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"A Memory of Light" - The 14th and final book in "The Wheel of Time" series

[Jan 8,2013 2:22pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Released today! SOOO fucking excited. Anyone else as excited as I am? Josh Martin maybe?
[Jan 8,2013 2:23pm - barren ark  ""]
damn son, i got halfway through The Great Hunt and put it down. I should pick it back up. Way more drawn to finishing the Dune series right now (only on #4)
[Jan 8,2013 2:24pm - trioxin245 ""]

ouchdrummer said:"A Memory of Light"

That's a violation of the law of lorentz invariance, brah.
[Jan 8,2013 2:26pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I understand not making past the first book or two, as they most-DEFinitely start slow. That being said, the series gets fucking amazing as it continues. Also surprisingly, Brandon Sanderson writes as well if not better than Robert Jordan in books 12 and 13. I'm sure 14 will be life changing, but as I just bought the audiobook for it today, I can't really comment.

I have such a huge geek-boner right now.
[Jan 8,2013 2:31pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I loved up to Winters Heart and slowly fell off...

this has been discussed like 9084093840 times on this forum in other threads.
[Jan 8,2013 2:31pm - ouchdrummer ""]

trioxin245 said:
ouchdrummer said:"A Memory of Light"

That's a violation of the law of lorentz invariance, brah.

Not gonna lie, had to look that up. Now that I've done so, I congratulate you for commenting with as nerdy a reference as this particular fantasty book based post deserved.
[Jan 8,2013 2:32pm - ouchdrummer ""]

AndrewBastard said:I loved up to Winters Heart and slowly fell off...

this has been discussed like 9084093840 times on this forum in other threads.

I know it has, but the final book only came out today. Thereby deserving of a new thread.
[Jan 8,2013 2:35pm - narkybark ""]
[Jan 8,2013 2:36pm - Mark_R ""]
Sanderson's first book was legit good. It was also noticeable for being a complete fantasy story told in one volume, not a trilogy or series. Of course, he got bit by the EPIC TRILOGY bug immediately after. He can write, though.
[Jan 8,2013 3:01pm - ouchdrummer ""]
as far as the "Epic Trilogy Bug" is concerned, I believe you're referring to the "Mistborn" series. That shit is awesome.
[Jan 8,2013 4:26pm - Josh Cunt nli  ""]

ouchdrummer said:Released today! SOOO fucking excited. Anyone else as excited as I am? Josh Martin maybe?

I just woke up. Gettin a copy in the AM. Over 20 years since I started the series. When Knife of Dreams came out i had to go back and re-read all of em 'cause it had been so long.

Shit, I read the entire Dune series while i was waiting for this one to finally come out.

[Jan 8,2013 6:11pm - Spence ""]
As soon as this comes out on paperback, totally going to get this shit.
[Jan 8,2013 9:52pm - longdeadgod ""]
Expecting mine tomorrow from amazon, been living with excitement/fear of this for a while, Sanderson i feel has kind of botched some of the characters over the past couple books, doesnt get the vibe right, but supposedly jordan had the last few chapters all finished before he died, so we should at least get a real ending.
[Jan 9,2013 9:32am - ouchdrummer ""]
Longdeadgod -
You think he's botched stuff up? I honestly think Sanderson's been almost BETTER than Jordan in the last two books. I know that's a crazy thing to say that most won't agree with, but i think he KILLS with those books.

JoshCuntnli - ditto on almost everything you just said. I started it over 20 years ago, I stopped at "Knife of Dreams", and in the last year I've went back through the entire series again preparing for yesterday. I'm in heaven.
[Jan 9,2013 2:48pm - longdeadgod ""]
I dont know man, first sanderson book was allright, 2nd was touchy, really read more like fan fic to me, dialogue and reactions for some of the characters just didnt feel right.

i understand the whole different writing style thing, no way he can write exactly like jordan, but look at other fantasy where the character has been written by multiple authors, I guess Conan would be an easy example, i feel that very few of them really effed up how conan would react or what he would say in comparison to how howard would have originally written it.

well, maybe not so good of an example, not hard to fuck up a character whos only basic reactions to everything are kill it or fuck it.
[Jan 11,2013 2:41pm - Josh Cunt nli  ""]
ok, i just got it, been a drunken week. FUCK paying $35 for a fucking book too, i lifted it.
[Jan 11,2013 2:42pm - AndrewBastard ""]
haha thats awesome

i hate that new books always come out in hard copy at first
[Jan 14,2013 11:04am - ouchdrummer ""]
yup, hardcopy can suck it. Holy fantastic ending batman, no spoilers from me though.
[Jan 14,2013 11:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Rand dies, Lews Therin gets raped by Lan.
[Jan 14,2013 11:42am - ouchdrummer ""]

arilliusbm said:Rand dies, Lews Therin gets raped by Lan.

No Dai Shan, no means no!
[Jan 14,2013 12:53pm - rand ark thor  ""]
Picked up The Great Hunt right where I left off when Perrin gets in touch with wolf parts.
[Jan 14,2013 12:54pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Tam Al'Thor comes back to life and molesters Egwene
[Jan 14,2013 1:55pm - robotpie ""]
I read from Eye Of The World to halfway through Crossroads of Twilight back in '05/06, I fucking got so burnt out with the Seanchan/that shitty traveling circus I dropped it. Then I remember Robert Jordan, upon being diagnosed with terminal illness, wrote like 2 prequels before leaving the series unfinished on his deathbed. Maybe this will re-kindle my interest.

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