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New Boston Police Department facebook page as fake punk

[Apr 15,2013 6:56pm - CopPunk  ""]
This person has friended a bunch of boston musicians/punks though no one actually knows her. Her photos are stolen from two different bands. She claims to not be a cop and have 7 tattoos including a black flag tattoo and ICP tattoo. She 'likes' both 'doing drugs' and 'straight edge' on facebook.

Please friend, troll and screenshot:

[Apr 15,2013 6:58pm - The_reverend ""]
Bad jobs
[Apr 15,2013 8:17pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Stopping DIY shows > Stopping terrorist attacks

[Apr 15,2013 9:29pm - NewHamshuhBrutality ""]
"With all this drama is anyone trying to party this week? Post info below and I'll set it up!"

Jesus fucking christ, these dipshits aren't even trying.
[Apr 16,2013 2:32pm - Dan Hammer  ""]
^Can Sonic Pulse get on this?
[Apr 16,2013 2:37pm - the_reverend ""]
no way could that be real

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