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hypothetically imagine that you werent a FAGGOT suddenly

[Oct 16,2012 4:55pm - spence on the fence  ""]
Imagine you are driving home at 3AM listening to Nightwish and for the first time in your life you ARENT compelled to stop at the IHOP to hit on the gay strippers who just got finished doing a double shift windmilling their flacid cocks to 'dancing queen' at the Golden Banana. What would you do?
[Oct 16,2012 4:57pm - karl hungus  ""]
[Oct 16,2012 5:01pm - nekronaut ""]
This is the best thread EVER.
[Oct 16,2012 5:07pm - trioxin245 ""]
OP is confused about a great many things.
[Oct 16,2012 5:16pm - yer queer  ""]
why the hell would you be listening to Nightwish at 3am? OP is clearly....(wait for it)...QUEER!
[Oct 16,2012 5:20pm - trioxin245 ""]
I was gonna stay in Halloween but now I' gonna go HANG WITH THESE GUYS
[Oct 16,2012 5:21pm - trioxin245 ""]
Ugh totally posted that in the wrong thread.
[Oct 16,2012 5:23pm - yummy ""]
I would certainly become more of a percussive fucker. Relying on depth and tone over romance.
[Oct 16,2012 5:23pm - KEVORD ""]
10\10 thread. I LOL'ed
[Oct 16,2012 5:23pm - Spence ""]
"Spence on the fence"

My sides are hurting. haha
[Oct 16,2012 5:29pm - nekronaut ""]

trioxin245 said:I was gonna stay in Halloween but now I' gonna go HANG WITH THESE GUYS

LOL @ using my joke on RttP like two minutes after I said it and posting it in the wrong thread anyway
[Oct 16,2012 7:00pm - demondave ""]

spence%20on%20the%20fence said:Imagine you are driving home at 3AM listening to Nightwish and for the first time in your life you ARENT compelled to stop at the IHOP to hit on the gay strippers who just got finished doing a double shift windmilling their flacid cocks to 'dancing queen' at the Golden Banana. What would you do?

I hear you talkin but ... it just ... just doesn't make sense.

[Oct 16,2012 11:04pm - Goatrider ""]
There is no try, there is only do.

Although there really isn't a question of trying anything mentioned anywhere in this thread as far as I can understand. This post was originally gonna be a gay comment, but... I think I'm gonna bail out now. This isn't going anywhere. Sorry guys.

[Oct 17,2012 7:45am - trioxin245 ""]
so goatriders high.
[Oct 17,2012 7:58am - nekronaut ""]
Nah, he's just hurly burly.
[Oct 17,2012 8:13am - trioxin245 ""]
oh, well then Im high.
[Oct 17,2012 8:13am - trioxin245 ""]
oh, well then Im just high.
[Oct 17,2012 8:19am - AndrewBastard ""]
double high!
[Oct 17,2012 10:34am - SpenceSideService  ""]
hypothetically imagine you CAME TO HANG WITH US suddenly
[Oct 25,2012 7:58pm - dicklicker  ""]

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