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attn: unchain_the_wolves

[Feb 3,2013 12:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
Shouldn't you kids have pubes in order to trash talk about other bands?
[Feb 3,2013 12:46pm - stluci nli  ""]
[Feb 3,2013 1:29pm - shaddup ya homo faggot  ""]
shaddup ya homo faggot
[Feb 3,2013 1:44pm - everyone else  ""]
The only requirement to talk shit about GSS is 23 full chromosomes.
[Feb 3,2013 1:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yes, after the age of 21.
[Feb 3,2013 1:58pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]

Yes, teenagers have no right to talking shit on RTTP about metal bands.

Oh, wait...

[Feb 4,2013 6:34am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
I haves pubes... a lot of them. Since when does age have to do with musical opinions? I'm not hating on any of the members of that band. The few times I have talked to Ron he's a really nice guy. Not of fan of their music... at all....
[Feb 4,2013 6:39am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
I was planning on going to the Absu show in CT and doing the same thing that I did at the Inquisition show when GSS played. Stand outside. And what I said about GSS has nothing to do with my band or any of the other two members. Witch King didn't talk trash about them, I did. Because I think their music is horrible.
[Feb 4,2013 7:08am - arilliusbm ""]
It's not that you can't have an opinion, it's how you went about it, on a show that they're not even playing and in a public forum on queerbook. I know a lot of people give GSS shit, but you would think at the ripe age of 18, it'd be at least respectable to keep your opinions to yourself unless you want to just keep bringing negative shit to your band. But whatever, it's not a big deal. I just hope you guys don't get this rock star attitude which goes against everything your music stands for. My 2cents. Also, I just despise your generation of metalheads that download everything and then claim to be an expert a week later. So there's that. Carry on good sirs.
[Feb 4,2013 7:29am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
Trust me man. Were just metalheads who don't care about anything but the metal we play. No way were gonna be those rock star assholes. Are minds aren't set like that. Cause like you said it goes again what are music stands for. I get what your saying and it was gay for me to post it on a show they have nothing to do with. I think at the time I just felt like causing some amusement. Just saying the (and I know your not saying this towards me) but I have been into extreme metal for a good while. I don't talk out of my ass about underground music. Downloading is helpful in terms of hearing old school demos that are nearly impossible to purchase anymore, ya know?
[Feb 4,2013 7:36am - providence house band  ""]
downloading is helpful for Witch King to hear demos that came out before we were born so we can sound kvlt for knowing about their existence while we play every show in providence
[Feb 4,2013 7:36am - arilliusbm ""]
Good answer. +10 points for Witch King.

–10 for barren oak
[Feb 4,2013 7:45am - the truth  ""]
age does matter. i know 3 or 4 years of listening to metal probably feels like a lot because when you are only 18 that is a good chunk of your life, but even if you have been doing this since you were 10 which i truly doubt you have, your experience is still far, far less than most of us, which is fine until you start acting like you know whats up when were drinking fucking and banging our heads a decade before you popped out of the womb.
[Feb 4,2013 7:45am - Yeti ""]
the wolves had to be unchained. what can you do?
[Feb 4,2013 8:01am - largefreakatzero ""]
ITT: stirring the nubile pot.
[Feb 4,2013 8:02am - unchain_the_wolves ""]

providence%20house%20band said:downloading is helpful for Witch King to hear demos that came out before we were born so we can sound kvlt for knowing about their existence while we play every show in providence

I think we only played 6 Providence shows last year. Which isn't a lot considering its a small state with very few decent venues.
[Feb 4,2013 8:03am - third grade metal poser  ""]
you were in third grade when the album you are named after came out. hearing an album ten years later will never have the same significance as being there when it came out. stop acting like you didnt just discover destroyer 666 a year and a half ago and just act your age and noone will bother you anymore
[Feb 4,2013 8:09am - unchain_the_wolves ""]

third%20grade%20metal%20poser said:you were in third grade when the album you are named after came out. hearing an album ten years later will never have the same significance as being there when it came out. stop acting like you didnt just discover destroyer 666 a year and a half ago and just act your age and noone will bother you anymore

I've been listening to D666 for five years. Sure, that' not a long time when you look at it from a point of view at being 10, 15, 25 years older then I am. But they are my favorite band.
[Feb 4,2013 8:10am - shutup fagget  ""]

arilliusbm said:Shouldn't you kids have pubes in order to trash talk about other bands?

Shutup fagget
[Feb 4,2013 8:12am - arilliusbm ""]
I like this kids honest answers to the anonypussy posts
[Feb 4,2013 8:28am - anon reply  ""]

arilliusbm said:I like this kids honest answers to the anonypussy posts

I think you should have minded your own business, and kept your opinions to yourself, makes you no better than what this kid did. The circle is now complete.
[Feb 4,2013 8:29am - unchain_the_wolves ""]

the%20truth said:age does matter. i know 3 or 4 years of listening to metal probably feels like a lot because when you are only 18 that is a good chunk of your life, but even if you have been doing this since you were 10 which i truly doubt you have, your experience is still far, far less than most of us, which is fine until you start acting like you know whats up when were drinking fucking and banging our heads a decade before you popped out of the womb.

Please go on about how I'm acting that "I know whats up."
[Feb 4,2013 8:31am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
[Feb 4,2013 8:32am - Yeti ""]
[Feb 4,2013 8:39am - arilliusbm ""]

anon%20reply said:
arilliusbm said:I like this kids honest answers to the anonypussy posts

I think you should have minded your own business, and kept your opinions to yourself, makes you no better than what this kid did. The circle is now complete.

yes, this was a bit unnecessary but a.) he is part of Spencer's glorious generation
b.) it's everyone's business when posted on a public social network
c.) log in
[Feb 4,2013 8:46am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
Yes.... log in.
[Feb 4,2013 8:48am - Burnsy ""]
Sure is anonymous fucking pussy in here. You'd think a big strong weathered metal head wouldn't be scared of an 18 year old.
[Feb 4,2013 8:51am - anon reply  ""]

arilliusbm said:
anon%20reply said:
arilliusbm said:I like this kids honest answers to the anonypussy posts

I think you should have minded your own business, and kept your opinions to yourself, makes you no better than what this kid did. The circle is now complete.

yes, this was a bit unnecessary but a.) he is part of Spencer's glorious generation
b.) it's everyone's business when posted on a public social network
c.) log in

we were all young metal heads once, with our own opinions, we all say or talk shit at some point. What's the point of logging in, since you do not know me, I said nothing wrong to you, just simply stated my opinion on a public forum. What you did on here is no better than what he supposedly did on FB.
[Feb 4,2013 8:54am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
I'm sure I'm not alone when I said I'm happy that Gravesideservice isn't on that show.
[Feb 4,2013 8:58am - arilliusbm ""]
I didn't start talking shit until I felt it was right. Being an 18 year old playing music around here, I learned it was best to keep quiet and play music. Then again, we didn't have social networking and all that bullshit these kids have today.
[Feb 4,2013 9:02am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
I was talking to the dudes from Crypter about how its kinda funny playing with a bunch of people way older then us all the time. What ya gonna do?
[Feb 4,2013 9:03am - arilliusbm ""]
Nothing, it's fun and good seeing the young bands. This was a sad attempt at hazing but you seem like an honest chap so there is nothing to really say.
[Feb 4,2013 9:06am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
Yeah dude. I don't believe I've met you in person but I have seen Herugrim play. Last time I talked to Josh he said you guys aren't really doing much? Bummer!
[Feb 4,2013 9:09am - arilliusbm ""]
Werd, we are on hiatus because we couldn't find a band to share our room.
Anyways, hopefully we can meet soon and I will buy you underagers weed and beer.
[Feb 4,2013 9:11am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
Right on
[Feb 4,2013 9:14am - get a room faggets  ""]
get a room faggets
[Feb 4,2013 9:18am - Burnsy ""]
Sure is anonymous fucking pussy in here. You'd think a big strong weathered metal head wouldn't be scared of an 18 year old.

Edit: new phone, fuck off.
[Feb 4,2013 9:21am - arilliusbm ""]

get%20a%20room%20faggets said:get a room faggets

herugrim would love to get a room.
[Feb 4,2013 9:30am - way to repost stupid  ""]

Burnsy said:Sure is anonymous fucking pussy in here. You'd think a big strong weathered metal head wouldn't be scared of an 18 year old.

Edit: new phone, fuck off.

way to repost stupid
[Feb 4,2013 9:31am - the truth  ""]

arilliusbm said:
get%20a%20room%20faggets said:get a room faggets

herugrim would love to get a room with witch king where we could talk about black metal and jerk each other off.

[Feb 4,2013 9:36am - arilliusbm ""]
Well, Witch King can be filed under 'barely legal', right?
[Feb 4,2013 9:38am - unchain_the_wolves ""]
Bass player is 21.
[Feb 4,2013 9:47am - unsuck_the_dicks  ""]
then bass player should be kicked out for not being enough of a twink faggot
[Feb 4,2013 9:54am - unbreak_my_heart  ""]
say youll love me again
[Feb 4,2013 9:57am - Dale Gribble  ""]
You can't troll me. I am untrollable.
[Feb 4,2013 10:05am - ærk  ""]
age is irrelevant. talking shit, on facebook no less, doesn't make you look good no matter who you are.
[Feb 4,2013 10:08am - arilliusbm ""]

ærk said:age is irrelevant.

Disagreed. I respect the elders and believe that opinions are like wine, they get better with age.
[Feb 4,2013 10:12am - the_reverend ""]
So aril is in gss?
[Feb 4,2013 10:12am - ærk  ""]
well yeah. i meant when it comes to talking shit. wisdom > all.
[Feb 4,2013 10:13am - death metal zinfandel  ""]

arilliusbm said:
ærk said:age is irrelevant.

Disagreed. I respect the elders and believe that opinions are like wine, they get better with age.

Disagreed, they get bitter with age, but go quite nice with some fancy cheese.
[Feb 4,2013 10:16am - arilliusbm ""]
For example, if a 75 year old in a nursing home not named Dwyer was giving me his opinion on Thelonius Monk, I would respect it a lot more than a berklee kid who also has an opinion on Monk. Why? Because the elder experienced that era.
I could apply the same for metal. We can all have an opinion on 80s Thrash and what bands were better than what, but I would hold someone's opinion at a higher value if they had lived through it and been there.
That doesn't mean people can't have opinions, it just means I would respect theirs more.
Goes for any format of art, as it is constantly evolving and changing..
[Feb 4,2013 10:16am - magic 8 ball  ""]

the_reverend said:So aril is in gss?

All signs point to yes.
[Feb 4,2013 10:23am - arilliusbm ""]
I can understand why people don't like GSS and think it's funny. I still think they have an original sound though, regardless of how non-appealing the music is.
[Feb 4,2013 10:30am - incorrect again  ""]

arilliusbm said:For example, if a 75 year old in a nursing home not named Dwyer was giving me his opinion on Thelonius Monk, I would respect it a lot more than a berklee kid who also has an opinion on Monk. Why? Because the elder experienced that era.
I could apply the same for metal. We can all have an opinion on 80s Thrash and what bands were better than what, but I would hold someone's opinion at a higher value if they had lived through it and been there.
That doesn't mean people can't have opinions, it just means I would respect theirs more.
Goes for any format of art, as it is constantly evolving and changing..

Your theory is flawed, just because someone was old enough to experience it and live through that era they still might not no shit, as opposed to the younger person who could be more knowledgeable about the subject.
[Feb 4,2013 10:33am - arilliusbm ""]
Yes, I'm sure the younger kids nos more.
[Feb 4,2013 10:43am - Yeti ""]
once upon a time if you ran your mouth, you got your ass kicked. i'm not saying this kid needs to get his ass kicked, i'm just pointing out the flaws in the generation gap.
[Feb 4,2013 10:44am - incorrect again  ""]
some do, some dont, I am sure I am older than you, so by your logic you should be listening to me.
[Feb 4,2013 10:55am - finally  ""]

Yeti said:once upon a time if you ran your mouth, you got your ass kicked. i'm not saying this kid needs to get his ass kicked, i'm just pointing out the flaws in the generation gap.
finally someone said it. what a bunch of faggots you metal kids have become, writing about death and violence and then being a total wimp. just slap the kid when you see him if you have a problem, otherwise shut the fuck up.
[Feb 4,2013 10:56am - arilliusbm ""]
If you logged in, I would. I respect all the older people's opinions here, even hoser's. LargeFreakAtZero, the reverend, Snowden, mark from nachzehrer, etc. They've been around for a while. Doesn't mean I have to agree with them on everything but I give them respect.
Life is a journey, we formulate ideas and opinions as we age. Isn't that how you people were raised? Honour thy elders?

FUCK THIS WORLD, IMMA GO BACK TO A TRIBAL SOCIETY. The reverend is now known as the_shaman
[Feb 4,2013 10:57am - arilliusbm ""]

finally said:
Yeti said:once upon a time if you ran your mouth, you got your ass kicked. i'm not saying this kid needs to get his ass kicked, i'm just pointing out the flaws in the generation gap.
finally someone said it. what a bunch of faggots you metal kids have become, writing about death and violence and then being a total wimp. just slap the kid when you see him if you have a problem, otherwise shut the fuck up.

I've been waiting for 8 years for someone to do this and smack me and none of you fags have the balls.
[Feb 4,2013 10:57am - someone  ""]
grow some balls and throw a punch or shut the fuck up pussies
[Feb 4,2013 10:58am - ærk  ""]
[Feb 4,2013 11:02am - just gross  ""]

arilliusbm said:
finally said:
Yeti said:once upon a time if you ran your mouth, you got your ass kicked. i'm not saying this kid needs to get his ass kicked, i'm just pointing out the flaws in the generation gap.
finally someone said it. what a bunch of faggots you metal kids have become, writing about death and violence and then being a total wimp. just slap the kid when you see him if you have a problem, otherwise shut the fuck up.

I've been waiting for 8 years for someone to do this and smack me and none of you fags have the balls.

weirdo perv wanting to get smacked around with some fag balls
[Feb 4,2013 11:04am - Burnsy ""]
I agree with the general theory here about wisdom but older people can be just as fucking retarded.
[Feb 4,2013 11:05am - arilliusbm ""]
They can, doesn't mean it's not worth something, though. Politicians are exempt, btw.
[Feb 4,2013 11:06am - largefreakatzero ""]

arilliusbm said:If you logged in, I would. I respect all the older people's opinions here, even hoser's. LargeFreakAtZero, the reverend, Snowden, mark from nachzehrer, etc. They've been around for a while. Doesn't mean I have to agree with them on everything but I give them respect.
Life is a journey, we formulate ideas and opinions as we age. Isn't that how you people were raised? Honour thy elders?

FUCK THIS WORLD, IMMA GO BACK TO A TRIBAL SOCIETY. The reverend is now known as the_shaman

Thanks, but I really just come here to post pictures of dead animals, make mean comments, and laugh with those who are also good at being mean.

Also, it's not these kids' fault for being pussies. I think the seventh sign of gay generations to come started when parents started making kids wear helmets to ride their bicycles.
[Feb 4,2013 11:20am - north korean unicorn  ""]

largefreakatzero said:
arilliusbm said:If you logged in, I would. I respect all the older people's opinions here, even hoser's. LargeFreakAtZero, the reverend, Snowden, mark from nachzehrer, etc. They've been around for a while. Doesn't mean I have to agree with them on everything but I give them respect.
Life is a journey, we formulate ideas and opinions as we age. Isn't that how you people were raised? Honour thy elders?

FUCK THIS WORLD, IMMA GO BACK TO A TRIBAL SOCIETY. The reverend is now known as the_shaman

Thanks, but I really just come here to post pictures of dead animals, make mean comments, and laugh with those who are also good at being mean.

Also, it's not these kids' fault for being pussies. I think the seventh sign of gay generations to come started when parents started making kids wear helmets to ride their bicycles.

^ now this I can respect ha ha. I also blame parents for being faggots when their kids play sports and everyone gets a ribbon or little trophy, fuck this everyone is a winner bullshit.
[Feb 4,2013 11:22am - Burnsy ""]
[Feb 4,2013 11:30am - arilliusbm ""]
Nowadays tee ball is the worst. Both teams win. Shit pisses me off.
[Feb 4,2013 12:00pm - Czarnobog ""]
doesn't every providence band play providence way too much?
[Feb 4,2013 1:14pm - Yeti ""]

largefreakatzero said:
arilliusbm said:If you logged in, I would. I respect all the older people's opinions here, even hoser's. LargeFreakAtZero, the reverend, Snowden, mark from nachzehrer, etc. They've been around for a while. Doesn't mean I have to agree with them on everything but I give them respect.
Life is a journey, we formulate ideas and opinions as we age. Isn't that how you people were raised? Honour thy elders?

FUCK THIS WORLD, IMMA GO BACK TO A TRIBAL SOCIETY. The reverend is now known as the_shaman

Thanks, but I really just come here to post pictures of dead animals, make mean comments, and laugh with those who are also good at being mean.

Also, it's not these kids' fault for being pussies. I think the seventh sign of gay generations to come started when parents started making kids wear helmets to ride their bicycles.

hahahaha oh man, i have ranted about forced helmet usage pussification before. i would ride down a sandy pavement hill with no helmet while barefoot and the pedals were those metal spiked BMX ones, and the only brakes were when you pedaled backwards, hard.
[Feb 4,2013 1:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
^ haha yes
[Feb 4,2013 1:23pm - Uh ""]
Aril just wants all you damn kids off his lawn.
[Feb 4,2013 1:25pm - north korean unicorn  ""]
[Feb 4,2013 1:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
It's everybody's lawn.
[Feb 4,2013 1:48pm - old man from the haunted amusement park  ""]
and I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those damn meddling kids.
[Feb 4,2013 1:48pm - Alx_Casket ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]
[Feb 4,2013 2:14pm - FACT  ""]
i would have gained, rather than lost, respect for witch king, had they talked shit about barren joke instead of gss
[Feb 4,2013 2:29pm - DYA is FUNNY JOKE MAN  ""]

unchain_the_wolves said:I haves pubes... a lot of them. Since when does age have to do with musical opinions? I'm not hating on any of the members of that band. The few times I have talked to Ron he's a really nice guy. Not of fan of their music... at all....

Yeah, it's DON GSS you have to watch out for.
[Feb 4,2013 2:33pm - popes pears  ""]
[Feb 4,2013 3:40pm - largefreakatzero ""]

north%20korean%20unicorn said:HUFFY BMX BIKE or GTFO

I had one of those death traps. Made shitty jumps out of scrap wood and fell a lot. Replaced by skateboard and more injuries.
[Feb 4,2013 4:18pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

unbreak_my_heart said:say youll love me again

This is the best post in this entire thread.
[Feb 4,2013 4:28pm - shutup fagget  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
unbreak_my_heart said:say youll love me again

This is the best post in this entire thread.

shutup fagget
[Feb 4,2013 4:29pm - shutup fagget  ""]

shutup%20fagget said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:
unbreak_my_heart said:say youll love me again

This is the best post in this entire thread.

shutup fagget

shutup fagget
[Feb 4,2013 4:40pm - HellionLord ""]
played a show with witch king, as i was walking behind the bass player he said to his friend "we've got a bottle whiskey, like two joints and half a pizza left in the car, so we're good for the night!"

that is metal.
[Feb 4,2013 4:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
Until pizza was mentioned.
[Feb 4,2013 4:44pm - 15 year old detector  ""]

HellionLord said:played a show with witch king, as i was walking behind the bass player he said to his friend "we've got a bottle whiskey, like two joints and half a pizza left in the car, so we're good for the night!"

that is metal.

15 year old detected
[Feb 4,2013 5:04pm - north korean unicorn  ""]

arilliusbm said:Until pizza was mentioned.

[Feb 4,2013 5:19pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

shutup%20fagget said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:
unbreak_my_heart said:say youll love me again

This is the best post in this entire thread.

shutup fagget

Only if you can help me uncry these tears.
[Feb 4,2013 5:25pm - Yeti ""]
unsmell my fart
[Feb 4,2013 5:27pm - shutup fagget  ""]

shutup%20fagget said:
shutup%20fagget said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:
unbreak_my_heart said:say youll love me again

This is the best post in this entire thread.

shutup fagget

shutup fagget

shutup fagget
[Feb 4,2013 5:29pm - Lamp and his new haircut  ""]
You guys. Sean is enthusiastic about music and going to shows, so what if he doesn't like a band. He's the type of dude that will go to a show of all local bands when he only kind of cares about one of them and has always been open to hearing rad new shit. I'm sure it's not THAT big a deal and this thread has probably already been resolved, hell if I know, I didn't read most of it. The only thing Sean sucks at is giving people directions to the beach, haha.
[Feb 4,2013 5:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
Should be "Lamp and his new boyfriend"
[Feb 4,2013 6:16pm - shutup fagget  ""]

arilliusbm said:Should be "Lamp and his new boyfriend"

shutup.............. wait, continue.
[Feb 4,2013 6:34pm - Lamp and his new haircut  ""]

arilliusbm said:Should be "Lamp and his new boyfriend"

Let's slash each others throats with children's scissors about it over a long and drawn out drinking session sometime BROHAMMER DELUXE
[Feb 4,2013 7:15pm - Lamp and his new faggot  ""]
i call my boyfriend the Dick King
[Feb 4,2013 7:58pm - arilliusbm ""]

Lamp%20and%20his%20new%20haircut said:
arilliusbm said:Should be "Lamp and his new boyfriend"

Let's slash each others throats with children's scissors about it over a long and drawn out drinking session sometime BROHAMMER DELUXE

I still owe you a beverage.
[Feb 4,2013 8:32pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]

unchain_the_wolves said:I haves pubes... a lot of them.

Will you take a trade? I've got a boss distortion pedal and a pack of D'Addarios I'll give you.
[Feb 4,2013 8:37pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]

arilliusbm said:Yes, I'm sure the younger kids nos more.

You know a lot more about black metal than I do. I was old enough then, you were like 10. Think about it...

You're being elitefag again. I thought you gave that shit up for lent.

[Feb 4,2013 8:40pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]
Also, metal is meant for teens and twenty somethings. Babies and late night t.v. are meant for people our age.

Being old is nothing to brag about. Nose hair and long term commitments are so un-metal.

[Feb 4,2013 8:48pm - arilliusbm ""]
You're missing the point. Because I enjoy something you don't really like doesn't mean my opinion is more valid. My point is about people of similar interest that have the same interest. It's about respect, not about who is right or wrong.
[Feb 4,2013 8:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
And yes, I do respect your opinion on the music you like over someone who is 17 and has been listening to Dream Theater for 5 years, even though I think most of their wankery is garbage. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it. This also is common in journalism; writers that have been around for 40 years could write about the same topic as someone half their age working for the same paper, but their article would have more respect because they've doing it for much longer. I don't see what the big deal is here. It has nothing to do with elitefag.
[Feb 4,2013 9:24pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]
I didn't miss your point. I passed my metal flag to the next generation a while ago and freely admit I don't know dick about a lot of it anymore. Bring back Death Angel!

Oh wait - they did? Really?

Wanna know how many 2012 releases I bought? 4. Van Halen, Devin Townsend, Keith Merrow, and Accept. Everything else I bought last year was old news.

[Feb 4,2013 9:25pm - shutup fagget  ""]

arilliusbm said:And yes, I do respect your opinion on the music you like over someone who is 17 and has been listening to Dream Theater for 5 years, even though I think most of their wankery is garbage. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it. This also is common in journalism; writers that have been around for 40 years could write about the same topic as someone half their age working for the same paper, but their article would have more respect because they've doing it for much longer. I don't see what the big deal is here. It has nothing to do with elitefag.

shutup fagget
[Feb 4,2013 10:13pm - typical aril  ""]

arilliusbm said:And yes, I do respect your opinion on the music you like over someone who is 17 and has been listening to Dream Theater for 5 years, even though I think most of their wankery is garbage. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it. This also is common in journalism; writers that have been around for 40 years could write about the same topic as someone half their age working for the same paper, but their article would have more respect because they've doing it for much longer. I don't see what the big deal is here. It has nothing to do with elitefag.

as usual, when questioned, and shown your false statements, you change your stance a degree to continue to validate your bullshit.
[Feb 4,2013 10:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
I never changed anything. I used Thelonius Monk as an example. I used 80s Thrash as an example. I could use Pete's pizza making knowledge over my own as an example. I dont see how it's hard to respect those who have came before us and shared the same interest. It's not rocket science. Respect should be gained rather than forced. If you queens think that's elitism then go ahead and be my guest.
[Feb 4,2013 10:35pm - disinfo agent  ""]
I've seen your posts, spot your psuedo elitist opinions, and when confronted you change it slightly to continue to validate your bullshit. I see your patterns, and can call you out on your crap, keep squirming, and tell me to log in about it.
[Feb 4,2013 10:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
Like I said broski, be my guest. I'm not validating anything other than the common thought of respect for those who've been enjoying or creating a common interest longer. Bottom line being: a new local band who has kids fresh out of highschool come out of the blue and talks smack (or state their opinion) on another local band that's been around since they were 7 years old. Yes, it's a common occurrence, especially here on rttp. I ain't change nothing on this stance, only elaborating on the thought. If you don't agree, then that's great. You don't have to be a pussy about it though. What am I going to do, bite?
[Feb 5,2013 12:08am - disinfo agent  ""]
bottom line is you are being an old ass dried pussy about it, you are supposed to be the open thinker, walk away with a different perspective, get a different point of view, and respect the ideas and opinions of others younger than you, as you may learn something you didn't know.
[Feb 5,2013 12:40am - futup shagget  ""]

disinfo%20agent said:bottom line is you are being an old ass dried pussy about it, you are supposed to be the open thinker, walk away with a different perspective, get a different point of view, and respect the ideas and opinions of others younger than you, as you may learn something you didn't know.

futup shagget
[Feb 5,2013 2:24am - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]
Whoa, when did the trolls start making my points while I'm away?

Well done, troll person. Extra amazing if that was all Aril arguing with himself.
[Feb 5,2013 6:19am - arilliusbm ""]
Oh yea? And who says you're supposed to be all that? You?
Let's put this all in layman's terms for those who are ashamed to post their own personal opinion whilst logged in:
–there is a difference between liking or disliking something and respecting something. You can dislike someone but still have a level of respect. This applies to anything. pro sports athletes, army veterans, musicians and bands, etc.
-age does not always correlate to the level of respect, but it certainly can. In this instance, it was teenagers making fun of 30 and 40 year olds. All I ask is that if you don't like their music, at least respect them for their longevity at what they do.
-the internet generation has the ability to download anything they want, and in most cases it can make people an expert on anything they want because it's all at their finger tips. Isn't this why rttp people bash Spence?
-not once did I ever say the music of the younger generation doesn't merit respect, in fact I believe I even said I enjoy seeing all the young bands. I dont enjoy rock star attitudes with the younger kids, though. This was established it wasn't the case.

That being said, this is not about older people being better than younger people. It's about the feeling of respect amongst young and old. Unfortunately it's not always the case. Regardless, this is waaaaaay too much on this subject. If you want to call me an old dried pussy, that's okay. We have the ability to express our opinions; Obviously a nerve was struck and you log out and try to express your opinion. Cool story bro.
[Feb 5,2013 9:37am - pleasing steven  ""]
the gayest, most non-metal aspect to this whole situation is posting and caring so goddamn much about some imagined framework of etiquette and "respect", can't decide if it sounds like the guidelines for a family dinner or if it's the mafia or something. some young metal dude had an opinion, go call the fucking ACLU about it. every single underground metalhead i've ever met has had strong opinions since day 1.
[Feb 5,2013 9:42am - arilliusbm ""]
Paging the ACLU. I CARE SO MUCH.
[Feb 5,2013 9:44am - arilliusbm ""]
Also, can you people stop using "metal" and "non-metal" as adjectives to describe something? Let me blow down the list of what's wrong with that, after I call the ACLU and wrestle Arrowhead.
[Feb 5,2013 9:45am - ÆRK  ""]

pleasing%20steven said:the gayest, most non-metal aspect
[Feb 5,2013 9:57am - pleasing steven  ""]
jesus, where's your sense of irony?
[Feb 5,2013 9:58am - arilliusbm ""]
It's logged in, Judas.
[Feb 5,2013 10:01am - pleasing steven  ""]
do you have a manifesto on rules of logging into metal forums, too?
[Feb 5,2013 10:04am - arilliusbm ""]
As part of rttp's board of directors, we do have a manifesto. We have recently kicked out the self-proclaimed admin as well.
[Feb 5,2013 10:16am - disinfo agent  ""]

arilliusbm said:Oh yea? And who says you're supposed to be all that? You?
Let's put this all in layman's terms for those who are ashamed to post their own personal opinion whilst logged in:
–there is a difference between liking or disliking something and respecting something. You can dislike someone but still have a level of respect. This applies to anything. pro sports athletes, army veterans, musicians and bands, etc.
-age does not always correlate to the level of respect, but it certainly can. In this instance, it was teenagers making fun of 30 and 40 year olds. All I ask is that if you don't like their music, at least respect them for their longevity at what they do.
-the internet generation has the ability to download anything they want, and in most cases it can make people an expert on anything they want because it's all at their finger tips. Isn't this why rttp people bash Spence?
-not once did I ever say the music of the younger generation doesn't merit respect, in fact I believe I even said I enjoy seeing all the young bands. I dont enjoy rock star attitudes with the younger kids, though. This was established it wasn't the case.

That being said, this is not about older people being better than younger people. It's about the feeling of respect amongst young and old. Unfortunately it's not always the case. Regardless, this is waaaaaay too much on this subject. If you want to call me an old dried pussy, that's okay. We have the ability to express our opinions; Obviously a nerve was struck and you log out and try to express your opinion. Cool story bro.

Seems like the nerve was struck in you......Look at this long gayass post you just made. You started this thread, think about it.
[Feb 5,2013 10:18am - arilliusbm ""]
I started this thread knowing exactly what it would turn into, hence my responses to the otherwise anonypussy posts here. It's a forum, and topics get discussed. Think about it.
[Feb 5,2013 10:22am - disinfo agent  ""]
Mediocre sarcastic response, that's exactly what I would expect.
[Feb 5,2013 10:28am - KEVORD ""]
Were was your Metal Flag on September 10th 2001?
[Feb 5,2013 10:29am - arilliusbm ""]
Glad I could oblige.
[Feb 5,2013 10:41am - Yeti ""]
this thread is gay. be an elitist and be proud of it. everything everyone listens to aside from what i listen to is gay.
[Feb 5,2013 10:41am - Yeti ""]

ArrowHead%20Logged%20In%20...%20Once said:Also, metal is meant for teens and twenty somethings. Babies and late night t.v. are meant for people our age.

Being old is nothing to brag about. Nose hair and long term commitments are so un-metal.

is this sarcastic? if not, i'm sorry you hold such a terrible outlook on life.
[Feb 5,2013 10:45am - KEVORD ""]
This thread is like soooo unmetal guyz!!!!!
[Feb 5,2013 10:46am - Yeti ""]
metal is about what's inside of you, not how old or young you are. my mother told me i'd be over this "phase" when i grew up. i'm approaching 32 and have never been more into it than i am now. whatever happened to turning this emotion into good music? i can think of a lot of wasted talent in this thread alone. write without abandon, sing without care, and give no fucks. ever.
[Feb 5,2013 10:46am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 5,2013 10:50am - Alx_Casket ""]
Well said, Yeti.
[Feb 5,2013 10:51am - KEVORD ""]
I expect a 1000 word essay on what metal means to you posted by everyone in this thread by the end of the day.
[Feb 5,2013 10:55am - arilliusbm ""]
Again, this thread is not about age in the sense of creating or liking metal. It's about respecting people. I dont understand why it's rocket science.
[Feb 5,2013 11:06am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Feb 5,2013 11:09am - disinfo agent  ""]

arilliusbm said:Shouldn't you kids have pubes in order to trash talk about other bands?

ITT: Aril said it is not about age
[Feb 5,2013 11:10am - posbleak ""]

arilliusbm said:It's about respecting people. I dont understand why it's rocket science.

[Feb 5,2013 11:12am - arilliusbm ""]
Talking trash is different than having metal "come from the inside."
[Feb 5,2013 11:15am - Arrowhead_NLI  ""]
I'm talking to the Metal council about having your metal license revoked. You should be at home scratching your balls.
[Feb 5,2013 11:36am - ÆRK  ""]

Yeti said:
ArrowHead%20Logged%20In%20...%20Once said:Also, metal is meant for teens and twenty somethings. Babies and late night t.v. are meant for people our age.

Being old is nothing to brag about. Nose hair and long term commitments are so un-metal.

is this sarcastic? if not, i'm sorry you hold such a terrible outlook on life.


KEVORD said:Were was your Metal Flag on September 10th 2001?

[Feb 5,2013 11:37am - why  ""]
Loving the logic in this thread. Don't talk shit on bands that are older than you. Wait until you grow up and are able to translate the shittalk into cheesy condescending old man diatribes on rttp that carefully avoid actually offending anyone
[Feb 5,2013 11:37am - pleasing steven  ""]
keep metal dangerous.
[Feb 5,2013 11:41am - arilliusbm ""]
You can talk shit all you want but a little respect ain't hurt nobody. Aretha Franklin said it best. Oh wait, that was an open minded comment about "non-metal"? Gasp. The irony.
[Feb 5,2013 11:45am - Arrowhead_NLI  ""]
Fuck you James. I've been flying the true metal flag for at least a decade.
[Feb 5,2013 11:47am - ÆRK  ""]
[Feb 5,2013 11:48am - largefreakatzero ""]
Thread was entertaining and teenagers are annoying whether they're into metal or not.
[Feb 5,2013 11:49am - pleasing steven  ""]
if a grizzled scene veteran with pubes had done the trash talking, would you have started the thread? no. instead you're backpedaling into a treatise on respect after your attempted reprimand of a young whippersnapper backfired.

choke on a turd, gramps.
[Feb 5,2013 11:50am - arilliusbm ""]

largefreakatzero said:Thread was entertaining

mission accomplished.
[Feb 5,2013 11:53am - Arrowhead_NLI  ""]

pleasing%20steven said:if a grizzled scene veteran with pubes had done the trash talking, would you have started the thread? no. instead you're backpedaling into a treatise on respect after your attempted reprimand of a young whippersnapper backfired.

choke on a turd, gramps.

Shut up Alx. I'm the white knight around here.
[Feb 5,2013 11:53am - Thunderstool  ""]
But nobody can ever be as much of an annoying douche bag as HookedonMetal!
[Feb 5,2013 11:54am - arilliusbm ""]
The trash talking thing is old news and was settled yesterday. My notion still stands on respect. I'm glad people disagree. That's how life is.
[Feb 5,2013 11:55am - a jealous grizzled scene veteran with bubes  ""]
hott...... :o****
[Feb 5,2013 11:56am - why  ""]
Kumbaya. Thread fail
[Feb 5,2013 12:04pm - disinfo agent  ""]

arilliusbm said:You can talk shit all you want but a little respect ain't hurt nobody. Aretha Franklin said it best. Oh wait, that was an open minded comment about "non-metal"? Gasp. The irony.

Thats not an open minded comment, there was no irony to be had, comment was weak.
[Feb 5,2013 12:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
I like you more and more.
[Feb 5,2013 12:11pm - why  ""]
The irony is Aril comes out looking like a turd in his own thread, while UTW makes gains
[Feb 5,2013 12:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
Perhaps that was the point of this thread? A test, hazing. He passed. Support. I can look like a turd all I want, no care, ever.
[Feb 5,2013 12:22pm - turd ferguson  ""]
[Feb 5,2013 12:57pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]

Arrowhead_NLI said:Fuck you James. I've been flying the true metal flag for at least a decade.

Real me would never utter "true metal flag".

But bitching about anon trolling under my name is about as pointless as bitching about kids not having respect on RTTP.

[Feb 5,2013 12:58pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]

Arrowhead_NLI said: Shut up Alx. I'm the white knight around here.

Nope. A White Knight wouldn't share my opinion that 90% of you are retards.

[Feb 5,2013 12:59pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]
Also - troll not identified, but imma gonna smack Alex and Randy just for good measures. ;)

[Feb 5,2013 1:16pm - why  ""]
[Feb 5,2013 1:17pm - why  ""]
"He passed" bitch get over yourself
[Feb 5,2013 1:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
Now you're just looking like you're Mr. McQuade.
[Feb 5,2013 1:37pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]

Yeti said:metal is about what's inside of you.

So to you, metal is about dick?

Really though - you've yet to notice late shows are harder when you work in the morning? Buying music harder when you're paying a mortgage? Time to write/play tougher when you've got a family/kids?

It's not like I said something new and mind blowing - pop music (for us metal) has always been dominated by kids - because they've got the most energy, time, money, and pointless emotion.

I still love metal. And I'll always be more metal than you, yeti. But I know my limits, and understand the world around me well enough to know when I'm no longer the relevant generation. You're still clinging, and that's great, keep it up.
[Feb 5,2013 1:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
You have kids, Pete? Welcome to the club. Didnt know you wee a dad.
[Feb 5,2013 1:39pm - ArrowHead Logged In.....Once  ""]
I guess what I'm saying is that.....I'm a woman trapped in a mans body.
[Feb 5,2013 1:43pm - unchain_the_wolves ""]

HellionLord said:played a show with witch king, as i was walking behind the bass player he said to his friend "we've got a bottle whiskey, like two joints and half a pizza left in the car, so we're good for the night!"

that is metal.

Was this at O'Briens?
[Feb 5,2013 1:51pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]

arilliusbm said:You have kids, Pete? Welcome to the club. Didnt know you wee a dad.

No way, kids are for faggots. But in the mid to late thirties most people do, so generally people our age don't have the time and attention to dedicate to music the way we did as teens.

[Feb 5,2013 1:53pm - ArrowHead Logged In ... Once  ""]

ArrowHead%20Logged%20In.....Once said:I guess what I'm saying is that.....I'm a woman trapped in a mans body.

Damn, I gave you credit in the other thread you started, not realizing you were actually making that lame joke for the second time. -2 points for turning your joke into a thread after it failed here.

I expect more from the trolls here. If it were me, I'd have found the pic of me in those Jenkos I mentioned earlier and trolled the shit out of myself.

[Feb 5,2013 1:54pm - KEVORD ""]
Using my penis to make kids is gross.
[Feb 5,2013 3:26pm - Yeti ""]

ArrowHead%20Logged%20In%20...%20Once said:
Yeti said:metal is about what's inside of you.

So to you, metal is about dick?

Really though - you've yet to notice late shows are harder when you work in the morning? Buying music harder when you're paying a mortgage? Time to write/play tougher when you've got a family/kids?

It's not like I said something new and mind blowing - pop music (for us metal) has always been dominated by kids - because they've got the most energy, time, money, and pointless emotion.

I still love metal. And I'll always be more metal than you, yeti. But I know my limits, and understand the world around me well enough to know when I'm no longer the relevant generation. You're still clinging, and that's great, keep it up.

none of this pertains to what i said. i never said i was the relevant generation, i never said i don't understand how life changes when you have things like families (which i do). where is your band? where is your music? mine is ripe for the picking. i don't go out to shows as much, i don't buy as much music, but unlike you i haven't let the fire inside of me die, so you can stand tall on your pedestal and fuck yourself.
[Feb 5,2013 3:30pm - Yeti ""]
oh and there is nothing gayer than proclaiming you are more metal than someone. congratulations.
[Feb 5,2013 4:04pm - boblovesmusic ""]

[Feb 5,2013 4:34pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]

Yeti said:oh and there is nothing gayer than proclaiming you are more metal than someone. congratulations.

After your angry answer, I almost want to let you keep feeling this way - but that was massive sarcasm Yeti. As should be clear from my prior posts in this thread.

Secondly, that's your second reference to my letting some sort of fire die. I put out one album with one band you've heard. That's it. What fire did I have then I do not have now?

Meanwhile I still write, play, and record music. It's a huge part of my life every single day. But music isn't all of who I am - and I'm sorry to see you still cling to your musical banner as your self-definition. Me, I have a girl, a home, and a wonderful life. Music enhances that. So does weed, coffee, and masturbation. But none of these things define me.

Your anger is silly. I liked you better years ago when you were a respectful little squirt hanging out with your band and I outside Harper's Ferry. Aging hasn't done you any favors either. You're far too serious now.

[Feb 5,2013 4:42pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]

Yeti said:where is your band? where is your music?

This would actually be my most recent recording/composition. Due to health reasons, I've had issues playing guitar for the last year or two. Still, more metal than you brah:


I'm not in a band because I hate bands. Politics, drama, commuting, etc... I can't stand. I like gigging, but can't stand touring. I prefer shitting in my own toilet, and banging the same boring girl every night.

Only reason I was ever a singer was because I was too lazy to carry my guitar amp anymore. ;)

[Feb 5,2013 4:47pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm more metal than all of you and I listen to Lady Gaga!
[Feb 5,2013 4:55pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]

boblovesmusic said:I'm more metal than all of you and I listen to Lady Gaga!

That's pretty metal.

But only if you dress like her too. Otherwise I'm still way more metal than both of you, because I am wearing a steak right now bitch.

Actually, it's just a can of beef flavored cat food I poured on my junk, but close enough.

OW kitty,not so rough.

[Feb 5,2013 5:06pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Anything remotely interesting you goin on here or just 4 pages of wanton faggotry?

Cliffs notes?
[Feb 5,2013 5:11pm - muzak  ""]

ArrowHead%20NLI said:
Yeti said:where is your band? where is your music?

This would actually be my most recent recording/composition. Due to health reasons, I've had issues playing guitar for the last year or two. Still, more metal than you brah:


I'm not in a band because I hate bands. Politics, drama, commuting, etc... I can't stand. I like gigging, but can't stand touring. I prefer shitting in my own toilet, and banging the same boring girl every night.

Only reason I was ever a singer was because I was too lazy to carry my guitar amp anymore. ;)

The elevator called, and they want their music back. That was UNMETAL.
[Feb 5,2013 5:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
I dunno, I was pretty entertained by my wanton Faggotry and by spineless anons.
[Feb 5,2013 5:14pm - cliff notes  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Anything remotely interesting you goin on here or just 4 pages of wanton faggotry?

Cliffs notes?

Gravesideservice is the catalyst of this thread, Aril is acting old and offended by some kids comment, started talking shit, he ended up looking dumb, and now two other dudes are bitching, but one could be an Aril troll, the end.
[Feb 5,2013 5:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
Nigga plz.
[Feb 5,2013 5:17pm - cliffnotes burton  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Anything remotely interesting you goin on here or just 4 pages of wanton faggotry?

Cliffs notes?

aril called some young kid a fag, the young kid said he wasnt a fag, aril decided that the young kid wasnt a fag, anonypussy trolled, lamp is a faggot, anonypussy not logging in made aril mad, aril turned out to be anonypussy, arrowhead showed up and spouted a bunch of retarded nonsense, yeti got mad at arrowhead for being a faggot, arrowhead tried to defend himself for his faggotry, arrowhead failed, kevord doesnt want kids, arrowhead is still a faggot
[Feb 5,2013 5:18pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]

muzak said:
The elevator called, and they want their music back. That was UNMETAL.

That was the joke, dumbass.
[Feb 5,2013 5:22pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]

cliffnotes%20burton said:arrowhead tried to defend himself for his faggotry, arrowhead failed

Incorrect. I intentionally created 90% of the faggotry in this thread. Why defend when it was more entertaining than anything you've had to say?

Sad day when you need to step in and give your own trolls a helping hand.
[Feb 5,2013 5:24pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]

ArrowHead%20NLI said:
cliffnotes%20burton said:arrowhead tried to defend himself for his faggotry, arrowhead failed

Incorrect. I AM a faggot. There is no debate.

[Feb 5,2013 5:25pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Hahahahahaha I've been trolling you guys the whole time. Hahahahahahaha I'm so smart.
[Feb 5,2013 5:29pm - shutup asshole  ""]

ArrowHead%20%20NLI said:Hahahahahaha I've been trolling you guys the whole time. Hahahahahahaha I'm so smart.

shutup asshole
[Feb 5,2013 5:32pm - ArrowHead Logged In  ""]
Last two posts were definitely me.

And incredibly clever, might I add. I must be having a good comedy day.
[Feb 5,2013 5:33pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
No way, I tricked all of you assholes. ArrowHead rules!
[Feb 5,2013 5:34pm - ArrowHead Logged In  ""]

ArrowHead%20%20NLI said:No way, I tricked all of you assholes. ArrowHead rules!

ArrowHead NLI is so 5 minuted ago. I logged in.
[Feb 5,2013 5:38pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Shut up fake ArrowHead. I'm trying to celebrate my win over these idiots.
[Feb 5,2013 5:40pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Feb 5,2013 5:40pm - ArrowHead Logged In  ""]

ArrowHead%20%20NLI said:Shut up fake ArrowHead. I'm trying to celebrate my win over these idiots.

Everyone knows that real ArrowHead never stops arguing long enough to celebrate a win.
[Feb 5,2013 5:42pm - Captain Obvious  ""]

ArrowHead%20Logged%20In said:
ArrowHead%20%20NLI said:Shut up fake ArrowHead. I'm trying to celebrate my win over these idiots.

Everyone knows that real ArrowHead never stops arguing long enough to celebrate a win.

point goes to real arrowhead.
[Feb 5,2013 5:44pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
And this is how we put an end to this.
[Feb 5,2013 5:48pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
You just did what all of us wanted you stupid fuck.
[Feb 5,2013 5:49pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]

ArrowHead%20%20NLI said:You just did what all of us wanted you stupid fuck.
[Feb 5,2013 5:58pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
You all wanted me to log in? That was your goal?

Then you win sir. I'm at your mercy, and your superior log-in-goading skills.

[Feb 5,2013 6:30pm - DYA is I FEEL PRETTY  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Anything remotely interesting you goin on here or just 4 pages of wanton faggotry?

Nailed it in one.

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