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Abandoned Russian Wooden Masterpiece Homes (cool pic content)

[Jan 8,2013 3:35pm - arilliusbm ""]

Forum needs less pussass non-funny trolls and more non-music pussass fucking pictures and articles.
[Jan 8,2013 3:39pm - Troll Advisor  ""]
allready read this bullshit, old news
[Jan 8,2013 3:42pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Jan 8,2013 3:50pm - AndrewBastard ""]

trioxin245 said:WOULD INHABIT

WOOD inhabit

[Jan 8,2013 3:55pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Jan 8,2013 4:21pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Can't wait to go back to the motherland.
[Jan 8,2013 4:28pm - xmikex ""]

But would it even be considered a Russian house without an old snow covered wagon wheel sitting out front?
[Jan 8,2013 4:30pm - trioxin245 ""]

xmikex said:Rules.

But would it even be considered a Russian house without an old snow covered miserable looking long-haired man in a jean jacket drinking vodka alone with a loaded AK-47 out front?

[Jan 8,2013 5:15pm - Yeti ""]
Temnozer records all of their albums there.
[Jan 8,2013 7:06pm - arilliusbm ""]
A user commented on these:

Guys (1) these houses are not medieval – one was built in 1897 another one in 1903 (2) the one with furniture is not abandoned – it belongs to a friend, an artist who bought it from village council back in 1972 and saved it from destruction like the other one, since the village became abandoned. (3) The one which is ruined I am restoring with a help of a few friends. The story of the houses is quite interesting. They were built by two friends, local peasants who left their villages for St petersburg, rose from construction workers to propritors of large construction businesses (in fact one of them had worked as contractor during renovation of Winter Palace in St Pete in 1890s). Both of these peasants quit St Pete to retire in their home villages and built these estates there. Both houses were built without an architect, by these peasants themselves, but one used plans and drawings of fashionable Russian architect who was one of the creators of this”gingerbread” Russian art-noveau style of the 1870s-80s-90s. The houses stand 18km apart from each other in now abandoned villages. We plan to open guesthouse/museum/hunting lodge in the one we are renovating. The other one as I mentioned is private summer house of the artist from Moscow.

More info can be found at http://kopanga.livejournal.com and http://ostashevo.com (sorry all in Russian, but google translate is becoming better everyday, isn’t it?)
[Jan 8,2013 8:21pm - largefreakatzero ""]
In Soviet Russia, HOUSE abandons YOU.
[Jan 8,2013 8:59pm - the_reverend ""]
not /r/, but aweome.
[Jan 8,2013 11:22pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]






[Jan 9,2013 9:40am - xmikex ""]

arilliusbm said:A user commented on these:

Guys (1) these houses are not medieval – one was built in 1897 another one in 1903 (2) the one with furniture is not abandoned – it belongs to a friend, an artist who bought it from village council back in 1972 and saved it from destruction like the other one, since the village became abandoned. (3) The one which is ruined I am restoring with a help of a few friends. The story of the houses is quite interesting. They were built by two friends, local peasants who left their villages for St petersburg, rose from construction workers to propritors of large construction businesses (in fact one of them had worked as contractor during renovation of Winter Palace in St Pete in 1890s). Both of these peasants quit St Pete to retire in their home villages and built these estates there. Both houses were built without an architect, by these peasants themselves, but one used plans and drawings of fashionable Russian architect who was one of the creators of this”gingerbread” Russian art-noveau style of the 1870s-80s-90s. The houses stand 18km apart from each other in now abandoned villages. We plan to open guesthouse/museum/hunting lodge in the one we are renovating. The other one as I mentioned is private summer house of the artist from Moscow.

More info can be found at http://kopanga.livejournal.com and http://ostashevo.com (sorry all in Russian, but google translate is becoming better everyday, isn’t it?)

reply with "shutup fagget"
[Jan 9,2013 9:43am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jan 9,2013 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
russians still use livejournal? weird. Or not really too weird since latinos control most of myspace.
[Jan 9,2013 1:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Jan 9,2013 8:33pm - Niggerless Cage  ""]

arilliusbm said:http://englishrussia.com/2008/03/10/abandoned-wooden-miracles/

Forum needs less pussass non-funny trolls and more non-music pussass fucking pictures and articles.

[Jan 9,2013 8:36pm - arilliusbm ""]

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