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Anyone know any good metal friendly clubs in CT?

[Nov 26,2012 10:35am - Scourge_Metal ""]
I'm looking to book a little weekend tour and I wanted to try and hit up CT but I'm not familiar with the area. Anyone know any good clubs that I could try?

[Nov 26,2012 11:55am - goatcatalyst ""]
1) don't waste your time
2) try Cherry St and Cook's Cafe but don't ask them to book a show for you
[Nov 26,2012 12:15pm - Scourge_Metal ""]
Yeah I asked a couple others and those two seem to be the common answers. Thanks for the input.
[Nov 26,2012 12:21pm - only THE LEGION is real  ""]
yea dont listen to goatcatalyst hes not LEGION. contact el n gee club in new haven
[Nov 26,2012 12:33pm - eyeroller  ""]
The El n Gee is in New London, not New Haven.
[Nov 26,2012 12:39pm - only THE LEGION is real  ""]
yea nice job ruining my disinformation troll faggot
[Nov 26,2012 1:05pm - eyeroller  ""]
911, I need a Whaambulance
[Nov 26,2012 1:39pm - sinislazy  ""]
We're playing Charlee Bravo's in Putnam in a couple weeks. We'll see how it goes.
[Nov 26,2012 2:13pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Good luck, meng. Never heard of it
[Nov 26,2012 3:19pm - Tr00f  ""]
If you think London Billiards/Club Oasis is bad, wait til you see Charlee Bravo's.
[Nov 26,2012 3:20pm - Tr00f  ""]
Bit of advice...bring your own microphones, DI's, cables, and sound guy.
[Nov 26,2012 3:20pm - Tr00f  ""]
Or just get shitfaced and pretend people are there.

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