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Metal/hardcore writer wanted for online magazine

[Jun 30,2004 12:32pm - succubus ""]
I need a metal/hardcore writer to review CD and shows.
Minimum of 2 reviews a month

the reviews will be posted on www.defyunlearn.com

payment: free CD and free tickets/passes to show

questions or whatever email me: carina@defyunlearn.com
or IM me or whatever


[Jun 30,2004 1:15pm - dirteecrayon ""]
[Jun 30,2004 1:17pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
can I be the hardcore writer?
[Jun 30,2004 1:19pm - pessimist ""]
every review would be: this band is gay, this band sucks, hardcore is gay... on second thought, that might not be so bad...
[Jun 30,2004 1:21pm - succubus ""]
if yer interested...we can go over details...

i have 2 writers now but they are too busy with other things and i honestly get soo many cd's and i don't have the time to do everything
[Jun 30,2004 1:22pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i can make fun of 2 cd's and shows a month
[Jun 30,2004 1:22pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I just made a really funny reply, but like 1/4 of my posts, it was not there.
[Jun 30,2004 1:25pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
All Out War: proof that not all terribly retarded bands get huge.

Hatebreed: HAHA

Throwdown: If you like cuddeling with burly men while watching Rocky movies, then check this band out.

Madball: If you are a white kid from a suburb who wears a backpack and a bandana around your face, then chances are you are already gay enough to know who this band is.

there is 4 reviews for you Carina
[Jun 30,2004 1:27pm - dirteecrayon ""]


what a joke
[Jun 30,2004 1:32pm - Abbath ""]
hmmm this does sound pretty sweet, i just wish there was more black metal bands that i could review......
[Jun 30,2004 1:33pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i found a black metal band on myspace.com, sell outs
[Jun 30,2004 1:36pm - succubus ""]
ok i got booted while i was typing a reply...

anyhow, if you want to write a satire column or make fun, that's cool, but if you review something..i want it to be real

there is a girl who makes fun of people like christina and puffy and crap..it's pretty funny
[Jun 30,2004 1:39pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
christina is much better then who I would make fun of.
[Jun 30,2004 1:52pm - succubus ""]
someone emailed me but didn't sign their name

whooo are youu?
anyhow they asked me for details...

basically it would involve me sending you CD's for review and you review them, i suggest having a look at the reviews page:

everyone has their own style and i give free reign, i'll only correct typos and spelling mistakes. I will let you know of CD's i get and you tell me the ones you are interested in reviewing...so you can take the CD's belonging to the bands that you actually like...if you know you hate the band..then don't ask me to review it, ya know?

in terms of shows, after you've done some CD reviews....if you decide you want to review a live show and interview a band or something, i would get you in for free and grant you appropriate pass. However, i've had issues with people wanting to meet bands and crap..so it has to be professional...i don't want groupies emailing me

[Jun 30,2004 1:57pm - subjugate ""]
i'd do it but i can't spell for shit and puntuation i'm really bad at too
[Jun 30,2004 2:12pm - succubus ""]
i just want someone who WANTS to write
too many people THINK they want it .. and then don't have the time
[Jun 30,2004 2:47pm - penpal ""]
I'm interested
[Jun 30,2004 2:50pm - succubus ""]
ok i have a few people woh are interested..when i get home this evening i'm going to post a list of cd's i have to review..then let me know which 1 or 2 you want along with your address and then you write the review and email it to me. Then we can see how it goes

sound fair?
[Jun 30,2004 2:52pm - penpal ""]
sounds good
[Jun 30,2004 3:25pm - honor4death ""]
[Jun 30,2004 4:24pm - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
succubus did you get my email?
[Jun 30,2004 4:32pm - succubus ""]
i got emails from
none from Otto
[Jun 30,2004 7:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
defy labels! unlearn what you've been taught!!!!!
[Jun 30,2004 11:00pm - xmikex ""]
Carina I'm interested. I minored in English. All I do is mouth off about bands. AIM me sometime.
[Jul 1,2004 7:55am - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
Succubus, I just you another email, hopefully you get it. My hotmail has been really screwey lately, i'v ebeen having a hard time sending and getting emails. If you dont' get it today let me know and i'll call you. But i'm intrested, and would like to be involved. thanks
[Jul 1,2004 9:41am - succubus ""]
hey otto, i got your email from this morning, thanks.

All right so if you have replied on here, emailed me or IM'ed me that you are interested...
here's a list of CD's up for review:
REMEMBER..if you do not like the band...do not offer to review it...the site is for fans of music…of course constructive critisizm when reviewing something is fine..but if you think a band sucks…then why listen to the cd and review it?

Alabama Thunderpussy~Fulton Hill
Cathedral~The Serpent’s Gold
Suffocation~Souls to Deny
Today is the Day~Kiss The Pig
Folly~Insanity Later
Owen~(the EP)
Kevorkian’s Angels~The Sound of Modern Hate
Nebula~Atomic Ritual
Hanoi Rocks~Twelve Shots on The Rocks
Of Montreal~Satanic Panic in the Attic
A Faith Called Chaos~Forgive Nothing
Rainer Maria~Live Recordings
Ascendancy~Rise of a Dead Empire
Disengaged~The Ocean
Red Invasion and The Sarcastics (split)~Can't burn til ya crash

Feel free to pick 1 or 2 you would like to review and email me that info to: carina@defyunlearn.com
With your full name and mailing address
If you have a sample of writing to show me, that would be great, if not, it’s ok, let me know whatever writing experience you have. If you already did that, then don’t worry about it.
[Jul 1,2004 2:15pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
Wow there are a few cds in that list I want to check out:
Alabama Thunderpussy~Fulton Hill
Suffocation~Souls to Deny
Today is the Day~Kiss The Pig
[Jul 1,2004 6:31pm - succubus ""]
ok...Cathedral is taken
[Jul 1,2004 6:48pm - succubus ""]
Kevorkian's Angels is taken

NOTE: I'm letting up to 2 people review a CD..after that, I will post that it's taken

[Jul 1,2004 9:04pm - succubus ""]
ok i'm adding to the list:
Kalopsia~ exquisite beauty of the defiled
[Jul 6,2004 8:49pm - BornSoVile ""]

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