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Fahrenheit 9/11

[Jun 28,2004 9:42am - RustedAngel ""]
is playing in portsmouth, I wanna go see it!

Regal Portsmouth 5 (12:40 3:20) 7:00 9:40
[Jun 28,2004 10:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I read the boston phoenix review of the movie, because thats the most liberal paper in existence. They hated it, so I don't think there is much of a chance I would like it.
[Jun 28,2004 10:28am - litacore ""]
tee-hee Joe I'll get you Das Kapital for Xmas
[Jun 28,2004 2:22pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I saw it, go see it!
[Jun 28,2004 2:47pm - tbone_r ""]
i saw it. it was def better than bowling for columbine, i'm just not sure how much of it to believe
[Jun 28,2004 4:25pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jun 28,2004 6:26pm - Dissector ""]
Striking resemblance.
[Jun 28,2004 6:31pm - eddie ""]
ones fat and funny, the others just fat. The day i go to one of his movies will be the day i stopping liking metal and then join a fashincore band
[Jun 28,2004 6:33pm - Dissector ""]
I'm pretty sure not one of those words were spelled write or they were in the wrong tense. Haha just fuckin with ya Eddie
[Jun 28,2004 6:50pm - Robdeadskin ""]
good movie..dont vote bush! some good gore too..nice beheading scene and burned bodies....>:]
[Jun 28,2004 7:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
I need to see this movie, it is my partriotic duty.
[Jun 28,2004 11:01pm - Abbath ""]
yes me too
and it was the number one movie this weekend
[Jun 28,2004 11:48pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It made almost $22 million!

[Jun 29,2004 12:56am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm split on this... i wanna see it and i don't wanna see it
[Jun 29,2004 1:24am - Abbath ""]
ahhh just see it every one is doing it
[Jun 29,2004 2:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Jun 29,2004 11:07am - anonymous  ""]
see it. get educated. the war is on the battlefield of our minds and bodies
[Jun 29,2004 11:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the war is here on this message board against anonymous posters
[Jun 29,2004 1:06pm - the_rooster ""]
definately worth seeing. i was skeptical going into the theatre, but it's an eye opener for sure, whether you agree or not. the article that joe posted is interesting too...i'm on the fence with some of this stuff, but i am certain that bush has got to go.
[Jun 29,2004 1:18pm - the_rooster ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

hahahahaha :pukeface:
[Jun 29,2004 7:45pm - iFuck ""]
all i can say is that i WILL NOT pay this "half-truth-telling" puddin $9 by going to see what its all about. contraversy (sp?) has made this fuck rich beyond grasp. if hes such a fuckin hero, why doesnt he run for office and do something about it? hes just in it for the money, so fuck his ass!
[Jun 29,2004 8:29pm - silky ""]
I'm a very liberal guy, and even I think moore is a left-wing nazi. his work is completely one-sided and he has absolutely no respect for anyone else's veiws.
[Jun 29,2004 8:32pm - RustedAngel ""]
silky said:I'm a very liberal guy, and even I think moore is a left-wing nazi. his work is completely one-sided and he has absolutely no respect for anyone else's veiws.

the government also doesn't give a shit what you think.
[Jun 29,2004 8:42pm - RustedAngel ""]
going to the 9:40 showing of this in portsmouth tonight i guess.
[Jun 29,2004 10:45pm - eddie ""]
RustedAngel said:silky said:I'm a very liberal guy, and even I think moore is a left-wing nazi. his work is completely one-sided and he has absolutely no respect for anyone else's veiws.

the government also doesn't give a shit what you think.

only is MASS,

but really they have to care what the majority thinks or else no one will fucking vote for them.
[Jun 29,2004 10:54pm - dirteecrayon ""]
i actually saw this movie after the choppin block show.
i'm going to ourchase my pet goat!
[Jun 29,2004 11:25pm - succubus ""]
i'd rather see:
harry potter
spidey 2
[Jun 29,2004 11:29pm - Abbath ""]
ya spidey 2 is gonna be hott sex

but i have to see this movie, did anyone see him on the morning show a few days ago!? he schooled the host, hillarious
and i think one day he may run for president, i think enough people would vote for him
[Jun 30,2004 11:04pm - powerkok ""]
Id rather see myself jerk off....and thats fucking disturbing looking cuz of all the strange convulsions.
[Jul 1,2004 12:48am - Abbath ""]
ya that does sound pretty hot
[Jul 3,2004 4:15am - hybrid ""]
if you're a republican or don't know anything at all about politics... go see this movie and you probably won't want to vote for bush, a lot of this stuff just sort of repeats itself if you've watched the news or just have common sense, george bush and his family have invested in war, and they're making money off wars they create, the movie pretty much just explains all of that... but trust me i didn't give it away by any means, the facts will probably shock you and make you shit your pants and not even clean it up.
[Jul 3,2004 7:16am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Ok....I really can't stand George Bush but I will give him one thing... Sadam is about to be wiped off planet zog and his shit colored sons are already dead sooo... At least those dirty Arabs are gone... Moore is a pussy like all liberals...I liked some of bowling for Columbine but he puts his little kike spin on shit like most jews do... I dunno...I'll go see this but I'd love to see Moore in boot camp... Fat fag...
[Jul 3,2004 9:27am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
dude... Moore is Aryan.
[Jul 3,2004 10:40am - tbone_r ""]
coldnorthernvengence-"I liked some of bowling for Columbine but he puts his little kike spin on shit like most jews do"

racial slurs, real classy
[Jul 3,2004 1:54pm - dread_104 ""]
anyone arguing moore's credibility, do you actually research these claims, or do you just go by what Bill O'Reilly and our stubborn grandfathers say? Moore's entire career is on his credibility. Everything he says, he backs up, AND provides you with the links, publications, etc. Who the hell else does this? All you have to do is click your mouse, or god forbid, go to a library and look it up yourself. if you hate Michael Moore, fine. But at the very least check things out first. the quality of our thoughts are only as good as the quality of information we have. www.michaelmoore.com
[Aug 13,2004 1:48am - Abbath ""]
and.... i finally saw the film because it finally came down to my part of the cape, it was only showing for 2 nights, i thought it was good, although at parts i felt that this film tries too hard to prove how horrible bush is
definantly a must see although it does leave you a little pissed at the end, is it just me or did anyone else run to there car to listen to some insane metal? i threw in mayhem and i wish it was playing during the film ahahhaahah

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