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post your faorite classic thrash albums

[Aug 21,2012 10:27pm - ancient_master ""]
I mean the type of albums you can listen to start to finish and still get into after all these years...
[Aug 21,2012 10:28pm - ancient_master ""]
in before favorite fuck you
[Aug 21,2012 10:34pm - Lamp ""]
[Aug 21,2012 11:00pm - narkybark ""]





[Aug 21,2012 11:10pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 21,2012 11:10pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 21,2012 11:11pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 21,2012 11:12pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 21,2012 11:13pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 21,2012 11:14pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 21,2012 11:15pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 21,2012 11:40pm - KEVORD ""]


[Aug 22,2012 4:30am - Spence ""]




[Aug 22,2012 4:40am - Spence ""]








[Aug 22,2012 7:10am - KEVORD ""]
I could make the argument that some of those are speed metal, crossover, and a mainstream band that moved away from pure thrash. But I'll leave that kind of stuff to Lamp.
[Aug 22,2012 7:15am - KEVORD ""]
and that Sanctuary album isn't even close to being thrash.
[Aug 22,2012 7:17am - KEVORD ""]
That Fates Warning album isn't thrash either.
[Aug 22,2012 7:20am - Spence ""]
Eh, speed metal, crossover and thrash metal are pretty indistinguishable some of the time. I try not to nitpick. Personally, I don't consider Sepultura or Possessed thrash, but other people do. it's whatever, subgenre arguments are endless. haha

As for the Metallica one, I still think AJFA gets too much hate.

And Sanctuary have thrash-elements enough for me. But I also say Agent Steel has thrash elements and people would probably argue with me on that as well. Either way, Sanctuary are great.
[Aug 22,2012 7:20am - Spence ""]
Are you kidding? That's the only Fates Warning album that's thrash.

There's bits and pieces that aren't thrash, but as a whole, The Ivory Gate of Dreams is one of the best thrash metal songs ever recorded - despite parts being acoustic.
[Aug 22,2012 7:24am - KEVORD ""]
That Fates warning album is about as thrash as Judas Priest. Not at all.
[Aug 22,2012 7:31am - Spence ""]
Mattheos himself ADMITS that No Exit was basically all one big attempt to cash in on the whole thrash scene.

If you believe in the term "speed metal", then I could see why you'd say IT'S NOT THRASH, but as a whole this album is all a bunch of thrash riffs, aggressive vocals/lyrics and typical thrash production quality.


If you think this is anything other than thrash, or maybe speed metal, than I have no idea what you're smoking.
[Aug 22,2012 7:37am - KEVORD ""]
Just because there is a couple of thrashy parts that doesn't make it a CLASSIC THRASH ALBUM. So Judas Priest Painkiller is a thrah album?
[Aug 22,2012 7:39am - Spence ""]

KEVORD said:Just because there is a couple of thrashy parts that doesn't make it a CLASSIC THRASH ALBUM. So Judas Priest Painkiller is a thrah album?

Well, the "classic" is completely subjective and a personal opinion. I consider classic thrash anything pre-94 that isn't Slayer. Other people probably have differing definitions on what they consider "classic thrash".

But Painkiller, while heavier than earlier JP, has nothing in common with No Exit. At all. Even vocally Ray Alder and Halford are totally different.
[Aug 22,2012 7:42am - KEVORD ""]
I wasn't comparing the two albums . Painkiller has thrash elements so it must be a thrash album than.
[Aug 22,2012 7:42am - Spence ""]
But as a whole, No Exit fits my definition of classic. With the exception of only a few acoustic bits, which a lot of thrash metal bands have, it is thrash. And it is, in fact, an album.

So yeah, I consider it a "classic thrash album."
[Aug 22,2012 7:44am - KEVORD ""]
I consider Thrash a specific thing and this is not it.
[Aug 22,2012 7:51am - Lamp nli  ""]
I deliberately left crossover albums off my picks.
[Aug 22,2012 7:53am - Spence ""]
Well that's just personal semantics, is it not?

Labeling genres is just a subjective classification method, there's lots of room for differing opinions and there's a lot of bands that fit into multiple genres.

Besides, if No Exit isn't thrash, what do you consider it?
[Aug 22,2012 8:06am - KEVORD ""]
I consider it just Heavy Metal. That's what you call something not in a specific sub genre.
[Aug 22,2012 8:07am - Spence ""]
Opeth is heavy metulz.
[Aug 22,2012 9:12am - ancient_master ""]
classic thrash only, no frills, no filler
[Aug 22,2012 9:15am - ancient_master ""]
also, battalions of fear??? comon ked
[Aug 22,2012 9:19am - Spence ""]
Have you heard the original Battalions of Fear? Not the 88 re-release under the name Blind Guardian, but the 1987 version they released as Lucifer's Heritage?


I just posted the Blind Guardian cover because it's infinitely better looking than this:
[Aug 22,2012 9:28am - Spence ""]



[Aug 22,2012 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
damn, forgot about that assassin album when I was posting.
[Aug 22,2012 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 22,2012 9:36am - Spence ""]
[Aug 22,2012 9:40am - ancient_master ""]
[Aug 22,2012 9:42am - trioxin245 ""]
thrash sucks.

[Aug 22,2012 9:45am - Spence ""]



[Aug 22,2012 9:46am - Spence ""]
Also, first four Megadeth albums respect.

[Aug 22,2012 9:47am - AndrewBastard ""]
I bought that Virus on vinyl on a whim from that dude with the Oaken Throne (i think?)distro at that outdoor Berlin, New Hampshire gig I did with CNV way back in the day. I was stoked.

I also go the first Goreaphobia 7" from him.

Combined for under $10
[Aug 22,2012 9:48am - trioxin245 ""]
[Aug 22,2012 9:49am - AndrewBastard ""]
right? i thought so.
[Aug 22,2012 9:51am - trioxin245 ""]
also, this thread is basically just 'post the cover of every single thrash album you can think of.'

Are ALL of those albums you posted your favorites spence? Or are you just trying to dazzle us with your knowledge of thrash metal?
[Aug 22,2012 9:53am - Spence ""]
I just really like a lot of thrash.

It's pretty much the only style of metal where i'm pretty much guaranteed to love every band you show me.

If this was "black metal appreciation", i'd probably only have three album covers to post. haha

Edit: My all time favorite thrash album is easily Extreme Aggression.
[Aug 22,2012 9:59am - demondave ""]
[Aug 22,2012 10:00am - arilliusbm ""]

demondave said:[img]


[Aug 22,2012 10:01am - demondave ""]
[Aug 22,2012 10:01am - demondave ""]
[Aug 22,2012 10:02am - demondave ""]
[Aug 22,2012 10:03am - demondave ""]
[Aug 22,2012 10:04am - demondave ""]
[Aug 22,2012 10:17am - Spence ""]

[Aug 22,2012 10:25am - ancient_master ""]

trioxin245 said:also, this thread is basically just 'post the cover of every single thrash album you can think of.'

Are ALL of those albums you posted your favorites spence? Or are you just trying to dazzle us with your knowledge of thrash metal?

EXACTLY Ross. I meant this thread to be a top of the charts favorite albums, chok-a-blok with hits...sorry if that wasn't clear
[Aug 22,2012 10:37am - ark  ""]
it takes a lot more for me to like a crossover album vs. a thrash album. love speed metal. haven't heard a good half of these.
[Aug 22,2012 10:41am - trioxin245 ""]
Lamp wins for being the only one to mention Razor.
[Aug 22,2012 10:42am - trioxin245 ""]

trioxin245 said:Lamp wins for being the only one to mention Razor.

but then subsequently loses for listing Carnivore "Retaliation" as a thrash album.
[Aug 22,2012 11:01am - Lamp nli  ""]
Is it not thrash? What would you call it? (this is not my forte)
[Aug 22,2012 11:02am - trioxin245 ""]
It's more of a HC album than anything else. There are definitely elements of thrash and other kinds of metal of course, but it's definitely not a thrash album. Why do I care? I don't, I'm just bored.
[Aug 22,2012 11:04am - Spence ""]
Carnivore lean more towards hardcore than thrash, but there's still definitely some thrash influence.
[Aug 22,2012 11:05am - demondave ""]
how can it not descend into "post pics of albums you love - but not pics that are already posted."?

I love all of the LP's that I posted, but a lot of my favorites are already getting mentioned. - I'll have to post a list when I get a chance...

p.s. I have sooo many of these on vinyl. The advantage of being old.

[Aug 22,2012 11:05am - trioxin245 ""]
Lamp is again the winner of this thread however, for being the only one to include "killing technology."
[Aug 22,2012 11:07am - trioxin245 ""]

trioxin245 said:Lamp is again the winner of this thread however, for being the only one to include "killing technology."

even though if I wanted to be an annoying nitpicky elitist, I could easily say that it's not a thrash album either.
[Aug 22,2012 11:08am - Spence ""]

trioxin245 said:Lamp is again the winner of this thread however, for being the only one to include "killing technology."

I must be the only person in the world who prefers Voivod's later proggier shit to their first three albums.

I still love their first three albums, but I always think of Nothingface and Dimension Hatross when I think of Voivod before thinking of War & Pain.
[Aug 22,2012 11:12am - Lamp nli  ""]

trioxin245 said:
trioxin245 said:Lamp is again the winner of this thread however, for being the only one to include "killing technology."

even though if I wanted to be an annoying nitpicky elitist, I could easily say that it's not a thrash album either.

Definitely not in the conventional sense. I'd say that album is to thrash as Discordance Axis is to the grind scene.

Looking at hardcore from a more punk perspective than a metal one I'm not sure I agree with your assessment of Carnivore but whatever.

Also re: Razor, Violent Restitution and Shotgun Justice are two of the most untouchable albums I've ever heard of any genre.
[Aug 22,2012 11:18am - trioxin245 ""]
Every single Razor album is great, although I'm not familiar with that one from the late '90s.
[Aug 22,2012 11:28am - chrisREX ""]
I'm going to be totally not exciting.







It's thrash to me!
[Aug 22,2012 11:39am - narkybark ""]
It's only thrash if it has an airbrushed album cover.
[Aug 22,2012 3:30pm - ark  ""]
i was 1 when this came out but,

[Aug 22,2012 4:36pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

KEVORD said:I consider it just Heavy Metal. That's what you call something not in a specific sub genre.

No! Heavy Metal IS a sub-genre straddling the border between the broader genres of Rock and Metal.
[Aug 22,2012 4:42pm - trioxin_245 ""]
Heavy Metal >>>>>>>>>> thrash
[Aug 22,2012 7:01pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]



And the Rev already mentioned Blessed Death.
[Aug 22,2012 7:07pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[img] [img]
[Aug 22,2012 7:28pm - Spence ""]
This thread has inspired me to listen to more Hirax and Razor, both are bands i've known of for forever but never got around to listening to.
[Aug 22,2012 8:37pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Do it, I don't care for the first four Razor albums but 5, 6, and 7 (Violent Restitution, Shotgun Justice, Open Hostility) are some of the most vicious thrash albums ever.

Never was a Hirax fan though.
[Aug 22,2012 8:46pm - thirdknuckle ""]

Thrash? or No?
[Aug 22,2012 9:12pm - ancient_master ""]
Some people missed the point here

I meant this thread to be about personal TOP OF THE POPS, RIFFERS, wherein once the needle hits the
groove its like you are back in those old days and can still sing along word for word, air guitar note for note with the same enthusiasm.

its not about "post about a good thrash album"
[Aug 22,2012 9:16pm - Spence ""]


[Aug 22,2012 9:22pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Hey, I posted my favorites and left it at that, don't blame me!
[Aug 22,2012 9:34pm - thirdknuckle ""]

the_reverend said:[img]

thanks rev

I love their 1st one, but this one's good too too...

the vocals on this one kind of ruin it for me
I have a cassette of the original mixes of this album, the vox were more 'death-y'.
no idea why they cleaned em up
[Aug 22,2012 9:36pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
The Rev posted one of my top-two faves, I did the next few that are desert-island thrash to me. These other fags posted Testament, Anthrax, Megadeth and other tinkly non-thrash metal, whatever, gaylords. THRASH OR FUCKING DIE.
[Aug 22,2012 9:37pm - Spence ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:The Rev posted one of my top-two faves, I did the next few that are desert-island thrash to me. These other fags posted Testament, Anthrax, Megadeth and other tinkly non-thrash metal, whatever, gaylords. THRASH OR FUCKING DIE.

Thrash or Die, wut?

[Aug 22,2012 9:49pm - arf  ""]
There are a lot of dups in here.
[Aug 23,2012 3:23pm - demondave ""]

I've got an old issue of THRASH METAL from 1987 that I pulled out. It has a top 20 thrash albums of all time (so far). I think I'm gonna scan it and post it up.

It's funny when people talk about thrash in hindsight. Over the years a lot of stuff was re-catagorized as death or black because fans of those styles wanted to build on other bands.
Bathory, Venom and Celtic Frost were considered thrash. Early Sodom, Sepultura and Sarcofago were called thrash.

Death and Black metal were kicked around as terms, but so were Combat metal, power metal, speed metal, technical metal, Satanic Metal, white metal etc etc.

wow, I'm looking at a Metal Church article in this thing and it says
"The sound? Needs a name. Pick one - thrash metal, speed metal, death metal, black metal, HEAVY METAL. But isn't that where we started?"
The article goes on to say they sound like METAL CHURCH. ha ha

[Aug 23,2012 3:33pm - Spence ""]
Is it just me, or is 1987 a bit too early for them to begin a "TOP TWENTY ALBUMS OF ALL TIME" list considering the genre started in... what? 1982/1983? And didn't even really kick off till 1985.
[Aug 23,2012 3:44pm - demondave ""]
yeah, it was too early. But it was written by Don Kaye and it even had the "So Far" in the title. it was a reprint of the same thing that was in the "Metal Forces" english magazine. That magazine was like Gospel to tape traders back in the day.
[Aug 23,2012 8:24pm - givemeedtilimdead  ""]

demondave said:
I've got an old issue of THRASH METAL from 1987 that I pulled out. It has a top 20 thrash albums of all time (so far). I think I'm gonna scan it and post it up.

It's funny when people talk about thrash in hindsight. Over the years a lot of stuff was re-catagorized as death or black because fans of those styles wanted to build on other bands.
Bathory, Venom and Celtic Frost were considered thrash. Early Sodom, Sepultura and Sarcofago were called thrash.

Death and Black metal were kicked around as terms, but so were Combat metal, power metal, speed metal, technical metal, Satanic Metal, white metal etc etc.

wow, I'm looking at a Metal Church article in this thing and it says
"The sound? Needs a name. Pick one - thrash metal, speed metal, death metal, black metal, HEAVY METAL. But isn't that where we started?"
The article goes on to say they sound like METAL CHURCH. ha ha

I hear you about the genre names changing over the years. I once saw an article in the early nineties (I believe it was in hit parader) that called Slayer "power metal"

Anyway, CARDINAL SIN - querer es poder was a good album back in the day.


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