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Phantom Limb, Ascendancy, Fireborn (NY), A Terrible Night For A Curse, Dreaded Silence - July 10 @ Chopping Block

[Jul 4,2004 7:32am - Sinistas ""]

Should be a fun night. *nod*
[Jul 4,2004 8:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
DEFINATELY is gonna be a fun night
[Jul 4,2004 4:33pm - Terence ""]
Is that the new lineup?
[Jul 4,2004 5:27pm - Sinistas ""]
Plus my friend Brandon might be doing photo. Woot.
[Jul 9,2004 6:43am - Sinistas ""]
[Jul 9,2004 8:05am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the line up is actually:
Phantom Limb, Ascendancy, Fireborn, Dreaded Silence, A Terrible Night for a Curse.
Do not be fooled by my misleading flyer.
[Jul 9,2004 11:23am - dreadkill ""]
we were supposed to have one last tune up practice late last night for this show but the parking lot at our practice space was flooded. it was crazy. there was a vortex in the middle of the parking lot spinning around. i thought people's cars were going to get damaged but the flooding eventually stopped about 45 mins later. when i returned to the space to get my truck later that night the vortex was going again. it ruled.
[Jul 9,2004 11:34am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
i shall be there. getting my drink and thrash on.
[Jul 9,2004 11:56am - wood ""]
A Terrible Night For a Curse!!!! punk ass sucka's beware. These mo' fuckers be no joke!!!! AAARRRGGGH!!!!! BLERRRGG!!

I must find a way to break my plans, so I can go see my boys destroy.
[Jul 9,2004 1:55pm - Terence ""]
[Jul 9,2004 4:41pm - wood ""]
Ok I can't make it to this show.... Don't be a fucking pussy like me... If you want yer face melted off by the intense punishment that is a terrible night for a curse, you should go. They will destroy your ass into a pile of filthy human pudding and then piss on your car door handle...

A.T.N.F.A.C. Sucka!
[Jul 9,2004 4:44pm - succubus ""]
i'm about to leave to see my family

have a fun show guys! i'll be back monday
[Jul 9,2004 6:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
A Terrible Night For A Curse rules, kid.
[Jul 10,2004 5:03pm - Sinistas ""]
last-minute bumpage
[Jul 10,2004 5:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
Go to this show. Pabst = $2.50
[Jul 10,2004 5:41pm - dread_104 ""]
what time does a terrible night go on? 9:15?
[Jul 10,2004 6:20pm - Terence ""]
probably around then, they are the best band from RI in my opinion.
[Jul 10,2004 7:11pm - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
Hey, can I use someone's bass cabinet? Jawsh?
[Jul 10,2004 7:15pm - BornSoVile ""]
sure! can I borrow your chord? I broke mine the other night. how many feet?
[Jul 10,2004 7:15pm - SmallBrownRatFuck ""]
You mean my bass cord? Shit yead dude, its a long one too. Goes all the way back to my spleen.

Muahahah... yeah, you can use any of my equipment, buddy.
[Jul 10,2004 7:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
Cool beans! See in you in a bit. I'm gonna get some Chinese if anyone wants.
[Jul 11,2004 5:35am - BornSoVile ""]
I just fed Fire Born some beer and pizza. They were quite pleased with the show as was I. Fun time indeed. It was good to see some people, especially that crazy russian Serge!!!!
[Jul 11,2004 5:35am - BornSoVile ""]
oh I forgot to mention Melinka.

"and now for something totally unexpected" - McCracken
[Jul 11,2004 8:18am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am in love with that girl.
[Jul 11,2004 9:37am - dirteecrayon ""]

[Jul 11,2004 3:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Hey Dirtee, did you enjoy your CD purchase?

[Jul 11,2004 5:11pm - armageddonday ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I am in love with that girl.

You're in love with a lot of girls, John.
[Jul 11,2004 6:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No I'm not, most girls are fucking insane and aren't worth my time, I deserve better.

[Jul 11,2004 8:39pm - dirteecrayon ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Hey Dirtee, did you enjoy your CD purchase?

Ofcourse I did!!! I need to get the fireborn cd next time i see you.

[Jul 11,2004 11:30pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I should be at The C-Block this SaTURDay.

[Jul 12,2004 2:34am - dirteecrayon ""]
awesome! keep an eye out for me ---- i'm not to hard to spot!

[Jul 12,2004 7:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This was another fun show, luckily I made this one on time.

A Terrible Night for a Curse opened up, and I was always a little iffy on this band until this show, these guys were nasty! I think they are from RI or nearby RI anyway. If you haven't seen these guys before check them out, and if you have then I would say see them again because they have improved 10 fold.

Dreaded Silence was on second and played a really tight set, much better then the other time I saw them at the Block. Ken is moving to just vocals soon, and they are bringing someone else in on bass. He's dreamy, so that might work out for them ;)

Fireborn from NY was on third and reminded me some what of Arsis, or imagine if In Flames or Arch Enemy weren't retarded. Raising Kubrick is playing with these guys on their tour date in Albany I think. If anyone heads out to the show with Clitorture, stay in NY and check out this show as well.

Ascendancy played fourth and crushed as usual. Did you buy their CD yet, fag? They played a new song, but I don't know what it was called, because Terence mumbles between songs. Then he was saying something about a nazi, I figured he meant dirteecrayon.

Phantom Limb was the headliner of this fiasco, and played a great set too. For 2 songs they brought a guest vocalist in, I forgot her name already, but it was unique Melika or something. She was sick, I'd like to see her get into a band.
[Jul 12,2004 9:27am - wood ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:This was another fun show, luckily I made this one on time.

A Terrible Night for a Curse opened up, and I was always a little iffy on this band until this show, these guys were nasty! I think they are from RI or nearby RI anyway. If you haven't seen these guys before check them out, and if you have then I would say see them again because they have improved 10 fold.

Hell Yeah Mutha fucka's.... stay tuned to rttp for upcommming Terrible Night / Command Presence shows..... RI bands will crush you silly fool..... then pee on your door handles some more... The ruckus never ends with A.T.N.F.A.C. in town!!.... their new 3 song demo will be out soon as well... look out sucka's
[Jul 12,2004 10:07am - dirteecrayon ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
Then he was saying something about a nazi, I figured he meant dirteecrayon.

this nazi is extremly jealous of joe since he has bigger tits than i do.

[Jul 12,2004 10:25am - Sinistas ""]
haha, Joe the Booking Nazi
[Jul 12,2004 8:13pm - TerribleNightSteve ""]
This was an awesome show. The Ascendancy Cd is awesome and I already had the Phantom Limb CD, which also kicks ass. We would love to play as many shows as possible so please let us know if there are any openings.
[Jul 13,2004 12:33am - dreadkill ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Dreaded Silence was on second and played a really tight set, much better then the other time I saw them at the Block. Ken is moving to just vocals soon, and they are bringing someone else in on bass. He's dreamy, so that might work out for them ;)

i had a good laugh at that dreamy comment. i'm a little late posting about this show. it was definitely the most fun local show i have been a part of. all the bands sounded great and all the people who came out to the show were cool to hang out with. phantom limb's set was impressive to watch. those at the gates covers were killer. hail the booking nazi for putting on a great show.

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