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wtf happened to rebecca black?

[Nov 13,2012 11:21pm - wtf is wrong with you all  ""]

[Nov 13,2012 11:28pm - Spence ""]
Holy shit, her talking voice sounds EXACTLY the fucking same as a girl I know. That's so odd. I don't think i'll ever be able unhear that now.
[Nov 13,2012 11:31pm - Burnsy ""]

Spence said:I love that song friday that she did. it's so hard being a teenager.
[Nov 13,2012 11:35pm - Spence ""]

[Nov 13,2012 11:39pm - Burnsy ""]
You're 6.
[Nov 13,2012 11:40pm - Spence ""]
I'm eleven, get it right bully. :(
[Nov 13,2012 11:48pm - Burnsy ""]
Hey, cheer up bud. In 5 years, you can legally fuck this dumb whore then sue her ass for child support.
[Nov 13,2012 11:50pm - trioxin245 ""]
I have no idea what is going on in this thread. Isnt this the friday bitch?
[Nov 13,2012 11:59pm - Burnsy ""]
Not complicated. I'm just giving Spence a hard time for being a preteen and yes, it's the Friday cunt.
[Nov 14,2012 12:09am - Spence ""]
Burnsy's giving me a hard time for having a prepubescent hard-on for Rebecca Black. MOM, MAKE BURNSY STOP.
[Nov 14,2012 12:12am - Burnsy ""]
Give me your mom's number. I'll convince her to make me stop.
[Nov 14,2012 12:24am - Randy_Marsh ""]
Theres some new girl doong the rebecca black thing big surprise. Her songs about thanksgiving. Didnt listen yet
[Nov 14,2012 12:27am - Spence ""]
Thanksgiving was too boring, I couldn't watch the whole thing.

At least Friday was a touch catchy and had a funny-in-a-bad-way video.
[Nov 14,2012 1:22am - Alx_Casket ""]
Only Alanna Lee is real.
[Nov 14,2012 2:34am - ancient master nli  ""]
Nicole Westbrook or GTFO

[Nov 14,2012 7:42am - nekronaut ""]

ancient%20master%20nli said:Nicole Westbrook or GTFO


[Nov 14,2012 8:20am - arilliusbm ""]
Rebecca Black does not look her age.
[Nov 14,2012 8:23am - arilliusbm ""]
I take that back, she does. probably was the original TMNT sweatshirt. COOL SHOULDER BRO.
[Nov 14,2012 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
"If I weren't singing, I would end up being a photographer or something with psychology"

doesn't every girl say that same thing?
[Nov 14,2012 9:27am - the_reverend ""]
that thanksgiving video can't be real...
[Nov 14,2012 9:32am - RODEO CLOWN  ""]
1/2 of Prussian Blue goes mainstream. Thanksgiving chick would look great as a zombie
[Nov 14,2012 9:51am - LucidCurse ""]
[Nov 14,2012 9:51am - Mark_R ""]
that video has to be an intentional joke.
[Nov 14,2012 9:52am - KEVORD ""]

the_reverend said:"If I weren't singing, I would end up being a photographer or something with psychology"

doesn't every girl say that same thing?

They usually want to work with animals.
[Nov 14,2012 10:19am - the_reverend ""]
Unless they are rich, then they want to work with children to help them.
[Nov 14,2012 10:19am - dickhead666 ""]
Rebecca Black is just around the corner from being jailbait but she and this thanksgiving video make me want to join Al Qaeda...

agggghhhh fuckkkkk, my brain!!!
[Nov 14,2012 10:19am - Burnsy ""]
By 2020, every teenage girl will be a bisexual Wiccan.
[Nov 14,2012 10:21am - dickhead666 ""]
these kinds of girls need to spend a year in a village, hauling water and chopping wood, to get some perspective.
[Nov 14,2012 10:32am - arilliusbm ""]

Burnsy said:By 2020, every teenage girl will be a bisexual Wiccan.

[Nov 14,2012 11:25am - ancient master nli  ""]
am I the only one who thinks its weird that the guy is dancing around with a turkey scrotom costume?

also what is he grilling on thanksgiving? racial stereotypes much?
[Nov 14,2012 11:37am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Nov 14,2012 11:54am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Nov 14,2012 12:12pm - trioxin245 ""]

Burnsy said:
Spence said:High school is such a serious thing. These problems matter.

[Nov 14,2012 12:38pm - Spence ""]


If this was a YouLaughYouLose thread, i'd have just lost after this video.
[Nov 14,2012 2:15pm - eye-gore ""]

Spence said:

If this was a YouLaughYouLose thread, i'd have just lost after this video.

Needs Autotune
[Nov 14,2012 6:35pm - Phillip_nli  ""]



[Nov 14,2012 6:48pm - Burnsy ""]
Shin Chan reference wasn't nearly as funny this go around.
[Nov 14,2012 6:54pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
ah its that rapper from the rebecca black video again.
[Nov 14,2012 7:23pm - Phillip_nli  ""]
[Nov 14,2012 8:52pm - badsneakers ""]

[Nov 15,2012 7:43am - Yeti ""]
oh my fuck. "It's Thanksgiving" might be the best song ever made.

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