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anyone else get a OUI this weekend?

[Jul 5,2004 2:17pm - intricateprocess ""]
ya i got pulled over and aressted last night. completley sucks dick, i can kiss my liscense goodbye for a fewmonths
[Jul 5,2004 2:24pm - the_reverend ""]
well... I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for people that get fucked up and drive.
my greatgrandfather killed his wife drunk driving (afte rthey came over from russia)(pre-1940)
my grandfater killed his wife drunk driving (1957)
my cousin and my uncle both slammed into a tree drunk driving (1991)
[Jul 5,2004 2:25pm - succubus ""]
and they ended up dying as well
[Jul 5,2004 2:26pm - intricateprocess ""]
trust me, i am not looking for sympathy, and im sorry for your loss

i wasnt completley wasted either to like the point of passing out. and i wasnt swerving and shit. i just kinda randomly got stopped, about 2 streets away from my house
[Jul 5,2004 2:28pm - the_reverend ""]
in my town they always have check points leading out of the city on big holidays.
[Jul 5,2004 3:11pm - tbone_r ""]
i intern at barnstable court and got to sit in on an OUI case the other day.

did you know that the jury is not allowed to be notified whether or not the driver has any previous OUI's?
[Jul 5,2004 3:14pm - powerkok ""]
oui oui?
[Jul 5,2004 4:43pm - dread_104 ""]
they say a drunk driver averages 1000 "drives" before getting caught their 1st time. pretty scary. regardless, this is definately NOT the weekend to drink and drive
[Jul 5,2004 5:26pm - jesus ""]
i'm only at about 700 times
[Jul 5,2004 5:34pm - ninkaszi187 ""]
my friend and i got pulled over. my friend was driving. we just got done smoking a bowl. cop comes up to the window and asks my friend "how many drinks have you had tonight?" my friend says one. cop says "you are supposed to say two" and the cop starts laughing like a mad man. i started laughing. he completely let us go. told us to drive carefully and that was it.
[Jul 5,2004 7:14pm - intricateprocess ""]
ninkaszi187 said:my friend and i got pulled over. my friend was driving. we just got done smoking a bowl. cop comes up to the window and asks my friend "how many drinks have you had tonight?" my friend says one. cop says "you are supposed to say two" and the cop starts laughing like a mad man. i started laughing. he completely let us go. told us to drive carefully and that was it.

lucky motherfucker.
i literally had to drive like a quarter mile more and id be in my drive way
and drinking and driving is not one of my favorite past times, ive done it like 3 times............so much for my first 1000.

if i could build a delorion that would go back in time, this would definatley be a moment id change

[Jul 5,2004 8:29pm - ninkaszi187 ""]
sucks man, i'm sorry to hear you were busted so close to your house. did you take the breathalizer?
[Jul 5,2004 9:43pm - ArrowHead ""]
I recently beat an OUI. If you're looking to pay for a good lawyer, I would suggest the guy I used. Made the cop and the DA look like asses. Expensive, though.

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