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Cephalic vid wtf

[Aug 23,2012 5:12pm - sxealex ""]
anyone seen this shit teh fack?

[Aug 23,2012 5:13pm - sxealex ""]
huge NSFW btw
[Aug 23,2012 6:01pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
This is a collossal nightmare.

Not the video, the music. Who listens to this horrendously boring shit?

Cool vid though.
[Aug 23,2012 6:12pm - chernobyl ""]
Old news. I used to be really into this band but they dont do it for me anymore
[Aug 23,2012 6:13pm - Spence ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:Not the video, the music. Who listens to this horrendously boring shit?
[Aug 23,2012 8:41pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
What the fuck did I just watch??
[Aug 24,2012 4:37am - Hoser ""]
[Aug 24,2012 7:24am - the_reverend ""]
There is a reason the bibles says not to do this people. Now he has to sit outside the city for 7 days.
[Nov 19,2012 1:15am - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
how is this allowed on You Tube?

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