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Nile at the Palladium Tonight

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Mar 9,2013 2:13pm - BrianDBB ""]

Anyone hitting this up? Or is NILE too "boring" and not "kvlt enough" for this board now
[Mar 9,2013 2:18pm - nekronaut ""]
You already guessed it. BORING AS SHIT. One of the most yawn inducing bands I've ever seen.
[Mar 9,2013 2:27pm - boblovesmusic ""]
last time I saw them they were awesome, but not sure if I could do a 2 set show of them.
[Mar 9,2013 2:30pm - Truth  ""]
The most boring band in boringville.
[Mar 9,2013 2:32pm - Metal Critic  ""]
I wonder what the new Nile is about? Oh, another boring album about Egypt. Well fuck me to boredom.
[Mar 9,2013 2:44pm - BrianDBB ""]
Haha not surprised! Nobody on RTTP likes anything ever, negative board will always be negative
[Mar 9,2013 2:56pm - Peter Pan  ""]
[Mar 9,2013 4:48pm - setlist  ""]

setlist from their show in Virginia:

Part I

Sacrifice Unto Sebek
Hittite Dung Incantation
Enduring the Eternal Molestation of Flame
Supreme Humanism of Megalomania
The Inevitable Degradation of Flesh
Papyrus Containing the Spell....
Permitting the Noble Dead to Descend to the Underworld
4th Arra of Dagon

Part II

The Blessed Dead
Defiling the Gates of Ishtar
Cast Down the Heretic
The Howling of the Jinn
Kheftiu Asar Butchiu
Serpent Headed Mask
The Black Hand of Set
Smashing the Antiu
The Black Flame
Unas Slayer of the Gods
Lashed to the Slave Stick
Black Seeds of Vengeance
[Mar 9,2013 4:51pm - Sonic Poop  ""]
Can Sonic Pulse get on this gig?
[Mar 9,2013 6:33pm - ÆRK  ""]

BrianDBB said:Haha not surprised! Nobody on RTTP likes anything ever, negative board will always be negative
no no, every real person just doesn't even bother anymore.
[Mar 9,2013 7:07pm - dæmon dæv  ""]
RTTP is infected with cancer
[Mar 9,2013 7:09pm - dæmon dæv  ""]
The setlist for Nile is awesome. Heading over soon.
[Mar 9,2013 7:09pm - ShadowSD ""]
I saw Nile at a Palladium show once years back. They weren't *bad* per se, just one-dimensional and kind of droning, with a muddy sound mix. So yeah, pretty boring. I think one thing that exacerbated the problem was that their set was also too long, looks like the same thing here.
[Mar 9,2013 7:15pm - dæmon dæv  ""]
I saw Nile at Club Hell last time and it was amazing. But this tour is only for Nile fans. Two sets and only local bands? Anyone who doesn't own most/all their stuff is going to avoid it anyway.
[Mar 9,2013 9:12pm - the_reverend ""]
Love Nile, but this is for the fans not the photogs
[Mar 10,2013 1:10am - Aegathis ""]
this show was soo good, even if you think theyre boring the sound was so good tonight I dont see how people couldnt get into it
[Mar 10,2013 1:16am - Spence ""]
Kind of wish I went, sounds like this tour would've been a unique experience at least.

Then again, i've also heard Nile are totally lackluster as fuck live.
[Mar 10,2013 1:33am - NewHamshuhBrutality  ""]

Spence said:Kind of wish I went, sounds like this tour would've been a unique experience at least.

Then again, i've also heard Nile are totally lackluster as fuck live.

That's generally true, but they actually did quite a good job this time. Also, Conforza needs to stop fucking opening for every single goddamn touring band in New England. I have nothing against them as people, but their music fucking sucks and their sets drag on for way too long.
[Mar 10,2013 1:38am - narkybark ""]
Sound was really good tonight, imho

I also got to watch karl sanders crawl over a merch table
[Mar 10,2013 3:02am - NewHamshuhBrutality  ""]
Who was the dude in the "BrutalDildos.com" shirt? I couldn't help but laugh my fucking ass off when I first saw that.
[Mar 10,2013 3:21am - Spence ""]
Pretty cool. I think bands generally are more inspired when they're playing anniversary shows to crowds of entirely fans, as opposed to doing tours with terrible bands like The Acacia Strain and Abigail Williams. Ha

But in all seriousness, glad it was a good night for you guys. Also, agreed about Conforza needing to stop playing shows.
[Mar 10,2013 8:41am - dæmon dæv  ""]

Karl was pretty amusing all night. I was right up front and he was really getting into the show. His banter made me chuckle. For example, something along these lines:

"So when years later, when your kids turn to you and say "Grandma,... What is Death Metal?" You can say "I saw Nile play Unas (Slayer of the Gods) in Worcester Massachusetts". "
[Mar 10,2013 12:07pm - the_reverend ""]
Karl can be hilarious.
[Mar 11,2013 10:56am - chrisREX ""]
Aw shit, I didn't realize this was upstairs. I've only seen them downstairs.
[Mar 11,2013 1:33pm - ANTI  ""]
pth :middlefinger:
[Mar 11,2013 1:55pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Awesome show, fuck the haters
[Mar 11,2013 2:59pm - Yeti ""]
this was a blast. they sounded so good. Dallas sounds exactly like he does on cd, his voice is monstrous. the set list wasn't as jaw-dropping as i hoped (NO RAMSES BRINGER OF WAR) but i can't complain. the sound was thick and brutal. they played Kheftiu Asar Butchu which was amazing.

also, fuck whoever booked this show. you hold so much power for booking and you put dogshit like Conforza on before Nile? how the fuck did Parasitic not fill that slot? bro-core is fucking garbage and does not belong on a show like this. that's why there are bands like The Acacia Strain. i don't give a fuck about ticket sales, show some integrity you fucking cocksucker.
[Mar 11,2013 3:14pm - Butthurt Scaphism  ""]
Scaphism would have been so much better. Yawwwwwwnnnnnnn!
[Mar 11,2013 3:16pm - NewHamshuhBrutality  ""]
If I had a penny for every time I've been pissed off about having to sit through Conforza, I'd be a rich motherfucker.
[Mar 11,2013 5:28pm - Yeti ""]
i wasn't even talking about my band, but yes, Scaphism would have been infinitely better.
[Mar 11,2013 6:15pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Still haven't seen Conforza
[Mar 11,2013 7:39pm - NewHamshuhBrutality  ""]

boblovesmusic said:Still haven't seen Conforza

Count your blessings and hope that you never have to. I'd go so far as to say that they're worse than goddamn Sonic Pulse.
[Mar 11,2013 7:50pm - ShadowSD ""]
Glad to hear the sound was on point at this show, that makes all the difference I suppose.

The word Conforza sounds like a diseased pasta that can't think for itself.

Butthurt%20Scaphism said:Scaphism would have been so much better.

Yes. Yes, they would have.

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