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the SKY BAR in Somerville is it any good

[Jul 5,2004 12:32pm - subjugate ""]
i hear they re-did it over added a stage(20'X10') and lights


may be a place to look into for local shows
[Jul 5,2004 12:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I heard mixed things about the place.
I have a new place I am gonna look into for shows though.
[Jul 5,2004 5:33pm - lady_czerach ""]
It's really not a bad place. It was easy to book when Shred was there, but he's gone now.
[Jul 5,2004 6:23pm - subjugate ""]
isn't shred doing the mid east upstairs and o'briens now?
[Jul 6,2004 6:35am - lady_czerach ""]
I don't know about O'Briens but yeah, he's doing M.E. Upstairs. He's pretty cool to work with.
[Jul 6,2004 6:37am - George ""]
i've heard bad things.
pretty much it's a nice place, but it's out of the way for everyone and nobody shows up
kind of like the bombshelter.
[Jul 6,2004 8:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
What about the Linwood? That place is re-opened now. I heard they have a new booking agent, the cunt who was there before was so hard to work with.
[Jul 6,2004 9:31am - jesus ""]
haha, i live in somerville. right down the street from sky bar.
its a gay(mostly lesbian) bar that has random shows every now and then.
really weird
[Jul 6,2004 9:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i fear and despise lesbians
[Jul 6,2004 9:39am - jesus ""]
when they added huge glass windows in the front you can see a table full of mullet sporting chicks named butch drinking jager and talking about the 8 point buck they bagged in nh last weekend

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