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I am everyone on this board

[Feb 6,2013 2:54pm - ariIIiusBM  ""]
therefore this entire forum is just me talking to myself via various personalities i have created to keep myself entertained at work
[Feb 6,2013 2:54pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Feb 6,2013 2:55pm - ariIIiusBM  ""]
the sooner you all realize that none of you exist outside of my imagination, the sooner i can get back to work
[Feb 6,2013 2:57pm - ariIIiusBM  ""]
I created the randy marsh portion of myself to fill the faggot quotient that every forum must have. Just as there is no light without dark, there can be no good discussion on a forum without a faggot like randy marsh
[Feb 6,2013 2:59pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Now I have I'm every woman stuck in my head!
[Feb 6,2013 2:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
Someone is butthurt <3
[Feb 6,2013 3:00pm - Thunderstool  ""]
How do you explain I, Thunderstool, the most excellent troll of all time?
[Feb 6,2013 3:00pm - DYA is arilliusBM  ""]
i created this persona in order to satisfy the nerd in me while simultaneously telling people i have a flute player in my band.the truth is herugrim does not exist, never has, the shows we have played were all in everybodies mind
[Feb 6,2013 3:02pm - ariIIiusBM  ""]

Thunderstool said:How do you explain I, Thunderstool, the most excellent troll of all time?
you are confused, friend. You are the portion of my psyche that feeds the need for idiocy.every person needs some level of downright stupidity to break up the boredom and repetition of life, and you are just enough of a useless idiot to do just that
[Feb 6,2013 3:04pm - ariIIiusBM  ""]

boblovesmusic said:Now I have I'm every woman stuck in my head!
here is one of my favorite personalities. wren was created by me in order to offset the negativity i usually spew about every band, what better way to do that than to create a persona who loves every single band ever?
[Feb 6,2013 3:07pm - Thunderstool  ""]

ariIIiusBM said:
boblovesmusic said:Now I have I'm every woman stuck in my head!
here is one of my favorite personalities. wren was created by me in order to offset the negativity i usually spew about every band, what better way to do that than to create a persona who loves every single band ever?

I am superior and I will break away to become my own entity. Unlike that asshole HookedonMetal!
[Feb 6,2013 3:09pm - ariIIiusBM  ""]
perhaps, but there will always be a place for you here to make the same tired joke that was never funny to begin with over and over again
[Feb 6,2013 3:09pm - ariIIiusBM  ""]
thuderstool that is
[Feb 6,2013 3:15pm - HookedonMetal is a loser asswipe  ""]
My name says it all.

ariIIiusBM said:perhaps, but there will always be a place for you here to make the same tired joke that was never funny to begin with over and over again

old news
[Feb 6,2013 3:22pm - Thunderstool  ""]
Let's all gang up on HookedonMetal and kick his ass!
[Feb 6,2013 3:23pm - Thunderstool  ""]

ariIIiusBM said:perhaps, but there will always be a place for you here to make the same tired joke that was never funny to begin with over and over again

I do da cha cha like a sissy girl!
[Feb 6,2013 3:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
This thread is full of tumbleweeds blowing by and crickets cheriping.
[Feb 6,2013 3:27pm - cricket  ""]
[Feb 6,2013 3:31pm - Support  ""]

ariIIiusBM said:I created the randy marsh portion of myself to fill the faggot quotient that every forum must have. Just as there is no light without dark, there can be no good discussion on a forum without a faggot like randy marsh

[Feb 6,2013 3:35pm - ariIIiusBM  ""]

arilliusbm said:This thread is full of better discussion than pretty much everything else on this forum.
[Feb 6,2013 3:42pm - Big Boobs  ""]
I am more important than anything else in this thread. Maybe even this forum!
[Feb 6,2013 8:02pm - Uh ""]

ariIIiusBM said:the sooner you all realize that none of you exist outside of my imagination, the sooner i can get back to work

I posted something like this before but aril pretended he didn't understand. :(
[Feb 6,2013 8:03pm - Uh ""]

ariIIiusBM said:the sooner you all realize that none of you exist outside of my imagination, the sooner i can get back to work

I posted something like this before but aril pretended he didn't understand. :(
[Feb 6,2013 10:16pm - shutup  ""]

Uh said:
ariIIiusBM said:the sooner you all realize that none of you exist outside of my imagination, the sooner i can get back to work

I posted something like this before but aril pretended he didn't understand. :(

[Feb 6,2013 10:17pm - fagget  ""]

Uh said:
ariIIiusBM said:the sooner you all realize that none of you exist outside of my imagination, the sooner i can get back to work

I posted something like this before but aril pretended he didn't understand. :(


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