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bass playing tips

[Jun 23,2004 5:05pm - xeatadickx ""]
somi decided to pick up a bass, and was just wondering if anyone had a few pointers to give me. i have a basic understanding of whats going on because i play guitar, but i do realise that they are two different beasts. thanks
[Jun 23,2004 5:11pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
use your fingers... picks are for pussies unless you are playing in Ascendancy
[Jun 23,2004 5:15pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Haha. Play however your comfortable. Guitar players generally use a pick on bass because they're used to picks from playing guitar (duh). My only real advice: stretch your fingers a lot on your fretting hand.
[Jun 23,2004 6:00pm - Kalopsia ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:use your fingers... picks are for pussies unless you are playing in Ascendancy

[Jun 25,2004 12:50pm - paultergeist ""]
i agree, fingers are the trick
[Jun 25,2004 12:56pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
whatever you do just dont follow the guitar player in the simplest way ypu can. that shit is so lame.

bass was never meant to be played with a pick it takes most of the dynamics out of the insrument.
[Jun 25,2004 12:58pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Heres my tip: Don't suck.
[Jun 25,2004 1:22pm - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
assless chaps and a leather vest with no shirt on underneath. You have to look the part.

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