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Zircon - baroque virus (new song)

[Aug 21,2012 12:16pm - Zz-cup  ""]

[Aug 21,2012 12:25pm - chernobyl ""]
OP is Raynard Wily.
[Aug 21,2012 12:46pm - chernobyl ""]
also lol at "zz cup"
[Aug 21,2012 12:51pm - TROLLOLOLOLOLOL  ""]
[Aug 28,2012 3:11am - scottfromzircon ""]
20 years experience Death Vox, guitar, bass, drum lessons at my Zircon room and chocolate factory forklift operator now.. My new candy bars are laced with wily wonka shit for you punks! Suck my little green donky dicks!

I also teach bass if your interested.

rates are $20 for 1 hour lesson.
[Aug 28,2012 3:30am - scottfromzircon ""]
http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/zirconsongs go here to purchase sneak peak at the new Vital Remains album.. practice sessions.. [img]
[Aug 28,2012 3:37am - scottfromzircon ""]
My Zircon EP is on sale but only available through mail order.. the CD is available at some stores.. No MP3's for this raw black metal classic.. send me $$ and your address to my paypal account scott54643@yahoo.com
[Aug 28,2012 9:37am - The Coneheads  ""]
we are interested in acquiring your flat disc frequencies
[Aug 28,2012 10:44am - heroin dealer  ""]
save time and cut out the middle man - pay pal the money to me directly!

[Aug 29,2012 3:33am - Zircon  ""]
Scott Wily must have tried every drug under the sun..just like every other successful musician but I'm sure he's not into needles.. You however... I feel sorry for your pathetic kind.. unsuccessful at everything you do.
[Aug 29,2012 9:37am - scottfromzircon ""]
[Aug 29,2012 9:38am - scottfromzircon ""]
He guys! How you doing? Hi!
[Aug 30,2012 2:14pm - Marishka  ""]
[Aug 30,2012 6:57pm - drugs r bad  ""]
Every time you shoot heroin you make jesus cry.
[Aug 30,2012 10:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Sep 2,2012 3:34pm - PantericoN  ""]
The new Zircon MetamAmorphis
[Sep 3,2012 12:37pm - flaccid_pickle ""]
Erectile Dysfunction - Cocaine and Heroin

It will probably not surpise most of you that most drugs are very hard on your penis considering how hard they are on your body. Well, consider your suspicions confirmed. Most guys using recreational drugs do not wake up in the morning saying, "Today, I'm going to trade a half hour of pleasure for my sex life." But that is exactly what most recreational drug users aren doing without even realizing it. It may take a week or two or may take a year or two, but almost always one of the first things to go out the window are the ol' erections.

Let's start with the opiates, such as heroin, methadone and so on. All of these are very hard on male erectile strength, sabotaging it in many different ways. Some of these drugs should be called Erection Killer, Anti-Viagra, Castratanol or something similar. One study looked at heroin addicts in treatment with methadone or buprenorphine and found that almost half reported erectile dysfunction, 24% saying mild to moderate and 18% severe. [1] Of course, that assumes that you survive: cocaine also is a fantastic clot builder and artery spasmer and heart attacks are not uncommon. [2]

Do you know the foods and drinks that increase erection-boosting Nitric Oxide? Check out the Peak Erectile Strength Diet where I show you how to dramatically and naturally improve your erectile strength.

NOTE: Don't think you are immune if you're abusing prescription drugs. The DEA estimates that in America there are "nearly 7 million Americans are abusing prescription drugs—more than the number who are abusing cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, Ecstasy, and inhalants, combined". Furthermore, the problem is bound to get worse as one recent study in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that one in five adolescents lends or borrows prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are just as powerful and damaging as those on the street.

But how does cocaine lead to erectile dysfunction? One journal points out that it basically greatly accelerates the aging of the arteries, leading to accelerated plaques and calcification. [2] Another study found that chronic cocaine use lead to chronically elevated CRP levels, which good Peak Testosterone readers know is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease. [3] Methadone and heroin destroy just about every marker of gonad function that researchers can think of. It lowered ejaculatory volume, seminal vesicular and prostatic secretions by over half! [4] Those Nirvana lyrics "Half the Man I Used to Be" really apply here. But the nightmare doesn't stop there: baseline testosterone levels were 43% lower in methadone users for example. Interestingly enough, methadone (a controlled substance given at clinics) produces the worst results in all markers, but heroin is not far behind.
[Sep 5,2012 3:02pm - John T  ""]
[Sep 5,2012 4:44pm - Samthe  ""]
I hate Scott Wily so much! I really want to ruin his whole life! I will never fuck so many guys at once again opening my big gapped weltered cunt.
[Sep 5,2012 7:34pm - flaccid_pickle ""]
What are the causes of erectile dysfunction?

The ability to achieve and sustain erections requires

a healthy nervous system that conducts nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column, and penis,
healthy arteries in and near the corpora cavernosa,
healthy smooth muscles and fibrous tissues within the corpora cavernosa,
adequate levels of nitric oxide in the penis.
Erectile dysfunction can occur if one or more of these requirements are not met. The following are causes of erectile dysfunction:

Aging: There are two reasons why older men are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than younger men. First, older men are more likely to develop diseases (such as heart attacks, angina, cardiovascular disease, strokes, diabetes mellitus, and high blood pressure) that are associated with erectile dysfunction. Second, the aging process alone can cause erectile dysfunction in some men, primarily by decreasing the compliance of the tissues in the corpora cavernosa, although it has been suggested, but not proven, that there is also decreased production of nitric oxide in the nerves that innervate the corporal smooth muscle within the penis.
Diabetes mellitus: Erectile dysfunction tends to develop 10-15 years earlier in diabetic men than among nondiabetic men. In a population study of men with type I diabetes for more than 10 years, erectile dysfunction was reported by 55% of men 50-60 years of age. The increased risk of erectile dysfunction among men with diabetes mellitus may be due to the earlier onset and greater severity of atherosclerosis that narrows the arteries and thereby reduces the delivery of blood to the penis. When insufficient blood is delivered to the penis, it is not possible to achieve an erection. Diabetes mellitus also causes erectile dysfunction by damaging both sensory and autonomic nerves, a condition called diabetic neuropathy. Smoking cigarettes, obesity, poor control of blood glucose levels, and having diabetes mellitus for a long time further increase the risk of erectile dysfunction in diabetes. In addition to atherosclerosis and/or neuropathy causing ED in diabetes, many men with diabetes also develop a myopathy (muscle disease) as their cause of ED in which the compliance of the muscles in the corpora cavernosa is decreased, and clinically this presents as an inability to maintain the erection.
Hypertension (high blood pressure): People with essential hypertension or arteriosclerosis have an increased risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Essential hypertension is the most common form of hypertension; it is called essential hypertension because it is not caused by another disease (for example, by kidney disease). It is not clearly known how essential hypertension causes erectile dysfunction; however, those with essential hypertension have been found to have low production of nitric oxide by the arteries of the body, including the arteries in the penis. High blood pressure also accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis, which in turn can contribute to erectile dysfunction. Scientists now suspect that the decreased levels of nitric oxide in patients with essential hypertension may contribute to erectile dysfunction.
Cardiovascular diseases: The most common cause of cardiovascular diseases in the United States is atherosclerosis, the narrowing and hardening of arteries that reduces blood flow. Atherosclerosis typically affects arteries throughout the body and is aggravated by hypertension, high blood cholesterol levels, cigarette smoking, and diabetes mellitus. When coronary arteries (arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle) are narrowed by atherosclerosis, heart attacks and angina occur. When cerebral arteries (arteries that supply blood to the brain) are narrowed by atherosclerosis, strokes occur. Similarly, when arteries to the penis and the pelvic organs are narrowed by atherosclerosis, insufficient blood is delivered to the penis to achieve an erection. There is a close correlation between the severity of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries and erectile dysfunction. For example, men with more severe coronary artery atherosclerosis also tend to have more erectile dysfunction than men with mild or no coronary artery atherosclerosis. Some doctors suggest that men with new onset erectile dysfunction should be evaluated for silent coronary artery diseases (advanced coronary artery atherosclerosis that has not yet caused angina or heart attacks).
Cigarette smoking: Cigarette smoking aggravates atherosclerosis and thereby increases the risk for erectile dysfunction.
Nerve or spinal cord damage: Damage to the spinal cord and nerves in the pelvis can cause erectile dysfunction. Nerve damage can be due to disease, trauma, or surgical procedures. Examples include injury to the spinal cord from automobile accidents, injury to the pelvic nerves from prostate surgery for prostate cancer (prostatectomy), radiation to the prostate, surgery for benign prostatic enlargement, multiple sclerosis (a neurological disease with the potential to cause widespread damage to nerves), and long-term diabetes mellitus.
Substance abuse: Marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, crystal meth, and alcohol abuse contribute to erectile dysfunction. Alcoholism, in addition to causing nerve damage, can lead to atrophy (shrinking) of the testicles and lower testosterone levels.
Low testosterone levels: Testosterone (the primary sex hormone in men) is not only necessary for sex drive (libido) but also is necessary to maintain nitric oxide levels in the penis. Therefore, men with hypogonadism (diminished function of the testes resulting in low testosterone production) can have low sex drive and erectile dysfunction.
Medications: Many common medicines produce erectile dysfunction as a side effect. Medicines that can cause erectile dysfunction include many used to treat high blood pressure, antihistamines, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and appetite suppressants. Examples of common medicines that can cause erectile dysfunction include propranolol (Inderal) or other beta-blockers, hydrochlorothiazide, digoxin (Lanoxin), amitriptyline (Elavil), famotidine (Pepcid), cimetidine (Tagamet), metoclopramide (Reglan), indomethacin (Indocin), lithium (Eskalith, Lithobid), verapamil (Calan, Verelan, Isoptin), phenytoin (Dilantin), and gemfibrozil (Lopid).
Depression and anxiety: Psychological factors may be responsible for erectile dysfunction. These factors include stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, widower syndrome, low self-esteem, posttraumatic stress disorder, and fear of sexual failure (performance anxiety). It is also worth noting that many medications used for treatment of depression and other psychiatric disorders may cause erectile dysfunction or ejaculatory problems.
[Sep 5,2012 7:41pm - flaccid_pickle ""]

[Sep 6,2012 2:38pm - ShadowSDNLI  ""]
That lyric is from Stone Temple Pilots, not Nirvana.
[Sep 7,2012 10:43am - Scott Weiland  ""]
Scott Wily.. I once heard on WAAF Scott Wiley's name but maybe it was me..Bring back Guns and Roses! WTF Slash!
[Sep 7,2012 10:45am - Aleera  ""]
Scott Wily is above average.. Perhaps all the people saying that you shoot herion and are addicted to cocaine got mixed up with Scott Wilin from Stone Temple Pilots.
[Sep 7,2012 10:48am - Elizabeth Lilith  ""]
The%20Coneheads said:we are interested in acquiring your flat disc frequencies

[Mar 24,2013 4:56am - necrobutcher  ""]
[Mar 24,2013 9:20am - Lord Thunderstool  ""]
I have the most powerful dick on earth!

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