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Anyone want to start a 2 or 3 piece GRINDCORE band ??? (new bedford, MA-area)

[Sep 28,2012 6:02pm - grind city  ""]

Guitarist / bassist here looking for a drummer and/or vocalist for a grind band.
{I wouldnt mind adding crusty or thrash elements to the mix, either, but, not a necessity.}

Nasum, Brutal Truth, Napalm Death, Phobia, Impetigo, Lord Gore, Repulsion, Gut Bucket, Nausea, Amebix, Dropdead, Hellbastard, ...Fuck! I'm Dead

Been playing for 15 years in many different metal/extreme style bands, pro attitude, pro gear for both guitar & bass, money to invest, plenty of time to practice, and I have my own car (might be upgrading to a full size Ford van soon...).

over 21, pro attitude, own gear & transportation, somewhat experienced (at least), NOT looking to waste your time or my own.

I have close friends in the immediate area / scene who run a metal/extreme music promo company. AKA - it will be easy to secure shows.

Please email me with your name & number; I would like to get this rolling real soon.
Peace & Respect,


[Sep 29,2012 3:21pm - grind city  ""]
to the top
[Sep 29,2012 5:56pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Good luck
[Sep 29,2012 7:03pm - grind city  ""]
many thank yous

TOMORROW: gonna flyer at least a dozen local stores/shops
[Sep 30,2012 11:17am - trioxin245 ""]
oh great just what the world needs. I should start 14 new black metal bands too. Own a guitar and like loud music but dont feel like putting any effort into writing songs? Start a 'grindcore' band!
[Sep 30,2012 11:22am - Ok  ""]
ok so what kind of bands does the world need? just curious.
[Sep 30,2012 12:12pm - yummy ""]
Ok, Bands that don't start from a flyer that reads along the lines of: old school metal guitarist looking for thrash drummer and vocalist with political based lyrics. I love bands that sound like that but it's always to a certain degree, forced. It's unoriginal. Why don't people take a chance and just see what works for them and not for the audience? That's what made the original underground great. Is it a coincidence that there are 1000 different versions of whatever new marginally talented artist or band tries to do out there? No. It's people thinking, hey it worked for them and we like that so let's try that.

With that said, OP, I would love to hear what you come up with.
[Sep 30,2012 12:33pm - trioxin245 ""]
The answer is no kind of band. The world needs less bands. Also, me = being a dick
[Sep 30,2012 12:34pm - yummy ""]
ha, nah that was perfect.
[Sep 30,2012 2:07pm - ok  ""]
yummy, good answer. it was a legit question and that was the best possible answer. i agree that people should be more original and see what works for them,rather than forcing a genre upon themselves. and trioxin,also good point and hahaha
[Sep 30,2012 2:32pm - yummy ""]
Holy shit. I never expect unity here.
[Sep 30,2012 4:14pm - trioxin245 ""]
for the record I love grindcore and I love black metal, I just think they are wayyyyy over saturated. 'old school' death metal is definitely getting there nowadays as well.
[Sep 30,2012 4:50pm - yummy ""]
couldn't agree with you more
[Sep 30,2012 5:06pm - Lamp ""]
Could definitely think of way worse genres to have saturation problems with. I welcome the flood of music I like, honestly. A mediocre grind band is better than the best dubstep/metalcore hybrid band of its genre.
[Sep 30,2012 5:08pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Doesn't matter what genre as long as it has integrity in its character and it's good. Being original can help, yes but not everything is going to be completely original.
[Sep 30,2012 6:29pm - grind city  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:Doesn't matter what genre as long as it has integrity in its character and it's good. Being original can help, yes but not everything is going to be completely original.

EXACTLY. the quote "it's all been done before" does have merit, but, all i'm looking to do is make my style of music & if elitists wanna chime in, it doesnt bother me :stupidflanders:
[Sep 30,2012 8:07pm - xgodzillax ""]
music is stupid
[Sep 30,2012 9:16pm - trioxin245 ""]
If you do a grindcore band that actually stands out as particularly good, regardless of being original, like say INTHESHIT, I will most definitely support it. But if you do a grindcore band just for the sake of doing a grindcore band like the ten billion other run of the mill bands around, then I stand by my statement. Also, music is indeed stupid.
[Sep 30,2012 9:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck metal bands. Someone start some ambient shit so I can do a split with you.
[Sep 30,2012 9:24pm - Burnsy ""]

arilliusbm said:Fuck metal bands. Someone start some ambient shit so I can do a split with you.

Why's it always gotta be about you? SELFISH! DO NOT SUPPORT. START A GENERIC METAL BAND!
[Sep 30,2012 9:42pm - trioxin245 ""]
lol @ 'someone start some ambient shit.' also metal rules, someone start a good metal band.
[Sep 30,2012 9:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
It was a shot at Ross.

[Sep 30,2012 9:51pm - Burnsy ""]

trioxin245 said:someone start a nowadays black metal band so rttp can make fun of you.
[Sep 30,2012 9:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
Someone do more death metal vocals for his friends recordings and post more threads with examples but it should actually be a real band.
[Sep 30,2012 9:56pm - Burnsy ""]
Hahaha. I can make that happen. No problem, boss.
[Sep 30,2012 10:00pm - trioxin245 ""]
Im working on an ambient grindcore band called Mood Duster that would be interested in doing a split with you jimmy.
[Oct 1,2012 8:33am - Yeti ""]
i'm only into post-grind. puréecore, if you will.
[Oct 1,2012 8:45am - Burnsy ""]

Yeti said:i'm only into post-grind. puréecore, if you will.

Oh, I will.
[Oct 1,2012 10:19am - Lamp ""]

Yeti said:i'm only into post-grind. puréecore, if you will.

I heard someone call Bucket Full of Teeth post-grind once. Ugh.
[Oct 1,2012 12:20pm - Boozegood ""]
We need more bands like Slough Feg writing music about space mercenaries.
[Oct 1,2012 12:33pm - blue ""]
[Oct 2,2012 1:05pm - scottfromzircon ""]
[Oct 2,2012 1:06pm - scottfromzircon ""]
[Oct 2,2012 8:53pm - Grind city  ""]
Dan from Goreality has already set me up to try out for the newly reformed Anoxia who are looking to mix their influences with more grind elements. Also, some band up in Sudbury has taken interest in me... YEY! :BOUNCE:
[Oct 2,2012 9:08pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Some band up in Sudbury? Does said band have a name because it makes me wonder if my drummer is lurking this board...
[Oct 3,2012 5:49pm - grind city  ""]
it's my fault idk either way: i havent asked..
[Oct 4,2012 3:40pm - grind city  ""]
well i doubt the guys in sudbury will work out: they seem to be flaking, but, it's still a go with Dan (what's his last name?) from Goreality.

Buying the bass i've been eying for a while tonite YEY
[Oct 7,2012 3:29pm - grind city  ""]
i might just change this to a recording project since i'm on the fence if i want to play out often...

anyone wanna help me program drum tracks? :ROCKON:
[Oct 7,2012 5:36pm - Burnsy ""]
I might be interested in programming the drums for ya.
[Oct 7,2012 7:44pm - LucidCurse ""]
Metal does not exist in sudbury, I live there for 20 years
[Oct 7,2012 7:57pm - Necronaut4000  ""]
come to Scotts practice spot in Providence..
[Oct 7,2012 11:56pm - Lamp nli  ""]

LucidCurse said:Metal does not exist in sudbury, I live there for 20 years

One of my bands practices there at my drummer's grandmother's house. It takes me over an hour to get there...
[Oct 8,2012 12:00am - Burnsy ""]
I will program your fucking drums and you will send that shit to the fucking devil.
[Oct 11,2012 5:42am - grind city  ""]
ok, then email me: 7cdsp-3300763363@comm.craigslist.org
[Oct 20,2012 3:11am - grind city  ""]

Burnsy said:I will program your fucking drums and you will send that shit to the fucking devil.

[Oct 20,2012 4:07am - xgodzillax ""]
grindcore is fucking stupid, kill yourself.
[Oct 20,2012 4:55am - Hoser ""]
I used to be the guitar player in Attack! Attack!......therefore I am most certainly PRO...any room for me in this lil band thang you got goin' on?
[Oct 23,2012 6:07am - grind city  ""]
additional influences: Cephalic Carnage and Flaregun Suicide
[Oct 24,2012 1:56am - Joshtruction ""]
Damn. I'm from NB...
[Oct 24,2012 4:55am - grind city  ""]

Joshtruction said:Damn. I'm from NB...


are you interested in contributing?
[Oct 24,2012 6:30am - Burnsy ""]
Got the e-mail. Will get back to you today.
[Oct 24,2012 1:39pm - grind city  ""]
[Oct 25,2012 3:15pm - grind city  ""]

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