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I'MMMMMMM BAAAACK... and I've got a new project called Cable Car (Pop content inside)

[Dec 1,2012 12:38am - Murph ""]
Hey peeps, it's your old buddy Murph.

You may remember me from Dour Cursiva/The Body Farm/MAST.

You may not.

I was a regular here for many years, but over the past few I've been bouncing around with a few different projects. I landed in LA in June 2011, and have been working on a collection of songs that have culminated into this project, Cable Car.


If you (on the side, or unabashedly) enjoy Pop/R&B, interesting production, and maybe one of the best voices of the past few years, check out these tracks. We are finishing up our debut EP with a fantastic producer/friend out here, and shall have a release mid-2013.

Hope everyone is well, and when I make it back East after the sessions, hope I get to check out some of the crazy bands/lineups I've seen come together over the past few years (which means I'll get to see Blue, since he's in like x100000 bands now).

Later guys, and bring on the hate.

[Dec 1,2012 3:01pm - Pires ""]
I kept waiting for it to get good...but it never did...

That being said, good luck w/ what you're doing...Just wish there was a little more drumming. Too much talent to just take a back seat to someone who sounds like they're on American Idol.

But Murph, I really do hate this haha.
[Dec 1,2012 3:32pm - Arrow NLI  ""]

Murph said:
If you (on the side, or unabashedly) enjoy Pop/R&B, interesting production, and maybe one of the best voices of the past few years, check out these tracks.

I fit the bill, so I listened to all of em.

Did not enjoy it much, however. Singer is definitely not as good as you hyped him to be.

Glad you're enjoying it, and I'm not going to call it bad. I just didn't like it much.

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