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10 hrs of metal starting now!

[radioshow]  ______________________________________
[Dec 24,2012 8:02pm - the_reverend ""]

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[Dec 24,2012 8:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 24,2012 8:15pm - re4smkr ""]
I demand more doom!
[Dec 24,2012 8:24pm - the_reverend ""]
I will.
[Dec 24,2012 8:29pm - re4smkr ""]
Thanks bro. I'll be listening/watching gremlins.
[Dec 24,2012 8:44pm - not a member of blessed offal  ""]
play some blessed offal
[Dec 24,2012 8:54pm - re4smkr ""]
oooh fuck yeah MDB
[Dec 24,2012 9:12pm - someone who may or may not be in blessed offal  ""]
yea you should probably not waste your time playing blessed offal
[Dec 25,2012 12:12am - the_reverend ""]
anyone listening?
[Dec 25,2012 12:37am - lucidcursenli  ""]
Will be
[Dec 25,2012 2:57am - Josh Richardson  ""]
Hey brah. Get out of my head I was just thinking that I was in a maiden mood. But could you play cradle of filth's cover of hallowed be thy name? Also in a cradle mood.
[Dec 25,2012 3:17am - Mr. Loli  ""]
Hello there Reverend! I am listening. And I am intrigued by those evil Christmas Story remixes you've been posting. Please, could you give me some more info on these clips? Who made them, where they can be found, etc. I apologize if you've mentioned it already, but I tuned in a bit late. Thanks so much for spinning all this metal on this festive evening.

Mr. Loli
[Dec 25,2012 4:31am - the_reverend ""]
I just pulled clips from the movie and am mixing them in by hand.
[Dec 25,2012 4:48pm - the_reverend ""]
wow.. I just woke up now..
[Dec 8,2019 12:02am - demondave ""]
holy shit 10 hours! I'm pulling this from the vault

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