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[Aug 24,2012 12:21pm - Ghoulash ""]



[Aug 24,2012 12:22pm - Ghoulash ""]
The flier will go up soon
[Aug 24,2012 12:24pm - trioxin245 ""]
oof, that ritual of odds band is horrible haha.
[Aug 24,2012 12:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
I've never even heard them, lol
[Aug 24,2012 12:30pm - trioxin245 ""]
also, lol @ thread title "Ritual of OOds"

[Aug 24,2012 12:31pm - trioxin245 ""]
sorry not trying to be an asshole, I will most likely still be in attendance, jus' sayin'
[Aug 24,2012 12:36pm - trioxin245 ""]
That Amadis band looks kind of queer but the tracks I just listened to actually aren't bad.
[Aug 24,2012 12:46pm - Burnsy ""]
Ritual of [img]
[Aug 24,2012 1:11pm - Yeti ""]
Ritual of Noods
[Aug 24,2012 1:14pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Ritual of Odd Futre
[Aug 24,2012 1:17pm - KEVORD ""]
Ritual of Kevords.
[Aug 24,2012 1:22pm - Yeti ""]

KEVORD said:Ritual of Kevoods.
[Aug 24,2012 1:27pm - KEVORD ""]

Yeti said:
KEVORD said:Ritual of Kevoods.

If that makes me a Time Lord I'm into it.
[Aug 24,2012 1:28pm - trioxin245 ""]

KEVORD said:
Yeti said:
KEVORD said:Ritual of Kevoods.

If that makes me a Time Lord I'm into it.

No it makes you part of a slave race. You will eventually be FREED by a time lord, if that's what you meant.
[Aug 24,2012 1:30pm - Yeti ""]

trioxin245 said:
KEVORD said:
Yeti said:
KEVORD said:Ritual of Kevoods.

If that makes me a Time Lord I'm into it.

No it makes you part of a slave race. You will eventually be FROODS by a time lood, if that's what you meant.

[Aug 24,2012 1:31pm - KEVORD ""]
I assumed the Oods were doing the ritual and I was still human. Only the power of the Tardis can make a Time Lord.
[Aug 24,2012 1:32pm - trioxin245 ""]
Well if you were human than you wouldn't be a time lord, would you? hah
[Aug 24,2012 1:34pm - KEVORD ""]
Ask Doctor Donna or River Song.
[Aug 24,2012 1:34pm - trioxin245 ""]
They aren't real time lords bro. They're hybrids.
[Aug 24,2012 1:35pm - trioxin245 ""]
Basically they're the time lord equivalent of Obama.
[Aug 24,2012 1:35pm - trioxin245 ""]
so you... you're part EGGPLANT
[Aug 24,2012 1:37pm - KEVORD ""]
River Song is a time lord. A human conceived on the tardis.
[Aug 24,2012 1:39pm - trioxin245 ""]
nope, she's a human with time lord DNA.
[Aug 24,2012 1:40pm - KEVORD ""]

trioxin245 said:nope, she's a human with time lord DNA.
She can regenerate. She was a black girl at one point. Can humans regenerate?
[Aug 24,2012 1:41pm - trioxin245 ""]
humans infused with time lord DNA can, but that doesn't make them time lords.
[Aug 24,2012 1:41pm - trioxin245 ""]
here I looked it up for you BRO

[Aug 24,2012 1:42pm - KEVORD ""]
We'll just have to agree to disagree.
[Aug 24,2012 1:45pm - trioxin245 ""]
It's not an opinion type thing brosef, it's just the way it is.

[Aug 24,2012 1:46pm - trioxin245 ""]
also, epic thread derailment, sorry, back on task people!
[Aug 24,2012 1:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 24,2012 1:49pm - KEVORD ""]
Time Lord DNA, regeneration, ability to travel through time makes her a time lord. Is Obama black?
[Aug 24,2012 1:56pm - KEVORD ""]
Since she married the doctor is that beastiality?
[Aug 24,2012 1:57pm - trioxin245 ""]

KEVORD said:Time Lord DNA, regeneration, ability to travel through time makes her a time lord. Is Obama black?

These things are irrelevant. Technology is what makes her travel through time, same as the Doctor, not her DNA. It clearly states she is HUMAN. She has HUMAN parents. Time Lords have Time Lord/Gallifreyan parents because they are a different race altogether than humans. There is no argument here that will disprove that.
[Aug 24,2012 2:03pm - KEVORD ""]
The Tardis is what gives Time Lords their powers not their Gallifreyan dna.
[Aug 24,2012 2:07pm - trioxin245 ""]
See now you get it. Just because they have powers from the TARDIS does not mean that they're Time Lords. You have to be a Gallifreyan to be a Time Lord. Otherwise you're just a human with the ability to use the TARDIS to regenerate and travel through time, like River Song.
[Aug 24,2012 2:09pm - AndrewBastard ""]

Ritual of Gourds
[Aug 24,2012 2:09pm - KEVORD ""]
But a Gallifreyan withought his powers is not a timelord. Like the clone of the Doctor who lives with Rose in another dimension.
[Aug 24,2012 2:10pm - trioxin245 ""]
here's another one for you by someone who might be able to explain it better

[Aug 24,2012 2:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Yeti said:
trioxin245 said:
KEVORD said:
Yeti said:
KEVORD said:Ritual of Kevoods.

If that makes me a Time Lord I'm into it.

No it makes you part of a slave race. You will eventually be FROODS by a time lood, if that's what you meant.

Ritual of Hoopy Froods
[Aug 24,2012 2:14pm - trioxin245 ""]

KEVORD said:But a Gallifreyan withought his powers is not a timelord. Like the clone of the Doctor who lives with Rose in another dimension.

Put it this way... I could give a peasant a crown, but that does not make him a King. He is just a peasant with a crown, much in the way the River is a human with the abilities of a time lord.
[Aug 24,2012 2:15pm - KEVORD ""]

trioxin245 said:here's another one for you by someone who might be able to explain it better


This guy doesn't know any more than I do.
[Aug 24,2012 2:19pm - trioxin245 ""]
The point is that the Time Lords weren't just anyone who could use/draw power from the TARDIS. They were time lords before the TARDIS. They BUILT the TARDIS.
[Aug 24,2012 2:35pm - ritualofboardgames  ""]
stand down, kevord. you've been corrected.
[Aug 24,2012 2:37pm - trioxin245 ""]
anyway, back on topic.

[Aug 24,2012 2:39pm - ritualofboardgames  ""]
ITT: The poor man's slash, complete with top hat, garbage bag pants, and snow boots.
[Aug 24,2012 2:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
This show will be interesting. Can GSS get on it?
[Aug 24,2012 3:05pm - KEVORD ""]

trioxin245 said:The point is that the Time Lords weren't just anyone who could use/draw power from the TARDIS. They were time lords before the TARDIS. They BUILT the TARDIS.
Rose, a human, was able to consume the entire time vortex from the tardis in the first season finale. But whatever.
[Aug 24,2012 3:13pm - trioxin245 ""]
That still doesn't make her a Time Lord.
[Aug 24,2012 3:18pm - Alx_Casket ""]

KEVORD said:But a Gallifreyan withought his powers is not a timelord. Like the clone of the Doctor who lives with Rose in another dimension.

Not a timelord, true. He has been reduced to a delusional time traveling aril.
[Aug 24,2012 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
[Aug 24,2012 3:29pm - Ghoulash ""]
well well well, this thread got popular in a hurry didn't it? suppose i should have guessed with a band that has ritual in their name...
[Aug 24,2012 3:31pm - Ghoulash ""]

trioxin245 said:anyway, back on topic.


wowie, i knew they had cod pieces but woah, this band is even better than i thought.
[Aug 24,2012 4:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This show is now officially for vigorous Dr. Who debate, no music please.
[Aug 24,2012 5:55pm - trioxin_245 ""]

Ghoulash said:well well well, this thread got popular in a hurry didn't it? suppose i should have guessed with a band that has ritual in their name...

It had nothing to do with ritual, it was because you misspelled 'odd' and turned it into 'ood' so uh... yea.

Then again, you did say ritual...
[Aug 24,2012 6:01pm - chernobyl ""]
Amadis is so bad, I took a guitar lesson from the guitar player when I was 18 and hated it because he couldn't show me how to play a meshuggah song.
[Aug 24,2012 6:34pm - narkybark ""]
Time Lords have two hearts, humans don't. Problem solved.
[Aug 24,2012 6:36pm - trioxin_245 ""]

narkybark said:Time Lords have two hearts, humans don't. Problem solved.

haha good point.
[Aug 24,2012 7:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

trioxin_245 said:
narkybark said:Time Lords have two hearts, humans don't. Problem solved.

haha good point.

They also top out at 12 regenerOH WAIT
[Aug 24,2012 7:20pm - KEVORD ""]
I'm kind of done with the argument but hearts don't matter. My point was Time Lords aren't a species. Time Lords are created by the Time Vortex.
[Aug 24,2012 7:38pm - Burnsy ""]
Ritual of [img]
[Aug 24,2012 8:07pm - trioxin245 ""]

KEVORD said:I'm kind of done with the argument but hearts don't matter. My point was Time Lords aren't a species. Time Lords are created by the Time Vortex.

Yea the arguments old, but one more follow-up.

The Time Lords BUILT the time vortex, just as they built the TARDIS, not the other way around.

edit: also, hearts do matter, because the Time Lords ARE a race. They built the time vortex and the TARDIS in order to basically keep a watchful eye on the universe. River Song is a human. That's it for me, I don't know how else to say it.
[Aug 24,2012 8:26pm - trioxin245 ""]
The real question here is, HOW HAS NOONE CALLED ME AND KEVORD NERDY FAGGOTS YET? Come on people, are you guys asleep?
[Aug 24,2012 8:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Str8 Outta Gallifrey
[Aug 24,2012 11:47pm - Arist ""]
You guys are pretty nerdy, but I did just watch the entire Doctor Who series from start to finish this month. Time lords are definitely a race, but some people get timelord powers like the one to regenerate, I don't think that makes them a timelord. And I hate Doctor Donna, glad she got wiped
[Aug 25,2012 2:14am - sigh  ""]
Random show is random.
[Sep 5,2012 5:24pm - Ghoulash ""]
Herugrim dropped from the show, RIs own Jezebel will be taking their spot.

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