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[Dec 1,2012 11:36am - Randy_Marsh ""]

Death metal from Boston. Good stuff, surprised there hasn't been a thread about them.
[Dec 1,2012 11:54am - Burnsy ""]
Not feeling it.
[Dec 1,2012 12:21pm - KEVORD ""]
Sounds alright. This album cover is God awful.
[Dec 1,2012 12:26pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
True but I think it's cool a band around here is doing this style of DM. I think the music is solid and has potential.
[Dec 1,2012 12:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
It's cool enough. I like the kinda seasick-y vibe. At least it isn't all twiddly middly or deathcore bullshit.
[Dec 1,2012 12:38pm - KEVORD ""]
Asking $7 for a two track download is also extremely silly.
[Dec 1,2012 1:05pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Like but yes, very steap for 2 tracks.
[Dec 1,2012 1:15pm - trioxin245 ""]
I yawned.
[Dec 1,2012 1:17pm - trioxin245 ""]
Actually this second track is not bad. The production makes it sound like every member is playing a different song though.
[Dec 1,2012 1:19pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Yeah, the mix is... not very mixed.
[Dec 1,2012 1:20pm - trioxin245 ""]
That cover KEVORD posted looks like a Hampton Beach airbrush t-shirt stand version of a Dan Seagrave cover.
[Dec 1,2012 1:21pm - Arrow NLI  ""]
Terrible. And oddly out of the three members who've each been in a ton of bands each, I've never heard of any of them or of any of their bands. I'm gonna guess these guys are in western MA somewhere?
[Dec 1,2012 2:03pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
Roman Temins project...mike beckwiths fav band.
[Dec 1,2012 2:28pm - trioxin245 ""]
Oh shit is it THAT dude? bahah
[Dec 1,2012 3:08pm - Burnsy ""]
Gave the second track a listen. Not as bad as the first but that would be like comparing the cold to the flu.
[Dec 1,2012 9:50pm - BSV  ""]
Old news.
This the same 2 song demo from 2006 or 2007?
[Dec 2,2012 2:14am - tom nli  ""]
i guess the full length coming in 2013 is a who's who of studio death metal bros. lille gruber from defeated sanity on drums so on and so forth. curious to hear it but not excited. hopefully it surprises me cause i do love the old finnish type wayz of dm.
[Dec 2,2012 1:31pm - Arrow NLI  ""]

trioxin245 said:Oh shit is it THAT dude? bahah

Who is he? Never heard of any of the bands he lists in their bio...
[Dec 2,2012 1:37pm - Richard Hertz  ""]
Song is annoying. Band blows.
[Dec 2,2012 2:00pm - R. T.  ""]
Thanks for the input. We're gonna get an actual pro mix done on the full-length that we're recording, and with a real drummer, so it's gonna sound a shitload better.

Also, I fixed it so the 'album' download is $2 instead of $7. That was an oversight on my part.
[Dec 2,2012 2:54pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Yeah, a recording that doesn't suck would be nice. I think the songs/general ambitions of the band have potential if they are recorded better or at least just better than that recording that is up but for the finnish sounding style, a good recording would do this project a lot of justice.
[Dec 2,2012 2:57pm - R. T.  ""]
Yeah, we're putting a lot of time and effort into making sure we get everything right this time.
[Dec 2,2012 3:01pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Looking forward to it.
[Dec 2,2012 3:05pm - R. T.  ""]
Artwork by Turkka Rantanen [Demilich, Adramelech, Ascended, etc.] this time around, too

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