White People Mouring Romney[views:7792][posts:43]_________________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 12:11pm - Sad Rich Nilla ""] http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/ [img] [img] [img] [img] |
________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 12:27pm - Burnsy ""] This thread is proof that racism is alive and flourishing. |
________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 12:46pm - KEVORD ""] I thought this was gonna be a thread of Maury Povich telling Romney he is not the president. |
__________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 12:50pm - Eli_Hhcb ""] Luls |
________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 12:51pm - zyklon ""] A lot of bitches crying hahahahaha |
______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 12:51pm - ark ""] hahaha, i love these fucking people that think they're lives are ruined whenever a president is elected. |
_________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 12:53pm - MrDave ""] Burnsy said:This thread is proof that racism is alive and flourishing. Shut your hole dude! |
________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 12:56pm - zyklon ""] They should all move to a shitty country and see what happens... |
___________________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 12:58pm - slar you morbid? ""] [img] this one brought the lulz |
________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 1:01pm - MrDave ""] Lol |
_______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 1:02pm - Burnsy ""] MrDave said: Shut your hole dude! You almost got it. Better luck next time, cheers. |
________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 1:02pm - MrDave ""] Just wanna rub this pic to their faces [img] |
________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 1:03pm - MrDave ""] Hey burnsii are you crying right now? |
_______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 1:04pm - Burnsy ""] Big time. |
________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 1:06pm - MrDave ""] Ok I'll leave you alone. |
_____________________________ [Nov 8,2012 1:08pm - Yeti ""] BURNSII!!!! [img] |
_____________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 1:11pm - the_reverend ""] ROMNEY WINS MOST OF THE CONFEDERACY! |
_____________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 1:11pm - the_reverend ""] http://victoriajacksonshow.com/5308/huff-p...o-quotes-me-accurately-america-died |
_____________________________ [Nov 8,2012 1:26pm - Yeti ""] wow, if not for the wisdom of Victoria Jackson, i wouldn't have thought America was alive and well. |
______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 4:41pm - LULz ""] This pic is begging to be photoshoped. [img] |
________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 4:46pm - so sad ""] [img] |
_________________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 4:51pm - largefreakatzero ""] It amazes me these dildos that guzzle the kool-aid on either the right or the left. Though I despise Obama, his re-election was a nice STFU for the Rush Limbaugh crowd. I'm just bummed out on what happened in NH -- 3 new twats to spend money this state doesn't have. |
_____________________________ [Nov 8,2012 5:18pm - Yeti ""] LULz said:This pic is begging to be photoshoped. [img] [img] |
__________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 5:24pm - demondave ""] this is hysterical |
_______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 7:42pm - Spence ""] [img] |
_______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 7:45pm - Spence ""] [img] |
__________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 8:08pm - demondave ""] his transition website was accidentally posted [img] |
_______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 8:18pm - Spence ""] Fucking OUCH. I wonder how many employees of Fox News who said on the air that Romney would win in a record landslide are now out of the job. |
_______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 8:31pm - Burnsy ""] Probably none, dude... |
_______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 8:41pm - Spence ""] Better wording probably would've been, "How many employees of fox news made up statistics to make people think Romney was the better choice therefore should be out of the job purely due to their unprofessional bullshit." There we go. Haha |
_______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 9:24pm - Burnsy ""] Probably none... |
____________________________________ [Nov 8,2012 9:46pm - Randy_Marsh ""] Burnsy sounds a lot like Romney....are you a fox reporter burnsy? |
_______________________________ [Nov 8,2012 9:52pm - Burnsy ""] I've got binders full of women that would disagree with you Randy. |
__________________________________________ [Nov 9,2012 1:32am - slar you morbid? ""] MATH YOU DO AS A REPUBLICAN TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER |
_____________________________ [Nov 9,2012 9:27am - ark ""] NICE |
_________________________________ [Nov 9,2012 9:41am - posbleak ""] I have a feeling we might not be seeing much of Karl Rove for a little while |
_______________________________ [Nov 9,2012 9:48am - Burnsy ""] posbleak said:I have a feeling we might not be seeing much of Karl Rove for a little while Woe is me hahaha. That shit was hilarious. |
__________________________________ [Nov 9,2012 7:11pm - demondave ""] [img] |
_______________________________ [Nov 9,2012 7:13pm - Burnsy ""] Wait, isn't Obama Christian lol? |
_______________________________________ [Nov 9,2012 7:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] Burnsy said:Wait, isn't Obama Christian lol? The right kind of Christians didn't show up. And/or SEKRIT MUSLIN, HURRRRR. |
_____________________________________ [Nov 9,2012 8:52pm - quintessence ""] That vicotoria jackson bitch is insane. good humor. |
_________________________________________ [Nov 9,2012 8:58pm - largefreakatzero ""] She is actually quite great in interviews. Certifiable. If she could play bass she should join Zircon. |
__________________________________________________________ [Nov 9,2012 9:28pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts ""] Burnsy said:Wait, isn't Obama Christian lol? At first I was like [img] But then I was all [img] And now America is all [img] http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/sep/10/barry-was-muslim/ |
_________________________________ [Nov 10,2012 12:02am - Burnsy ""] DestroyYouAlot said: The right kind of Christians didn't show up. And/or SEKRIT MUSLIN, HURRRRR. Bastids. Bunch a fahkin bastids. |