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cashing a check

[May 3,2013 5:49pm - interestingdevelopment  ""]
my roomate bounced owing us money and leaving all his shit..i found a sizable check in his room from a "funeral home" seems kinda shady but i still want to cash it cuz i need the money. how can i do this without it getting tracked back to me? fake id? ideas?
[May 3,2013 5:51pm - NOT A COP  ""]
[May 3,2013 6:03pm - ShadowSD ""]
I found a picture of your roommate:


(I don't think he's coming back.)
[May 3,2013 10:11pm - the_reverend ""]
Bad idea jeans. Take him to scc
[May 4,2013 5:00pm - interestingdevelopment  ""]
hes in florida . come on no one knows how to cash a check without it getting traced back to you?
[May 4,2013 6:57pm - josh hates logging in  ""]
Cash it at a shady liquor store or a pawn shop. Most won't check your I.D. and will only charge you up to 3% of the checks value to cash it.
[May 4,2013 8:34pm - the_reverend ""]
most heroin addicts I know went to jail for stuff like this.
[May 6,2013 12:55am - Judge Gregg Mathis  ""]
Take him to court.
[May 6,2013 11:03am - the_reverend ""]
that is what I said. small claims court.
[May 6,2013 2:18pm - ShadowSD ""]
[May 6,2013 4:48pm - interestingdevelopment  ""]
courts not a option its a 2500+ check so i dont think a lq or cash checking store will do it without id, and i dont want to use mine cuz i dont want it being traced back
[May 7,2013 2:20am - BBoANP ""]
It'd be cheaper, safer and more legal for you to go to FL and rob the guy at knifepoint. It'd probably work too. What's he gonna say, his ex-roommates from several hundred miles away drove to FL, robbed him at knifepoint and then drove home? Nigger please.
[May 7,2013 8:17am - Alx_Casket ""]
Yes, rob him and if he fucks up, kill him and sell his organs (cher knows a guy who knows a guy). Forget the check, for all you know, he thought he lost it and had it reissued so you could be holding a voided check and not know it.
[May 7,2013 9:13am - ark  ""]
burn the check and move on with your life.

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