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INFEST, INSULT(Boston),Asshole Parade,Strong Intention, Magrudergrind, Vacinne, Shitstrorm March 9 Churchills Pub Miami Fla

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Dec 30,2012 11:04am - insult  ""]
Roger from Speedfreek Productions has done it again , this show is going to be insane!!!
[Dec 30,2012 11:06am - insult  ""]
[Dec 30,2012 11:14am - the_reverend ""]
Wait... Asshole parade is still around.
[Dec 30,2012 11:40am - insult  ""]
Yep and they are playing this show.
[Dec 30,2012 12:50pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Yuh thats a really good show. Speedfreak does a lot of goodstuff putting Miami on the map as far as fast/grind/pv bands go.
[Dec 31,2012 1:02pm - trioxin245 ""]
Not trying to be a dick as INSULT is awesome as is this show, but why post a FL show on a NE message board?
[Dec 31,2012 1:05pm - NeonYellowReeboks  ""]
boast poast
[Dec 31,2012 1:53pm - eyeroller  ""]
Some folks travel for shows, MDF sure gets a lot of coverage here.
Some folks might consider FL, considering it's the first INFEST show in a bazillion years, influential band, bla bla bla.
[Dec 31,2012 1:54pm - insult ""]
I posted this Just in case anyone wants to see INFEST first show in a looooong time.plus with asshole parade, magrudergrind and strong intention on the bill I figured some people may travel to see it. According to the promoter he's preselling tix all over the country and some in mass.
[Dec 31,2012 8:18pm - trioxin245 ""]
Yea Id love to see Infest but FL is a bit far for any show. Should be killer though.
[Dec 31,2012 10:04pm - Will Spanner  ""]
Still pissed I missed Insult a few years back. Goddamn internal bleeding.
[Jan 2,2013 11:56am - punk potenza  ""]
wow i just shit a brick cause i didnt realize this was in FL id really love to see infest man just not on the mdf STAGE.....not a death fest band sorry. like trioxin said mdf should have bands like abcess and last days of humanity but i guess that just how it gose.
[Jan 2,2013 2:36pm - givemeedtilimdead  ""]
Has Insult still been going all this time, or did they just recently get back together?

Either way, I'm glad to see them playing, and hope they get shown respect. During the rap-core era years ago, at one show at the Amvets in Haverhill back in 1999, a room full of trend-hoppers literally emptied out completely when Insult started playing since that style wasn't the "in" thing at the time.

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