death Fest (MDF) XI (2013) day four

Baltimore Sound Stage (Baltimore, MD) - [citizens_arrest][converge][ilsa][iron_lung][kromosom][magrudergrind][randomshots][randomshots][ascension][contrastic][cruciamentum][gride][integrity][speedwolf][midnight][sacred_reich][sleep][venom][glorior_belli][manilla_road][pagan_altar][pentagram]
[show listing]  _______________________________________
[May 26,2013 10:43am - the_reverend ""]

Entrance opens at 1:15 pm

Stage 1

Midnight - 4:15 - 5:00
Sacred Reich - 5:50 - 6:45
Sleep - 7:40 - 8:40
Venom - 9:50 - 11:00

Stage 2

Glorior Belli - 3:30 - 4:15
Pagan Altar - 5:00 - 5:50
Manilla Road - 6:45 - 7:40
Pentagram - 8:45 - 9:45

Stage 3 ("Inside")

Speedwolf - 1:50 - 2:25
Cruciamentum - 2:40 - 3:20
Contrastic - 3:35 - 4:10
Gride - 5:00 - 5:40
Integrity - 6:45 - 7:35
Ascension - 8:50 - 9:40
Carpathian Forest - 11:00 - 12:00

Baltimore Sound Stage
Entrance opens at 1:15 pm

Ilsa - 2:00 - 2:30
Tinner - 2:45 - 3:25
Kromosom - 4:15 - 4:55
Iron Lung - 5:50 - 6:25
Magrudergrind - 9:00 - 9:35
Citizens Arrest - 11:00 - 11:45
Converge - 12:00- 1:00
[May 26,2013 11:20am - boblovesmusic ""]
Replacement for Carpathian Forest is Goatwhore
[May 26,2013 11:28am - The_reverend ""]
Really? Is that a joke?
[May 26,2013 11:40am - Spence ""]
No, it's really not. Well, I don't know if Goatwhore is the actual replacement, but Carpathian Forest dropped on Friday.

Jealous of everyone there, but especially of everyone there today. This is honestly probably the best lineup of all the days, IMO. Manilla Road, Sacred Reich, Sleep, Pagan Altar, Pentagram(assuming it's the right Pentagram), Midnight, etc.
[May 26,2013 11:50am - lucidcursenli  ""]

Spence said:No, it's really not. Well, I don't know if Goatwhore is the actual replacement, but Carpathian Forest dropped on Friday.

Jealous of everyone there, but especially of everyone there today. This is honestly probably the best lineup of all the days, IMO. Manilla Road, Sacred Reich, Sleep, Pagan Altar, Pentagram(assuming it's the right Pentagram), Midnight, etc.

shut it
[May 26,2013 2:00pm - chrisrex_nli  ""]
What the Fuck is this line. I'm going to miss speedwolf. Hope I see cruciamentum.
[May 26,2013 2:18pm - The_reverend ""]
Speedwell ruled. I'm pooping at the sound stage right now.
[May 26,2013 2:40pm - permafrost ""]
[May 26,2013 2:42pm - KEVORD ""]
That line sucked. Missed Speedwolf. Cruciamentum is about to start.
[May 26,2013 2:43pm - permafrost ""]
Forcing subway pizza (LOL) in my stomach to go wait in line for cruciamentum, ugh.
[May 26,2013 4:07pm - Thunderpoop  ""]
[May 26,2013 4:09pm - The_reverend ""]

permafrost said:CHRISWASTED WHO ARE YOU?
[May 26,2013 4:11pm - The_reverend ""]
Been a busy day. Not much or any stopping to smell the roses.
[May 26,2013 5:52pm - The_reverend ""]
What does sardu say about pagan altar? Should do a tour with pentagram
[May 26,2013 5:56pm - KEVORD ""]
I guess Speedwolf is playing again at 11 because so many people missed them.
[May 26,2013 5:57pm - The_reverend ""]
Really? That is f'ing awesome. Speedwolf on the main outside stage would be the best!
[May 26,2013 7:23pm - The_reverend ""]
The schedule in my head got all messed up. I walked up expecting ascension as integrity kicked off rise. So good.
[May 26,2013 7:26pm - The_reverend ""]
Not speed wolf are playing 8-830
[May 26,2013 8:15pm - demondave ""]
people are really bitching about the security on the Deathfest forum page
[May 26,2013 10:27pm - permafrost ""]
Pentagram played a weird set, started with 'forever my queen' and then played a bunch of weird ones, not bad but the crowd was pretty motionless. They played a bunch of hits later but yeah, it was weird.
[May 26,2013 10:28pm - permafrost ""]
Also his current lineup looked to be at least 30 years younger than him, haha.
[May 26,2013 11:26pm - The_reverend ""]
Here's what happened.
Sleep went on long... So then pentagram went on too late... So then venom went on too late/long. Venom got cut off and pentagram got cut off. That is all.
[May 26,2013 11:29pm - The_reverend ""]
Also, with security. It was perfect Friday. The bouncers love the crowd and the fest. The only reason they were doing extra screening a lot of the time was cause the city people there. It sucked but was mostly unexpected after the ease of Friday. I'm sure they will figure it out for next year.
[May 27,2013 12:02am - The_reverend ""]
Citizens Arrest... They had a peewee Herman/Kramer dude "guest" vocals and he just tossed everything around the stage. Then tossed water which shorted out the monitors board... No monitors I guess.
[May 27,2013 12:10am - chrisrex_nli  ""]
Security tainted this year. Overall great time. Pagan Altar, Manilla Road, Cruciamentum, speedwolf, Midnight were the best of the day.

Permafrost...are you the guy from Witch King?
[May 27,2013 12:14am - late_rising ""]
Them shutting off Pentagram and Venom made no sense after Carpathian Forest dropped. It's 12:12 and I'm listening to a DJ play Emperor in the merch room. Both Pentagram and Venom could have played longer sets and not change anything.

By the time I knew Tragedy were playing Sidebar at midnight it was sold out
[May 27,2013 12:15am - late_rising ""]
also Manilla Road FTW
[May 27,2013 12:23am - The_reverend ""]
The fire Marshall said today that outside had to be over by 11pm
[May 27,2013 12:34am - permafrost ""]
Yes! I'm sean mcquade!!! Revenge was the most atomik goat wat kult kommard hate fuck
[May 27,2013 4:05am - Lamp ""]
[May 27,2013 4:44am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Starting an online petition to move it here...


Get more Canadians too if it were up in New England, the "Newport International Metalfest"

[May 27,2013 4:52am - Lamp ""]
If something similar to MDF happened in Newport with that perfect blend of punk, metal, and grind, I would be there no questions asked.
[May 27,2013 5:26am - The_reverend ""]
Dwyer, you don't have a day job... Why don't you set it up?
[May 27,2013 9:51am - boblovesmusic ""]
Despite all the problems I had a fantastic fantastic time!!
[May 27,2013 9:53am - the_reverend ""]
working on pictures slowly...
[May 27,2013 6:45pm - The_reverend ""]
This day was great. Integrity, venom starting right off with black metal, being very impressed with pagan altar, the 2 c bands on the main stage, sacred Reich, etc... Plus, everyone breathing a collective sigh of relief at the end.
[May 27,2013 10:12pm - carkboss  ""]

The_reverend said:What does sardu say about pagan altar?
this I want to know!
[May 27,2013 10:17pm - KEVORD ""]

chrisrex_nli said:
Permafrost...are you the guy from Witch King?

Paulina is neither a guy or a witch king.
[May 27,2013 10:27pm - hlrie ""]
Wait, I was pretty sure that was Speed Wolf at 8:00... You be confusing me sir.
[May 27,2013 10:31pm - KEVORD ""]
Speedwolf did play at 8.
[May 27,2013 10:32pm - hlrie ""]
That's what I thought. My brain is all a fuzzzzz
[May 27,2013 10:34pm - KEVORD ""]
Yeah, the word going around originally was that they were going to play at 11. But I think the curfew forced them to play their second set at 8.
[May 28,2013 1:30am - The_reverend ""]
Their second set was better than the first. The singer laughed "we played death Fest twice" right at the end if the set. Great band indeed.
[May 28,2013 7:44am - KEVORD ""]
Speed over weed!
[May 28,2013 9:56am - goatcatalyst ""]
Pagan Altar is messa fuckin'. Duh. Can't speak for Alan's wardrobe, though. That cat and Joey Belladonna could start a weird uncle blues band for goddamn.
[May 28,2013 10:49am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Venom kicked ass for 2 songs
[May 28,2013 11:07am - robotpie ""]
Why was Venom so slow?
[May 28,2013 12:49pm - chrisREX ""]
From their very beginning, tempo has been a very flexible concept for Venom.
[May 28,2013 3:46pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
VENOM has always been sub-par to me.

Wasn't impressed in 97-98 whenever they played Milwaukee either.
[May 28,2013 6:56pm - truequintessence_nli  ""]

AndrewBastard%20NLI said:Venom kicked ass for 2 songs

Pretty much, managed to cut my head open headbanging off some dudes studs. I was hoping they would play Angel Dust :(
[May 28,2013 9:45pm - the_reverend ""]

[May 28,2013 9:45pm - the_reverend ""]

[May 28,2013 9:46pm - the_reverend ""]

[May 28,2013 9:46pm - the_reverend ""]

[May 28,2013 9:46pm - the_reverend ""]

[May 28,2013 9:46pm - the_reverend ""]

[May 30,2013 2:10pm - hlrie ""]
In case anyone is inclined to view some more MDF pics...


[May 30,2013 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
I found these: http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2013/05/maryland_deathf_16.html
[May 30,2013 4:00pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 30,2013 11:47pm - Countess Bathory  ""]
U wanted to see Bolt Thrower

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