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Nov 11 (Sun) - Dead Dead, Scourge, Kyridion, Defilement, Black Mass - Middle East (Cambridge, MA)

Sunday November 11th @Middle East downstairs SUFFOCATION, Totality, Sexcrement, Abnormality, Scaphism

Middle East (Cambridge, MA) - [abnormality][scaphism][sexcrement][suffocation][totality]
[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Aug 30,2012 1:41pm - deathchick ""]
[Aug 30,2012 1:43pm - ark  ""]
[Aug 30,2012 1:58pm - timma ""]
[Aug 30,2012 2:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
No Mike Smith, no care.

[Aug 30,2012 2:17pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I gotta say one of my surprise highlights at MDF was Suffocation. They were awesome there, more awesome then I was kinda expecting.
[Aug 30,2012 2:37pm - deathchick ""]
I'll have tickets soon, buy from me or one of the other local bands.
[Aug 31,2012 12:57am - blue ""]

arilliusbm said:No Mike Smith, no care.

Dave Culross >
[Oct 3,2012 8:10am - legionofthedying ""]
can anyone confirm the band order or set times for this? I've seen two flyers floating around
[Oct 3,2012 10:12am - green  ""]
Totality isn't written large enough please fix this flyer
[Oct 3,2012 10:15am - Alexecutioner ""]

legionofthedying said:can anyone confirm the band order or set times for this? I've seen two flyers floating around

Suffocation, Totality, Sexcrement, Abnormality, and Scaphism

in that order
[Oct 3,2012 2:38pm - egg mcmuffin  ""]
Seriously, can u guys make totality bigger kthx. They are the best band evar
[Oct 3,2012 2:49pm - Jay-z  ""]

Alexecutioner said:
legionofthedying said:can anyone confirm the band order or set times for this? I've seen two flyers floating around

Suffocation, Totality, Sexcrement, Abnormality, and Scaphism

in that order

Alex any chance you can have Forced Asphyxiation play instead of scaphism?
[Oct 3,2012 2:56pm - The Worcester Telegram  ""]
Nooooo! Scaphism includes a racist metal veteran.
[Oct 3,2012 3:39pm - Jay-z  ""]
And his name is?
[Oct 4,2012 1:31am - Alexecutioner ""]
I would but apparently we don't have enough racist metal Veterans so we wouldn't fit on the bill
[Oct 5,2012 1:12pm - LTLIVE ""]
Can't fucking wait
[Oct 26,2012 8:16am - legionofthedying ""]
[Oct 26,2012 8:31am - Yeti ""]
shoop shoop-e-doop shoop-e-doop-e-doop-e-doop
[Nov 4,2012 9:38pm - legionofthedying ""]
1 week!
[Nov 4,2012 10:28pm - Spence ""]
Earth >>>>>
[Nov 4,2012 10:30pm - Burnsy ""]
Haven't seen scaphism in forever. I'll probably come hang with us.
[Nov 4,2012 10:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to be there
[Nov 4,2012 11:40pm - Mark r  ""]
Lineup of locals on this is great
[Nov 6,2012 8:07am - Yeti ""]

Burnsy said:Haven't seen scaphism in forever. I'll probably come hang with us.

come play with us, Burnsy.


and ever.

and ever.
[Nov 6,2012 9:41am - Burnsy ""]
Ha. I watched the shining when I was 5 and had nightmares about those girls until I was about 12. Fuck those ugly cuntrags.
[Nov 9,2012 8:10am - legionofthedying ""]
up for this weekend!
[Nov 9,2012 8:19am - the_reverend ""]
hm... I still haven't asked about shooting this.
[Nov 9,2012 8:22am - arilliusbm ""]
was going to go but probably won't now. kill it, guys (and women)
[Nov 9,2012 10:11am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Can't wait. Cattle Decapitation last night and Suffocation in 2 days. Fucking mint.
[Nov 9,2012 10:11am - Burnsy ""]
Yeah, going to Alabama. Can't make it. Hopefully next time. Have a good show lady and gents.
[Nov 9,2012 3:21pm - Ghoulash ""]
i will be there, thanks Jeremy!
[Nov 10,2012 7:32am - shannon ""]
Is Frank doing vocals for Suffocation at this show?
[Nov 10,2012 10:42am - zyklon ""]
Yes he is
[Nov 10,2012 10:21pm - ltlive ""]
Frank is performing with Suffo tomorrow night.
[Nov 11,2012 10:54am - BSV  ""]
In the spirit of my favorite drinking game: when you listen to Suffocation live in Quebec album and drink everytime Frank says "fuck"...here are few stage banter bets to make things interesting. Wager beer and joints only.
Frank says "Fuck" or "fucking" 15.5 times
Frank calls mother nature/hurricane sandy some "brutal shit" 3 to 1
Frank gets pissed at his football team on stage 2 to 1
Franks team is either the Jets, Giants or Steelers 2 to 1
Frank rants about being wasted last night 5 to 1
Frank rants about Captain Morgan 3 to 1
[Nov 11,2012 11:14am - blue ""]
^ highly accurate
[Nov 11,2012 12:04pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
[Nov 11,2012 2:52pm - Fart  ""]
What are the set times?
[Nov 11,2012 7:31pm - the_reverend ""]
7 scaphism
8 abnormality
9 sexcrement
10 totality
11 suffocation

But scaphism just ended 15 minutes early. I hope more bands end early since my bed is really looking forward to me.
[Nov 11,2012 8:44pm - demondave ""]
Wanted to go to this but away at a wedding ......
[Nov 11,2012 9:32pm - the_reverend ""]
The show is running 30 minutes early! Yes!

Anyhow, some of the best sets yet out of these bands.

Josh pulled double time with scaphism and abnormality. Abnormality killed. Funny looking up and seeing all of Suffo watching them.

Sexcrement killed with their winger influenced, non-transvestite metal music. Again, they had a real girl dancing Wtf...
[Nov 11,2012 10:14pm - the_reverend ""]
It was weird that Totality was on at this point in the show, but they did seem to have the largest crowd so far for them so maybe it does make sense now. They audience loved them. What heart breakers.
[Nov 11,2012 10:22pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Can someone post the setlist or what they believe the setlist roughly was later on for Suffocation?
[Nov 11,2012 10:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I will try to get a shot of it.
[Nov 11,2012 10:28pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Nov 12,2012 1:19am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading (there is a close up of the set list). they also played jesus wept before the last song.
[Nov 12,2012 1:37am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Got out of work just in time for Suffo, didn't have to pay, scowled hard during Liege of Inveracity, excellent evening.
[Nov 12,2012 2:08am - chrisREX ""]
[Nov 12,2012 2:09am - chrisREX ""]
i'm mostly impressed he's the only dude directly staring
[Nov 12,2012 2:22am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Whoops, double post.
[Nov 12,2012 3:18am - goatrider ""]
That dancing chick gave me a thoroughly impressed boner.
[Nov 12,2012 7:41am - Yeti ""]
awesome show. all the bands killed it, best Sexcrement set i've seen yet. animated Ben was animated.
[Nov 12,2012 8:24am - show reviewer  ""]
Scaphism 3/10
Abnormality 4/10
Sexcrement 2.5/10
Totality 5/10
Suffocation 6/10
[Nov 12,2012 9:18am - the_reverend ""]

goatrider said:That dancing chick gave me a thoroughly impressed boner.
you do know she didn't have a dick right?
[Nov 12,2012 9:19am - the_reverend ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Got out of work just in time for Suffo, didn't have to pay, scowled hard during Liege of Inveracity, excellent evening.
I wanted to lean over to blue and say "wow, mark just always looks like a gentleman now... even when in the front of a suffo show.
[Nov 12,2012 9:54am - KEVORD ""]
Did FIMS quit Scaphism?
[Nov 12,2012 10:04am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Suffocation is easily one of the most crushing live bands I've seen. Great show, great seeing a lot of my old friends. Mark, I must have missed you, glad you could make it out.
[Nov 12,2012 10:17am - the_reverend ""]
The whole crowd was great faces.
[Nov 12,2012 10:32am - Pires ""]

that face is priceless...
[Nov 12,2012 10:32am - LTLIVE ""]
Thanks to everyone who came out. We had about 300 people in the room on a Sunday.
[Nov 12,2012 10:36am - Yeti ""]

KEVORD said:Did FIMS quit Scaphism?

we parted ways a few months ago.
[Nov 12,2012 10:41am - the_reverend ""]

LTLIVE said:Thanks to everyone who came out. We had about 300 people in the room on a Sunday.
nice, it looked pretty full from the stage. With a billion other shows happening that night, that's even better.
[Nov 12,2012 10:44am - KEVORD ""]

Yeti said:
KEVORD said:Did FIMS quit Scaphism?

we parted ways a few months ago.

wow, I hope it wasn't cause of stupid shit on here.
[Nov 12,2012 10:57am - Smayb  ""]

Yeti said:
KEVORD said:Did FIMS quit Scaphism?

we parted ways a few months ago.

Yeah he got the boot for being a douche
[Nov 12,2012 2:25pm - i_am_lazy  ""]

Yeti said:awesome show. all the bands killed it, best Sexcrement set i've seen yet. animated Ben was animated.

That used to be par for the course in my younger days. I think the combination of the unusual amount of free space on stage and opening for Suffocation just got me amped.
[Nov 23,2012 10:08pm - the_reverend ""]

[Nov 25,2012 12:12pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Middle East downstairs is and always will be the place to be.

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