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Thy Art Is Murder........thoughts?

[Mar 27,2013 9:49am - Hoser ""]


Pretty badass IMHO......almost remind me of Meshuggah minus the fucked time signatures.
[Mar 27,2013 9:51am - Hoser ""]


[Mar 27,2013 9:52am - Hoser ""]
The more I listen, they remind me of Decapitated....a LOT.
[Mar 27,2013 10:01am - Hoser ""]


[Mar 27,2013 10:20am - largefreakatzero ""]
I think they're gay, sorry dude.
[Mar 27,2013 2:52pm - Hoser ""]
LOL....expected that from you, Andols.
[Mar 27,2013 3:30pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I can be more specific:

-Non-terrifying dweebs in their early 20s trying to look dark/scary/tough...check

-Silly over-technical twiddling nonsense...check

-Textbook deathcore faggot one-note breakdown...check

-Textbook deathcore faggot 4 word band name...check

I actually want to punch these kids, and keep punching until I get tired.

[Mar 27,2013 4:04pm - NewHamshuhBrutality  ""]
Absolutely fucking awful. Keep those worthless little bogan shitstains out of the US and in Ausfailia so that they don't get the chance to pull a Despised Icon and start jumping on and ruining every bill imaginable.
[Mar 27,2013 5:14pm - ShadowSD ""]
Finding good metal riffs and drumming tainted with a strong tinge of metalcore execution, vibe, and vocal influence at times is kind of like finding filet mignon in a dumpster; it's only something you should even consider eating if you're already to the point where you're living inside of the dumpster (in other words, already in the crowd while a band like this is playing live during a multi-band bill, and forced to either gripe about what sucks or just have a good time and focus on the positive elements, been there many times). Listening to studio tracks with the same level of charity just doesn't work for me, though, gotta have a good buzz and a live band for that. If I'm going to listen to studio tracks, why not pick a band with these good elements and not the bad ones?

I would compare not the exact sound of this band, but the amount of good ideas in this and the equal extent to which so many of those ideas are also ruined by other elements to a band like Black Dahlia Murder, in the sense that I can't tell if it's really good terrible music or really terrible good music; it has enough cool ideas and displays of technique that I SHOULD like it, and yet something insincere and douchy about it completely annoys the fuck out of me at the same time.
[Mar 27,2013 5:59pm - NewHamshuhBrutality  ""]
The breaks don't even really have a djenty vibe; if anything, they give me more of an "Adidas, multicolored dreads, chinstrap goatees, and wallet chains" vibe typical of the more aggressive side of gnu-metal.
[Mar 27,2013 10:24pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[Mar 27,2013 11:04pm - Hoser ""]
Sweet, point taken
[Mar 28,2013 8:27am - Alx_Casket ""]
Sorry dad, found it quite boring and was offended at the crabcore parts. Check this out though, kinda reminds me of Sebkha-Chott minus the jazz.

[Mar 28,2013 8:56am - King Thunderstool  ""]
[Mar 28,2013 9:11am - MotleyGrue ""]

largefreakatzero said:I can be more specific:

-Non-terrifying dweebs in their early 20s trying to look dark/scary/tough...check

-Silly over-technical twiddling nonsense...check

-Textbook deathcore faggot one-note breakdown...check

-Textbook deathcore faggot 4 word band name...check

I actually want to punch these kids, and keep punching until I get tired.

I lol'ed at this
[Mar 28,2013 9:44am - King Thunderstool  ""]

MotleyGrue said:
largefreakatzero said:I can be more specific:

-Non-terrifying dweebs in their early 20s trying to look dark/scary/tough...check

-Silly over-technical twiddling nonsense...check

-Textbook deathcore faggot one-note breakdown...check

-Textbook deathcore faggot 4 word band name...check

I actually want to punch these kids, and keep punching until I get tired.

I lol'ed at this

You are a butt dart.
[Mar 30,2013 4:36am - Hoser ""]
That video almost caused a seizure. Juss terrible.
[Mar 30,2013 4:40am - Hoser ""]
Well, I gotta admit, the crab core dance poses wanna make me sick....BUT, the music is pretty solid. I dig the shit outta it...

Pretty good stuff for a bunch of Australians.
[Mar 31,2013 10:04am - BlackoutRick ""]
Deathcore sameness. Its bad out there. A shit load of these bands. Its worse than the metalcore epidemic.
[Mar 31,2013 10:56am - dreadkill ""]
Thy art is turder

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