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New Soul Remnants song posted - a preview of second full length out soon

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[Mar 11,2013 10:26am - soul remnants  ""]

Check out our new song Cauldron of Blood. The new cd is done, just waiting on the final mix, but this one is close enough and we wanted to post a sample. The cd will be out in a couple months so stay tuned if you dig this shit .
[Mar 11,2013 10:28am - soul remnants  ""]
[Mar 12,2013 8:54am - soul remnants  ""]
[Mar 12,2013 9:33am - sixstringcarnage ""]
Fuq yeah
[Mar 12,2013 10:05am - Burnsy ""]
Cool song. Looking forward to the finished mix.
[Mar 12,2013 10:17am - Alx_Casket ""]
Got to sit in on some of a recent practice, songs cover a lot of ground musically and sounds real tight.
[Mar 12,2013 10:56am - yawn remnants  ""]
[Mar 12,2013 1:51pm - Spencer‘s Funderground Castle  ""]

Alx_Casket said:Got to sit in on some of a recent practice, songs cover a lot of ground musically and sounds real tight.

It seems like you are into certain local bands for the social aspect. How come you don't support better bands?
[Mar 12,2013 2:40pm - soul remnants  ""]
Actually he practices in the room above us and dropped in while we were jamming. You shouldn't be upset if someone didn't like your band, or if you aren't cool in the underground or whatever your point is supposed to be. Troll if you want, be anonymous, that's cool.. we will just keep making records, playing shows and doing what we have been since 2003--- getting better.
[Mar 12,2013 2:47pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Dearest anon, it was the first time I've ever heard their stuff actually, and my band was taking a break from practicing so we went downstairs to say hi and check out a bit of their practice. Pretty incredible that you pussed out and posted that anonymously, it may have seemed offensive in your mind but it just makes you sound like a croaking minge on the sidelines.
[Mar 12,2013 2:47pm - ÆRK  ""]

Spencer‘s%20Funderground%20Castle said:
Alx_Casket said:Got to sit in on some of a recent practice, songs cover a lot of ground musically and sounds real tight.

It seems like you are into certain local bands for the social aspect. How come you don't support better bands?

go home pissant.
[Mar 12,2013 2:48pm - ÆRK  ""]
and congrats to sremnants, good work.
[Mar 12,2013 2:53pm - shutup fagget  ""]

ÆRK said:and congrats to sremnants, good work.
shutup fagget
[Mar 12,2013 4:01pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Soul Remnants is the least funderground band in New England. SUPPORT
[Mar 12,2013 9:46pm - Aegathis ""]
sounds fuckin sick
[Mar 13,2013 1:09pm - Yeti ""]
Mitch does not know the meaning of the word fun.

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