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Farmhand arrested for having sex with a miniature donkey claims it's his constitutional right to get himself a little ass

[Dec 13,2012 12:38pm - Early_Cuyler ""]

[Dec 13,2012 1:27pm - the_reverend ""]
a straight shooter with management written all over him.
[Dec 13,2012 1:29pm - Yeti ""]
i guess it's better than a big ass.
[Dec 13,2012 1:35pm - KEVORD ""]
There is no Mouse shit in this guys house.
[Dec 13,2012 2:14pm - DYA is TESCO VEE  ""]
Of course they show revealing pictures of poor Doodle. Typical victim-blaming. Just goes to show that donkey rape culture is alive and well.
[Dec 13,2012 5:38pm - trioxin245 ""]
Man, I fuckin hate people.
[Dec 13,2012 5:50pm - nekronaut ""]
Lawyers are the scum of the earth. I can't imagine going to sleep at night knowing I was defending a man who fucked a donkey.
[Dec 13,2012 5:58pm - Burnsy ""]

nekronaut said:Lawyers are the scum of the earth.

Ya don't like innocent until proven guilty? Go to France. I personally take great solace in knowing that if i'm accused of a crime, I have the right to be represented. My office wouldn't take the case though, that's for true haha.
[Dec 13,2012 6:29pm - nekronaut ""]
He's not innocent though, he admitted to everything.
[Dec 13,2012 6:40pm - Burnsy ""]
Yeah that's true, but even with a confession, you're still entitled to due process under the law. Didn't even read the article so I gotta admit that i'm talking out of school on this one. Either way, lawyers aren't the scum of the earth. People are the scum of the earth. Lawyers just know how to speak and write well.
[Dec 13,2012 6:44pm - nekronaut ""]
Ehhhhhh, lawyers are people.
[Dec 13,2012 6:45pm - Burnsy ""]
Most lawyers don't fuck miniature donkeys.
[Dec 13,2012 6:49pm - Burnsy ""]
I'm sure there's been at least 4 attorneys that fucked some species of donkey.
[Dec 13,2012 6:53pm - goatrider ""]
Scum or not, I feel bad for that lawyer. This guy is the physical manifestation of all that is bestiality:


You just can't Photoshop those rapey eyes, folks.
[Dec 13,2012 6:53pm - DMYA is ROCKS FALL, EVERYONE DIES  ""]

Burnsy said:Yeah that's true, but even with a confession, you're still entitled to due process under the law.

[Dec 13,2012 6:53pm - DMYA is ROCKS FALL, EVERYONE DIES  ""]

Burnsy said:Most lawyers don't fuck miniature donkeys.

citation, please
[Dec 13,2012 6:55pm - Burnsy ""]
Freedom is the faggot step child of the pursuit of happiness. Do not support.
[Dec 13,2012 7:00pm - Burnsy ""]

Burnsy said:Most lawyers don't fuck miniature donkeys.

citation, please

C. 420 §69.
[Dec 13,2012 8:58pm - really real truth  ""]
figures he was a white guy, it is always the white guy.
[Dec 13,2012 8:59pm - really real truth  ""]
also musicans are the true scum of the earth for obvious reasons, I mean look at yutes, LOOK AT YUTES GUYZ!
[Dec 14,2012 6:57am - trioxin245 ""]
lol @ having faith in the justice system.

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