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[QUOTE="nekronaut:1336905"]NEED DEDICATED SINGER (FRAMINGHAM) Date: 2012-12-05, 8:30PM EST Reply to this post bjkc3-3458387994@comm.craigslist.org[?] We are a theatrical metal band called V from the framingham mass area and are looking for a permanent front person to complete the line up. We get a lot of attention, gig offers, and are very pro, seasoned musicians with pro gear. No attitudes, egos, or addiction problems. Male or Female, just be great at what you do. We have gigs lined up and are getting ready to book many more. Our current singer is a school teacher and unfortunately her job is going to soon make it difficult to continue with the band. We are looking to get someone now to be ready for February. You can contact me at 508-561-2284 anytime here is our website http://www.wearev.net/ Nikki Sinn --------- Went to their website, instant LOLZ: I am NIKKI SINN... I have slept long enough, waited in the shadows. Now, I am the shadow at your window while you sleep, the screech in your ears, the presence you feel when no one is around. I am the fury that comes forth from this darkness within, with a six string weapon in my hands and an unchained vision from within the darkness of my mind. I set forth with the power of the night and a burning within my veins to be... And I shall be, that which I desire. I embrace this darkness, I have awakened in v, and it has set free all which is dark within me loose on this world.. Enjoy the dark, embrace it and it will reward you.. I. Am... NIKKI SINN [IMG]http://www.wearev.net/uploads/8/5/3/1/8531648/905946_orig.jpg[/IMG] I am NIKKI DARK... It’s been too long. Years of waiting for the right situation to help unleash my fury…my darkness. That is all about to change. V has given me an outlet for my pain, my anguish… my suffering, and soon it will be shared with you all. What I ask in return… is your pain, your fury… your darkness. It's what drives me, it’s why I do what I do, and why I do it better than anyone. I am the thunder behind the grind… I am the groove behind the shred… I am what goes bump in your night. I. Am... NIKKI DARK [IMG]http://www.wearev.net/uploads/8/5/3/1/8531648/6670011_orig.jpg[/IMG] BLOOD LUST (current singer that's leaving): More info coming soon. [IMG]http://www.wearev.net/uploads/8/5/3/1/8531648/3986453_orig.jpg[/IMG] I am NIKKI RAGE... The world has imprisoned my rage... it suppressed it, cuffed it, chained it... I was lost with no way out. For many years it was pounding at my door trying to escape, until v crossed my path unleashing it from the darkness making me now complete, and so shall you be. Rage on!!! I. Am... NIKKI RAGE [IMG]http://www.wearev.net/uploads/8/5/3/1/8531648/700651_orig.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE]
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