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New Graveyard song sounds great!

[Sep 5,2012 2:45pm - Happy Hipster  ""]

Shit hot band. Awesome live every time I've seen em. This new song reminds me of early Hellacopters. Awesome!
[Sep 5,2012 2:49pm - trioxin245 ""]
I dug Hinsingen Blues, and they were OK live, nothing particularly stood out or anything. Definitely a hipster band.

This new track is not great.
[Sep 5,2012 5:29pm - Ancient_Masternli  ""]
New Horisont album "Second Assault" kills it

[Sep 5,2012 5:30pm - Ancient_Masternli  ""]

[Sep 5,2012 7:24pm - flaccid_pickle ""]
[Sep 5,2012 10:27pm - Happy Hipster  ""]

Ancient_Masternli said:New Horisont album "Second Assault" kills it


True. Singing in Swedish gives Horisont a lot of hip cred on the scene. See Dungen. They also sing in Swedish and are wicked hip to the core.
[Sep 5,2012 10:37pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
This sucks

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