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kitten set on fire lives

[May 3,2013 8:40am - Yeti ""]

i think i feel worse about this than Sandy Hook.
[May 3,2013 8:40am - Yeti ""]
though the kitten survived.
[May 3,2013 8:45am - largefreakatzero ""]
Unfortunately NJ is filled with stray cats, they're everywhere. People treat them like rats down there. You're a fucking shitbag if you're lighting any animal on fire.
[May 3,2013 8:46am - AndrewBastard ""]
[May 3,2013 8:52am - arilliusbm ""]
Kitten should have died instead of Jeff Hanneman.
[May 3,2013 10:41am - nekronaut ""]
He is cute. Andrew let's get him.
[May 3,2013 11:48am - boblovesmusic ""]
what is wrong with people?
[May 3,2013 12:17pm - AndrewBastard ""]
so cute and his name is Justin which makes him even cuter
[May 3,2013 12:22pm - both you fags  ""]
Why dont you just hold hands and eat ice cream as well with your cute kitten.
[May 3,2013 12:24pm - AndrewBastard ""]
ill def eat ice cream and play with the cat...

the hand holding is up to mike
[May 3,2013 12:26pm - both you fags  ""]
[May 3,2013 12:26pm - both you fags  ""]

AndrewBastard said:ill def eat ice cream and play with the cat...

the hand holding is up to mike

I lol'ed
[May 3,2013 12:31pm - nekronaut ""]
I wish we had a fireplace or even one bear skin rug in our apartment.
[May 3,2013 12:41pm - THE LEGION  ""]
Whoever burned this cat is automatically grandfathered in to the Legion, that's worth at least two gravediggings. now for the simple matter of your membership application, and we can have your patch sent out with your mmbership kit. (Decoder rings are on back order, sorry.)
[May 3,2013 1:11pm - Burnsy ""]
Mopar can't say the same.
[May 4,2013 5:06pm - mopar  ""]
Meow meow meow, false burn kitty is fagget, meow meow meow
[May 4,2013 6:55pm - the_reverend ""]
Fuck whoever did this. Fuck them bad
[May 4,2013 8:22pm - andrewbastard NLI  ""]
didnt you kill your pissy cat, AARON?!??!
[May 4,2013 8:27pm - the_reverend ""]
There is a special place in hell for people like me who look at money when dealing with a cat.
[May 4,2013 9:05pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Someone would have taken it off your hands...even letting it loose would have been better; give it a fighting chance!
[May 4,2013 9:34pm - the_reverend ""]
my cat? he was unable to move, his kidneys had shutdown, and it would have been $2K to make him not die and agonizing/drawn out death. Plus at least $4K to get him to possibly not get blocked again.
[May 4,2013 10:22pm - andrewbastard NLI  ""]
OHH...i thought he was fine just pissing everywhere and you were tired of it so you had it put to sleep

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