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ghost stories?

[Oct 30,2012 11:45am - MotleyGrue ""]
Spending the day drinking, wondering if anybody has ever seen a ghost or have a good story on one? While I have never seen an actual human looking ghost, I have seen black orbs, and shadow looking people at different times. I'll start with with a story.

It was the 90's, I went to visit my sister and brother in law to help them move from their apartment into a house they just got. It was around midnight during the middle of the fucking week, and there was jack shit on TV, so I was stuck watching David Letterman laying on the floor watching it with their dog. Nothing to drink except Zima ( I hate fucking zima) so I chose to be sober. While watching tv I saw a black orb that was see through fly past me and stop right in front of the tv, it was between the tv and the dog and myself. Within a split second it fucking took off again, my first thoughts were to get the fuck out of that room, but my body was frozen, as my mind was thinking what that fuck did I actually just see. I knew it wasnt me as the dog jumped up and ran off into another room and stood at the entrance to the room growling and barking, so I knew I wasnt seeing shit. I calmed the dog down, and shit went back to being normal.

Not the greatest story, but hey its a start. If anyone on the board is willing to share any true stories I might tell some more if anyone gives a fuck.
[Oct 30,2012 11:55am - old glowing man in the window  ""]
[Oct 30,2012 11:56am - Burnsy ""]
All "ghosts" I've seen are psychedelic related.
[Oct 30,2012 12:36pm - posbleak ""]
When I was a kid and still lived in my parents' house, I'd stay up late and sometimes hear clicking like a big dog's toenails on wood floors. We didn't have a dog. Later on, we got a small dog, but I'd hear the clicking sometimes when she was sleeping on the sofa beside me. When my mom dug up the back garden to make way for new landscaping, she found some animal bones, mostly hamster-sized but a few that could've belonged to a large dog. (They live in a pretty old house.)

Years later, I was home from college on break, my folks were visiting friends for the weekend and took our dog with them. I threw a house party and a bunch of people ended up sleeping over in the living room. In the morning when I was making breakfast, a couple of friends woke up and asked me where my dog was, because they hadn't seen it at the party, but a couple of people had been woken up that night by a big black floppy-eared dog walking through the living room.
[Oct 30,2012 12:37pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
I never understood ghost ships or ghost canoes...like wtf, those niggas aint spirits.
[Oct 30,2012 12:47pm - MotleyGrue ""]

posbleak said:When I was a kid and still lived in my parents' house, I'd stay up late and sometimes hear clicking like a big dog's toenails on wood floors. We didn't have a dog. Later on, we got a small dog, but I'd hear the clicking sometimes when she was sleeping on the sofa beside me. When my mom dug up the back garden to make way for new landscaping, she found some animal bones, mostly hamster-sized but a few that could've belonged to a large dog. (They live in a pretty old house.)

Years later, I was home from college on break, my folks were visiting friends for the weekend and took our dog with them. I threw a house party and a bunch of people ended up sleeping over in the living room. In the morning when I was making breakfast, a couple of friends woke up and asked me where my dog was, because they hadn't seen it at the party, but a couple of people had been woken up that night by a big black floppy-eared dog walking through the living room.

Thanks for that story, I believe animal spirits exist as well.
[Oct 30,2012 12:48pm - MotleyGrue ""]

Burnsy said:All "ghosts" I've seen are psychedelic related.

Burnsy, I hope to see that myself one day, as (said) psychedelics are hard to come by...
[Oct 30,2012 12:51pm - MotleyGrue ""]

Randy_Marsh said:I never understood ghost ships or ghost canoes...like wtf, those niggas aint spirits.

Ha ha, but would you agree that spirits inhabiting those vessels make them ghost ships? If those spirits were happy/excited during those times, wouldnt they return? I am no expert, but just an idea.
[Oct 30,2012 1:10pm - MotleyGrue ""]
while I didnt see a ghost, this still scared the shit out of me, it was the fall, it was the middle of the night, and I was awoken by a huge thud sound, it startled me out of my deep sleep. I immediately though someone was trying to break in so I jumped up and looked out the windows since my bedroom was by the front porch. No one was trying to break in, no plants were knocked down, no cats on the front porch, girlfriend still dead asleep. It was dead, I think to myself I must have been dreaming, still alarmed somewhat I try to go back to sleep. Took me awhile since I could hear the fallen leaves scraping across the concrete due to the wind, 45 minutes later roughly I finally fell asleep. Well within a half hour I heard the same loud bang THUD!!!!

This time I knew I couldnt have been dreaming, so I slowly decide to turn around and get out of bed, so whoever it was wouldnt be able to hear me. As I turned over and lay on my stomach and look towards the window. This retro satan mask that I had hanging on my wall between the windows fell off its hook and landed on a pile of clothes between me and the window, and as I turned over and looked the devil mask was staring right at me in my face, this made me jump, ha ha.

Nothing was outside, no one was trying to break in, it was 3:30amish in the morning, and my girlfriend at the time was still asleep. That devil mask never fell off the wall before hand, and never fell off since then, and has been on the same hook.
[Oct 30,2012 1:11pm - Yeti ""]

old%20glowing%20man%20in%20the%20window said:yes.

hahahaha DOUCHE.
[Oct 30,2012 1:27pm - The mex nli  ""]
Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of weird shit. I get that sleep paralysis thing, where you're.conscious but can't move, or speak, but still see everything. It doesn't happen too often, but wheb i do i see all kinds of shadowy figures, demon like creatures, and things darting around in my room. My sister has told.me before that she used to see and hear a lot of things in her room that would prevent her from sleeping, and she would have to go sleep upstairs. She refused to sleep in that room, even to this day. It actually happened to me last night, i was laying.on my side and woke up to shadowy orbs darting around my ceiling. I'm fucked. I hate being alone in this house, it's prob me being a pussy, but I always feel something is staring at me or behind me.
[Oct 30,2012 1:30pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

The%20mex%20nli said:Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of weird shit. I get that sleep paralysis thing, where you're.conscious but can't move, or speak, but still see everything. It doesn't happen too often, but wheb i do i see all kinds of shadowy figures, demon like creatures, and things darting around in my room. My sister has told.me before that she used to see and hear a lot of things in her room that would prevent her from sleeping, and she would have to go sleep upstairs. She refused to sleep in that room, even to this day. It actually happened to me last night, i was laying.on my side and woke up to shadowy orbs darting around my ceiling. I'm fucked. I hate being alone in this house, it's prob me being a pussy, but I always feel something is staring at me or behind me.

How often does that happen? We should chill in east boston and fuck with them
[Oct 30,2012 1:30pm - nekronaut ""]
Quick! Get a beef heart and go swimming!
[Oct 30,2012 1:36pm - MotleyGrue ""]

The%20mex%20nli said:Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of weird shit. I get that sleep paralysis thing, where you're.conscious but can't move, or speak, but still see everything. It doesn't happen too often, but wheb i do i see all kinds of shadowy figures, demon like creatures, and things darting around in my room. My sister has told.me before that she used to see and hear a lot of things in her room that would prevent her from sleeping, and she would have to go sleep upstairs. She refused to sleep in that room, even to this day. It actually happened to me last night, i was laying.on my side and woke up to shadowy orbs darting around my ceiling. I'm fucked. I hate being alone in this house, it's prob me being a pussy, but I always feel something is staring at me or behind me.

I have heard of sleep paralysis, but never have experienced it luckily. Whats the weirdest demonlike creature you have seen?
[Oct 30,2012 1:59pm - MotleyGrue ""]
also I believe sometimes people are haunted and bring negative things with them. As I had a fucked up girlfriend who claimed to have two ghosts and a demon haunting her. Alot of shit happened when I was with her, and found out later she was playing with the ouija board when she was alone. Glad she is long fucking gone.....................
[Oct 30,2012 2:04pm - Burnsy ""]

MotleyGrue said:also I believe sometimes people are haunted and bring negative things with them. As I had a fucked up girlfriend who claimed to have two ghosts and a demon haunting her. Alot of shit happened when I was with her, and found out later she was playing with the ouija board when she was alone. Glad she is long fucking gone.....................

Ah, I forgot about one particular experience I couldn't explain. The girl said there was the ghost of an old man living in her house. I'm a skeptic by nature and thought she was most likely nuts. I had a weird adrenaline rush once walking out of her room and down the hall. I felt like I was being watched and thought I saw a shadow dart from one room to the other. Still not sure how I feel about it but it definitely doesn't confirm any belief for me in spirits.
[Oct 30,2012 2:17pm - MotleyGrue ""]

Burnsy said:
MotleyGrue said:also I believe sometimes people are haunted and bring negative things with them. As I had a fucked up girlfriend who claimed to have two ghosts and a demon haunting her. Alot of shit happened when I was with her, and found out later she was playing with the ouija board when she was alone. Glad she is long fucking gone.....................

Ah, I forgot about one particular experience I couldn't explain. The girl said there was the ghost of an old man living in her house. I'm a skeptic by nature and thought she was most likely nuts. I had a weird adrenaline rush once walking out of her room and down the hall. I felt like I was being watched and thought I saw a shadow dart from one room to the other. Still not sure how I feel about it but it definitely doesn't confirm any belief for me in spirits.

I hear what your saying, its all a matter of personal experience and beliefs. I still see shit here and there, usually small things moving fastly or out of the corner of my eye, but due to the fact that I am buzzed from drinks and good smoke makes me question what I really saw. But things I have seen stone cold sober I saw and believe, the other half while I am buzzed can be debatable.
[Oct 30,2012 2:21pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Side note, I have heard of an urban legend of a ghost jogger in Manchester, NH late at night, but then heard from a dude that he and his friends went up there and waited for him, one of his friends actually tackled the dude and he was real, not a ghost. Turns out he just fucking hates people, and jogs at night, probably due to his work schedule.

Last time I went somewhere feeling good from drinks and tried to go ghost hunting, the police fucking showed up.....not fucking fun and suprised they let us go with a warning.
[Oct 30,2012 3:18pm - Yeti ""]

The%20mex%20nli said:Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of weird shit. I get that sleep paralysis thing, where you're.conscious but can't move, or speak, but still see everything. It doesn't happen too often, but wheb i do i see all kinds of shadowy figures, demon like creatures, and things darting around in my room. My sister has told.me before that she used to see and hear a lot of things in her room that would prevent her from sleeping, and she would have to go sleep upstairs. She refused to sleep in that room, even to this day. It actually happened to me last night, i was laying.on my side and woke up to shadowy orbs darting around my ceiling. I'm fucked. I hate being alone in this house, it's prob me being a pussy, but I always feel something is staring at me or behind me.

look up "old hag sleep paralysis" on Google. these visions are very common. might help to ease anxiety about it.
[Oct 30,2012 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
i spent most of my teens and early 20's researching ghosts and ghost stories, and all i learned was that people are full of shit and i became disenchanted to the whole thing. i can't even say i fully believe it anymore, because the brain's ability to misinterpret even the smallest stimuli is amazing. There just isn't any empirical data to back up the claims that these things exist. I'm not saying they don't, I just can't accept a claim that isn't demonstrable. All I read is hearsay and anecdotal "evidence". Photos are no use as photoshop is rampant, and before photoshop there were too many variables with negatives and development. not to mention most photos are easily explainable. Orbs are a complete farce. EVP's are strictly subjective interpretation. I'm more fascinated by the brain's ability to instill a sense of fear and dread in peripheral anomalies.

however, there are things I have seen (as noted by "old glowing man in the window") that I have a hard time reconciling, because events happened long ago that at the time, I swore were genuine. One of my old apartments was "haunted" and had several witnesses to the phenomena. However these can be attributed to collective delusion and confirmation bias. Without scientific data to back these claims, I just can't accept them as true. GODDAMNIT.

[Oct 30,2012 3:47pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Yeti I agree, we all have stories, but without experiencing it first hand, how can we factually explain it and have you accept it as truth.

But still I Want to Believe... And as still humanity is learning and science is slowly changing, depending on scientific data cant always be trusted.

I dont want to disagree on this subject, I want to hear someones personal story on what they saw and experienced.
[Oct 30,2012 4:36pm - trioxin245 ""]
one time it smelled like a fart but I didnt hear a THING but then it turned out that it was just because the dog doesnt have butt cheeks.
[Oct 30,2012 5:13pm - Yeti ""]
ghosts: the new scapegoat for farts.
[Oct 30,2012 7:08pm - quintessence ""]
bro, theres ghosts!

[Oct 30,2012 7:29pm - KKKOCK  ""]
[Oct 30,2012 7:34pm - trioxin245 ""]
patrick swayze made a ceramic mould of my anus.
[Oct 30,2012 7:58pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
You can't troll the undead..
[Oct 30,2012 8:26pm - largefreakatzero ""]
My dog does horrific, room-clearing farts.
[Oct 30,2012 11:17pm - nekronaut ""]

trioxin245 said:patrick swayze made a ceramic bob mould of my anus.

[Nov 1,2012 10:57am - dreadkill ""]

trioxin245 said:one time it smelled like a fart but I didnt hear a THING but then it turned out that it was just because the dog doesnt have butt cheeks.
[Nov 2,2012 1:41pm - Boozegood ""]
People that believe in paranormal stuff experience paranormal stuff.

People that don't, don't.

As a GENERAL rule, that is.
[Nov 2,2012 3:36pm - graveside twins  ""]
[Nov 2,2012 9:35pm - Arist ""]
I don't have a real huge experience with ghosts but there was one thing that happened that made me wonder if I was nuts.

Our band practices at my friend's house and on the property is a barn from 1835. We used to play up in the barn (it was turned into a fully furnished apartment upstairs, looked beautiful). One day I was up there alone recording a song, my friend was in the house making food. I heard the door open downstairs and then the footsteps started up the stairs like when you're jogging up old wooden stairs (at least 30 steps). I said, "hey man, you gotta check this out" and expected him to be standing right there when he reached the top, but there was nothing there. So I walked downstairs and left the barn, went into the house and asked if anyone came up to get me, of course it was just me and him there and nobody had entered the barn.

In the basement of the house there's lots of paintings on the granite and old artifacts that were leftover from the Underground railroad, I know there's tons of history of this house in that town, but have only had a handful of experiences.

Another time I was upstairs in the barn and thought I saw somebody enter the band room, we created a wall to separate the rooms and had a cloth acting as a door which I saw get pushed when a figure moved through it. I was on the other side of the room, not in the band room at the time.

Lastly, I was in the house one time using the bathroom that's connected to the kitchen. Everyone else was in the backroom which was separated by a held door, I saw a little cat footsteps and shadow run by under the door, then opened it immediately and saw a gray cat run out of view. I looked around and then went to the backroom to ask if there is a stray or something that got in the house, they said they used to have a grey cat that died and one of them have seen it before too.


This was a pic of the barn, the "doorway" I saw the figure walk through was that foam part on the right. This was before the ProTools days in 2000-2002 when you used to use those DAW's -.- lovely VS890 in front lol
[Nov 2,2012 11:43pm - MotleyGrue ""]
trying to get my drink on, thanks for the story Arist, sounds like a cool practice space. Do you have any recordings from that barn? I would be interested in hearing the music. I believe in animal spirits as well, and a place that old has to have something lurking around, especially with the vibrations and energy of making music.
[Nov 2,2012 11:59pm - Arist ""]
I do have some recordings from the barn, in 2005 we had to move that practice space into the house and we converted one of the rooms into a "studio", so the recordings I have are from 2000-2004'ish in there.

Some of the history of the house is that some 150 years ago it used to be sort of a central place in town where they held small concerts and recitals. It's in one of the tiny towns around Hampton, NH, fairly secluded.
[Nov 3,2012 12:08am - MotleyGrue ""]
In my eyes, recording in a haunted location adds to the value of the music. Lucky you to be able to able to do your thing in a historic home/barn.
[Oct 30,2013 10:04am - MotleyGrue ""]
Not a ghost story but still creepy, was she a psycho? Ritual Murder?


[Oct 31,2013 4:08pm - hard halloween feels  ""]

MotleyGrue said:Not a ghost story but still creepy, was she a psycho? Ritual Murder?



thanks for posting this man. such a weird tale: spent hours on webslueth(sp?) and youtube learning all about this girl/incident. idk why but she doesnt seem psycho to me: everyone acts super weird when theyre alone and loads of stress could have forced her to act even weirder. cant believe the national news hasnt done more with this story; seems golden to me.

what leads you to mention ritual slaughter? i read she had anal trauma & messed up knees. maybe she got freaky & rough w/someone before dying? or maybe she was constipated, took a massive dump and liked to pray too much?

so sad that she ended up naked, dead & in a water tank. she looked pretty damn cute..

RIP elisa lam
[Oct 31,2013 5:16pm - hard halloween feels  ""]
here's a body language breakdown of the vid
[Oct 31,2013 6:14pm - grandmotherweb ""]
HBO documentary about a town full of people who communicate with the dead: no one dies in lily dale

a former studiomate used to wander around the space with a modified oscilloscope, trying to pick up vibrations from ghosts. i have my doubts about whether any of his findings were valid, as he usually did this while tweaked out on adderall at 4am.

i've had out-of-body experiences before, though never voluntarily induced, always through dreams. the sleep-paralysis mentioned earlier is a common precursor to OBE's. couple of good books on the subject:
secret of the soul
adventures beyond the body
[Oct 30,2015 10:02am - MotleyGrue ""]
Anybody got any new ghost stories?

b u m p e d

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