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Local Infant Fucker

[Dec 7,2012 10:46am - arilliusbm ""]

Not sure how mobile sites look on a computer, but this guy was fucking babies. You can see it in his eyes, too. Worse than Sandusky.
[Dec 7,2012 10:48am - arilliusbm ""]
Should have been marked as spews.
[Dec 7,2012 10:51am - Yeti ""]
i thought maybe this was your new grind band.
[Dec 7,2012 10:56am - posbleak ""]
Vukmir approves:

[Dec 7,2012 11:58am - DYA is LOL  ""]
The Wakefield man who is facing charges of raping and abusing at least a dozen infants and toddlers was a Level 1 sex offender who had three convictions in 1989 involving indecent assault and battery on a child, according to court records.

I'd think after 100 baby rapes, he'd be ready to level up.
[Dec 7,2012 12:08pm - zyklon ""]
Someone needs to kill this cocksucker
[Dec 7,2012 12:12pm - KEVORD ""]
His wife is insane. She knew he was a baby fucker and still let him work with her as a babysitter. I don't know how people like that live with themselves.
[Dec 7,2012 12:16pm - DYA is LOL  ""]
Dude probaly wore earmuffs.
[Dec 7,2012 1:50pm - Garth Algar  ""]

DYA%20is%20LOL said: The Wakefield man who is facing charges of raping and abusing at least a dozen infants and toddlers was a Level 1 sex offender who had three convictions in 1989 involving indecent assault and battery on a child, according to court records.

I'd think after 100 baby rapes, he'd be ready to level up.

[Dec 7,2012 3:54pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Dying to know why he was only level 1 with convictions for kiddie diddling. If you get caught pissing outside in MA, you're level 1. This is not even in the same universe as babyfucking.
[Dec 7,2012 6:23pm - black metal black man  ""]
kill the fuck
[Dec 7,2012 6:27pm - Boozegood ""]

[Dec 12,2012 5:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
WOBURN – During the two years he allegedly preyed on children while providing day care for them, John Burbine repeatedly forced the children to perform sexual acts on him, forced them to sit in high chairs and watch pornography, raped them multiple times – and apparently was so unconcerned about being caught that his face repeatedly shows up in videos he made of the attacks, court records show.
[Dec 15,2012 10:05pm - combust_37  ""]
Ugh sick. Haven't heard about this sick fuck till now.

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