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This fucking band continues to amaze me....

[Mar 16,2013 5:47am - Hoser ""]


Been a long time since I heard 'em, but man....great video, sick chops.
[Mar 16,2013 10:50am - ShadowSD ""]
Digging the guitar riffs and harmony leads.
[Mar 16,2013 11:10am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[Mar 16,2013 1:20pm - you know what continues to surprise me?  ""]
hosers idiotic taste in music, what a fucking tool
[Mar 17,2013 9:42am - Longdeadgod ""]
Never could understand why these guys trailed behind the mid 00's metalcore trend, enjoy all their albums.
[Mar 18,2013 10:29am - Hoser ""]
These guys are metal as fuck....love this song.
[Mar 18,2013 10:52am - the_reverend ""]
I listened to this song on the album and didn't care for it.
I said that to the new guitarist and he was like "I wrote that song"
The video is cool and I saw munzi.

All their CDs are pretty good, but the last few you have to listen to the whole album or you don't get it.
[Mar 18,2013 11:27am - Burnsy ""]
Yeah, I don't get it. Sounds like rehashed crap to me.

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