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Multi Effects Rack

[Jun 22,2004 9:18pm - honor4death ""]
Anyone know of a good Multi Effects rack unit thats worth the money, I was thinking about the Rocktron Chamelon 2000 but no one sells them anymore, and i dont wanna blow $1000 on the Prophocy or whatever. anything else out there thats reliable?
[Jun 22,2004 11:50pm - Kalopsia ""]
[Jun 23,2004 8:28am - handinjury ""]
[Jun 23,2004 8:37am - the fella named subjugate  ""]
i'd like a pod pro my self i have heard good shit about em but i have my digitech 21 legend II
[Jun 23,2004 1:23pm - anonymous  ""]
you outta hit up daddys junky music dedham they have lotsa decent used shit there also crosroads in hanover and music unlimited in hanover and kingston
[Jun 23,2004 5:53pm - blue ""]
pod pro. get the 2.0 instead of the xt and save 100 bucks.
[Jun 23,2004 10:22pm - Kalopsia ""]
yea u could get away with a 2.0, only problem is finding one in a rackmount, new at least. you could probably find a used one somewhere

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