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Hi, I have a Ralphs question.

[Jan 30,2013 11:12am - Dan P.  ""]
I'm a new listener to Doom music and saw my first show at Ralphs last night. Do they have doom music every Tuesday?
[Jan 30,2013 11:16am - arilliusbm ""]
No. And only Funeral Doom is real.
[Jan 30,2013 11:19am - iteY  ""]
they have various kinds of metal on most Thursdays, but no there are no regular shows on Tuesdays.
[Jan 30,2013 11:19am - Dan P.  ""]
Oh, That sucks I had fun last night. Is there any other doom shows in the area in bike range? I go to school here in Worcester and don't have a car.
[Jan 30,2013 11:26am - KEVORD ""]
Press the button that says EVENTS.
[Jan 30,2013 11:29am - Dan P.  ""]
Oh, cool. There's a show tomorrow at Ralphs. Are any of those bands any good?
[Jan 30,2013 11:31am - Dont_Quit_Your_Gayjob  ""]
troll has been ident-a-fried.
[Jan 30,2013 11:35am - Dan P.  ""]
Whatever dude. I'm just looking to see some bands and maybe smoke up.
[Jan 30,2013 11:37am - boblovesmusic ""]
if you're for real, tomorrow's metal thursday should be a good one. A couple of doomy-ish bands, a thrash band, and a black/death band
[Jan 30,2013 11:40am - Ralph's Advocate  ""]
They hold metal shows almost every Thursday. Check the events page on here or find "Metal Thursday" on Facebook for show details. I believe tomorrow's show is heavy on the black metal side of things.
[Jan 30,2013 11:41am - Dan P.  ""]
Yeah, I'm gonna ride over if the weather is good. You smoke?
[Jan 30,2013 11:43am - Dont_Quit_Your_Gayjob  ""]

Dan%20P. said:Whatever dude. I'm just looking to see some bands and maybe smoke up.

looking forward to seeing you and your bike there, bring a chain with a lock so no one steals your ride.
[Jan 30,2013 11:44am - Dan P.  ""]
I take the front tire off and lock it man.
[Jan 30,2013 4:09pm - Uh ""]
I don't think doom is popular enough anymore to do a weekly doom show anywhere in the world let alone in Worcester. Ralph's doing metal on most Thursdays for like the past 6 or so years is pretty impressive.
[Jan 30,2013 4:52pm - Genre Police  ""]

Dan%20P. said:I'm a new listener to Doom music and saw my first show at Ralphs last night. Do they have doom music every Tuesday?

That wasn't doom you saw, son.
[Jan 30,2013 5:00pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Dan%20P. said:Yeah, I'm gonna ride over if the weather is good. You smoke?

[Jan 30,2013 5:10pm - FrauleinThursday ""]
Shameless promotion ...


Metal Thursday occurs on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, but sometimes, we pick up additional Thursday shows as well as other nights of the week.

Let's see if there is a bike with a missing wheel outside of Ralph's tomorrow. An important question is: What do you do with the wheel after you've removed it? Carry it around with you at the show? Everyone be on the lookout for a guy walking around with a bike tire, and buy that man a beer. LOL.
[Jan 30,2013 5:32pm - robotpie ""]
I assume he just removes the quick-release tire, and locks that tire up with the same lock for the whole bike. +1 if he rocks out with a tire for the whole show.
[Jan 30,2013 7:07pm - josh hates logging in  ""]
Walk around with a tire so we know who you are. You know, so we know who to smoke with and stuff.
[Jan 31,2013 9:28am - Hoser ""]

josh%20hates%20logging%20in said:Walk around with a tire so we know who you are. You know, so we know who to smoke with and stuff.

[Jan 31,2013 9:31am - Dan P.  ""]
The weather is pretty shitty today. I'm gonna see if a dude in my building can drop me off at Ralphs if I smoke him up. I'll wear a tire on a chain around my neck.
[Jan 31,2013 9:56am - Dan just Peed  ""]
Whats the toilet situation at Ralphs? My Dick is bro, just so you know.

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